Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2958: Finally the first

"Xiao's Confucianism cultivation is going to end here~"

After Xiao Hua realized it, he smiled bitterly, and secretly said, "Xiao has an unprecedented practice, and Time Sanhua is also the only one in Heaven, but it is this kind of practice... It is impossible for Xiao to set foot in too much. Qingtianxian!"

"This is not a question of cultivation techniques, it is a question of interface. If it is in the prehistoric God Realm, in the'xu', Xiao will definitely be able to continue practicing."

Since he could not practice, Xiao Hua simply stopped and set his sights on the selection of the twenty-fourth school level.

Because the twenty-fourth school pass is the last one of the school pass, two of the five cities in this pass will win, so at the end of the twenty-third school pass, Mu Yun and Siqi have already arranged the three immortal teams and the four teachers. The Ju team entered Heicheng and Bai Yujing respectively, while Xiao Hua remained in Bai Yujing.

In fact, there are not many surviving students in the five cities by the twenty-fourth pass, and after 24 rounds of fighting, which one of the remaining students is not an elite among the elite?

As for the Three Immortal Teams and the Four Doctrine Teams, they have become the existence of legends selected by the talents. They are invincible. If Si Qi and Mu Yun no longer recruit disciples after the 18th level, all students will be Become a disciple of the two teams!

Mu Yun and Si Qi led their teams to encircle the two sides of Huangcheng. The students in Huangcheng looked at the majestic team and couldn't resist.


As the two gave orders, the two teams attacked at the same time.

However, within a few days, "Boom~" Huangcheng's defense was broken, the sky roared again, and Chi Shui still fell from the sky and rushed the Huangcheng students into the abyss!


The last student's figure disappeared, Zhaoming Qitianlu showed his figure in Chishui, looked at the two teams of disciples, and sighed, "This is the fastest school selection I have ever seen. Before the end of each previous school, It’s all a tug of war, you kill me, I kill you, it’s hard to tell the outcome."

Just as Mu Yun and Si Qi were about to cheer, Zhaoming Qitian recorded the front of the conversation and said, "It's just that there are too many people born in this Xian election, far more than before..."

Mu Yun and Si Qi glanced at each other, feeling bad.

They did move some thoughts. Every time they passed the level, they asked Xiao Hua to use the secret realm to bring some team disciples, so as to ensure that most of the two teams' disciples would not be assigned to other big cities.

The two had also calculated the final number of survivors. At this time, there were 150,000 people in the two teams alone, which is indeed much more than the ordinary selection.


Mu Yun hurriedly laughed and said, "I have all come out from the blood and blood, relying on real strength."

"Never mind~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu stared at Muyun for a moment, and suddenly smiled, "Since the heaven and earth tower has been opened for the 63rd floor this time, there are more disciples who can win. It's just that the number of students is larger, and the students are better at it. The three levels of the test will be too difficult."

"Thank you senior~"

Mu Yun, Si Qi and others were overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to thank them.


Zhaoming Qitianlu didn't say anything, but with a wave of his hand, the whole world was exhausted, the five towering cities turned into outlines and disappeared, and the magnificent scenery of the Xianxuan primaries was restored.


Zhaoming Qitianlu glanced all over, and said, "By now, the second stage of Xianxuan has ended. Congratulations on waiting for 170,000 people to win the Xianxuan!"

"The next step is the long pass of the third level of the Xianxuan, which is the test of academic excellence. This test is not the same as the long test of Yingxuan, Maoxuan and Boxuan. It is not about expertise, but you are waiting. The director of cultivation in the Heaven and Earth Tower..."

"...There are three Changguans, corresponding to the three floors of the Tiandi Pagoda, commonly known as Tatianchi. The test method is also very simple. You can use your own practice in the Tiandi Pagoda to climb these three floors. The third floor only needs to climb one level. Won the title of Wensheng..."

"...Of course, how to climb and what you encounter when climbing is different for everyone. The old man can't explain in detail, you can know when you get to the next level..."

After finishing talking, Zhaoming Qitianlu looked at everyone, and said loudly: "Sheng, are you ready to wait?"

A group of disciples were passionate and replied loudly: "I'm ready to wait~"


Zhaoming Qitianlu raised his hand again and pointed, "Boom~" The Son-Mother Heaven and Earth Tower slowly fell from the sky, and 170,000 clouds fell to everyone's feet.

But at this time, no one urged the figure to move, they all turned their heads and looked inside Bai Yujing, where Xiao Hua stood calmly!

"I invite Master Xiao to set foot on the Cloud Road~"

Mu Yun, Si Qi and others shouted in unison, "Xiao Shi is the first person to choose, Xiao Shi can't do it, I can't wait to take a step!"


The armillary sphere of the same realm that has never appeared, shook his head and stepped out of the tower of heaven and earth, watching Qi Qi, the winner of the 170,000 sage election, salute Xiao Hua respectfully, and couldn't help but sigh, "Looking at the election of that year, it seems that it is still in front of you. At that time, Xiao Hua alone fought for the winner of the five major cities of 36,000. How arrogant?"

"Look again now, how happy is Xiao Hua who teaches the winner of the seventeen thousand wise selections of the Five Fang Dacheng? This is the first person selected by the wise, and the number B is not much higher than that of the first person selected by the British~"

"Never mind~"

Xiao Hua wanted to decline, but looking at the look of 170,000 students eagerly, he smiled and said, "Xiao takes your affection!"

After that, Xiao Hua set foot on the Cloud Road and was the first one to fly into the Heaven and Earth Tower...

Outside the Tiandi Pagoda, in front of the Wufeng Pavilion of Bai Yujing, the Zheng Wei Yiyong of Baicheng Academy and the Zheng Baiyu of Bailu Academy were almost crazy. They planned to leave Wufeng Pavilion and return to the Academy shortly after the beginning of the election. They are the principals of the academy, and they cannot stay in the Wufeng Pavilion for a long time to wait for the news of the selection of disciples.

To their surprise, whether it was Mu Yun or Si Qi, the names of the two of them rushed to the top of the sky again and again, which shocked them very much, so they simply stayed next to Wufeng Pavilion and waited for the wise men. Choose the last message.

Seeing that the clouds on the Tatian list were no longer overflowing, Wei Yiyong of Baicheng Academy suddenly woke up and shouted, "Oh, yes... this level is over!"

"Yes, not bad~"

Bai Yu also shouted frantically, "If Si Qi and Mu Yun have not been eliminated, they have the hope of passing the election!"

Everyone didn't even know that there were three levels of talented elections, so Bai Yu didn't even know that Si Qi and Mu Yun had passed the talented elections.

"Haha, haha~"

Wei Yiyong laughed and said, "Bai Yuanzheng, you and I will guess, is Mu Yun the first to enter the 61st level, or Si Qi the first to enter?"


Bai Yu waved his hand and laughed wildly, "This is hard to say. After all, the two of them have similar qualifications. You chased me to the same level. However, Bai can say with certainty that Xiao Wenzong is still the last one this time. Clearance~"

"Haha, not bad, not bad~"

Wei Yiyong and all the disciples all around also laughed, nodding their heads one after another, "We also believe this, everyone in the heavens believes it!"

Wei Yiyong even laughed and said: "Of course, the premise is that Xiao Wenzong can pass the 60th pass. After all, from the previous situation, half of the students in this pass..."


Before Wei Yiyong finished speaking, the 61st floor of the Tatian List gave birth to a rosy cloud. The color of the Xia Yun became colorful, and the dazzling brilliance gushed out of the Tatian List to illuminate the nearby space!

"Look at it, it's..."

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at this pale-golden name, rising from the 60th floor of the Tatian List, and down to the 61st floor!


When Xiao Hua's name was engraved on the top of the ranking list like a magical skill, everyone in UU reading screamed, "Is... Xiao Wenzong??"

"Is it impossible?"

"He... he has always been the last to last, how could he be the last to come back?"

Wei Yiyong felt a burning pain on his face, and the pale gold name seemed to Xiao Hua mocking his gaze.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: stupid, smelly mosquito, a grain of rice, wooden people, singing bird, boss Zhao, brick mover, busy old man, Bihai Advertising, Huan, Wen, Cang Zhan, once looked forward to the present, Southern Emperor Beima, Trotting Youth and other fairy friends.

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