Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2951: Xiao Hua always appears at a critical time


   Following An Xin's order, more than a dozen Confucian immortals appeared around the pavilion. Si Qi couldn't help cursing. Unfortunately, the surrounding space was blocked, and she couldn't even escape.

   "Si Qi~"

   At this time, Mu Yun hurriedly shouted, "Come here, I will take you away!"


   An Xin looked at the blind Mu Yun with a sneer, "I'm blind, and want to run away? If it wasn't for the comfort of Si Qi, I would have given you to Li Zhanyong!"

Si Qi sneered, her figure shook and rushed back to the pavilion, because she knew that Mu Yun had given him a cloud-shaped text before. It was the escape method that Mu Yun had realized in a world, but Si Qi was trying. It can’t be urged.

   Sure enough, Si Qi fell to Mu Yun's side. Mu Yun was holding Liuyun in his hand. Si Qi urged: "Quickly~"

   Muyun immediately urged Wenli.


   Liuyun enveloped Si Qi and Mu Yun, turning them into Su-like phantoms and disappearing into the air immediately!


   Siqi perceives the surrounding space overflowing, and her heart is full of joy. This little trick that is not usually seen in her eyes is now the key to saving her chastity!

   It's a pity, seeing Bai Yujing becoming a phantom, with a loud "bang~", a huge mountain smashed like a meteor, shattering the surrounding space, and Si Qi and Mu Yun fell from the clouds.


An Xin and others stood on top of the mountain, looking at the two in a panic, couldn't help but laugh, and said, "You are the Liuyun Wenjian comprehended in the eleventh pass of Xianxuan, this article is as early as It has already appeared in the Great War of Five Cities, and Lao Tzu has long been on guard!"

   "Mu Yun, you think you are an elite of Baicheng Academy, but in fact, you are just a clown compared to the collective wisdom of hundreds of millions of students."


Mu Yun's face changed drastically. He was about to urge Wenli again, "Keng Keng Keng~" Seven swords sounded in succession, and seven different flying swords were nailed around the space like seven stars. Seven flying swords were on the top of the space. The sword intent was different, but the same sword aura of Hong Yun enveloped Mu Yun and Si Qi like a violent wind and waves, and the two were like mortals falling into the water, unable to escape after several struggles.

   "This is the word "sword" from the 20th level of Xianxuan~"

   An Xin said faintly, "Each student has a different sense of sword rhyme. Seven students can form this seven-star sword formation, Mu Yun, can you do it alone?"

   Mu Yun gritted his teeth and said to Si Qi: "Please kill me before you take the trouble!"


   Si Qi said lightly, "Don't worry, I meant it!"

   Hearing this, Mu Yun's heart was overjoyed, his words may not be without temptation, and Si Qi's words were what he expected.

   "Si Qi~"

   Mu Yun gritted his teeth and said, "I know everything that happened here. We will forget everything when we leave the World Tower, but I still want to tell you, I think..."


   Hearing this, Si Qi suddenly remembered something and said ecstatically, "I see, I will try, I will try..."

   Then, next to Mu Yun, Si Qi shouted frantically: "Xiao Wenzong, I miss you, I like you..."

   Mu Yun's heart was shocked, like a sledgehammer hit, he finally mustered the courage to confess to Si Qi, but Si Qi actually confessed to Xiao Hua in front of him...

   And Xiao Hua is not around at all!

   Si Qi was thinking of others before he died, which is so insulted! !


   "What do I mean by being alive?"

   Mu Yun's all thoughts were lost, he felt that his hundreds of years of experience in the selection of Heaven and Earth Pagodas were better than living in the Heavenly Court, I don’t know how many years the harvest will be!

   Mu Yun raised his hand to hit his top door again.

   At this moment, Xiao Hua's weird voice sounded: "Oh, what's the matter? This...Isn't this already out of the Peach Blossom Spring?"

   "Haha, haha~"

   Si Qi laughed. She watched Xiao Hua's figure float out like a leaf in the sword formation not far away, tears of joy were streaming out.

   "Xiao Wenzong~"

Si Qi didn't know Xiao Hua's current strength, nor whether Xiao Hua could withstand the seven-star sword formation, so she shouted concisely, "These dog thieves are going to take my chastity and Muyun's life. Save us! "

   "Haha, haha~"

Before Xiao Hua could speak, An Xin laughed first. He proudly pointed at Xiao Hua, "It turned out to be Xiao Wenzong who has always been the last one since Xianxuan. I have always been looking for you in Bai Yujing, but I didn't expect it. It’s a blessing to see you here!"

   Xiao Hua was practicing with all his strength, and from time to time he used Taitong to investigate the situation of the Five Cities War, because after all he belongs to Bai Yujing, if Bai Yujing loses, he himself will be eliminated.

   Xiao Hua never thought that Si Qi would call out his figure again, and Xiao Hua's figure still formed a phantom that could be seen by others.

   "Why are you looking for me?"

   Xiao Hua looked at An Xin and asked with interest.

   "Xiao Wenzong~"

An Xin saw Xiao Hua, immediately left Si Qi, looked at Xiao Hua, and said proudly, "I, Bai Yujing, is now lacking a man who knows how to deploy troops. You can help Bai Yujing. I promise you can Through the selection!"


   Xiao Huaqi said, "How do you guarantee?"

   "It's easy~"

In order to win over Xiao Hua, An Xin said, "We Baicheng Academy, Bailu Academy, and Baiyu Tower in Bai Yujing. Baiyong Tower, etc., in each force, there are 100 protected places, and these people do not need to participate. The Battle of Five Cities can be protected by all Bai Yujing teams..."

   Before An Xin finished speaking, Xiao Hua interrupted him and asked, "Your Excellency should be one of them, right?"

   "Of course~"

   An Xin nodded and said, "If you come to my Bailu Academy, I can give you the position that belongs to Si Qi, and guarantee your life is safe!"

   "What about her?"

   Xiao Hua pointed to Si Qi.

   "She has no value anymore~"

An Xin said, "We Bailu Academy do not raise worthless people. Her only value now is to exchange for Akagi's cooperation, and you must not forget that you are also Bai Yujing's person. Bai Yujing is defeated, and you have the same. Quit the Xianxuan!"

   Si Qi was already angry, she stared at Xiao Hua, waiting for Xiao Hua's answer.

   "Excuse me~"

   Xiao Hua still smiled, and replied, "Xiao is not interested in your so-called guarantees, and Xiao is even more disdainful to be with you, a wolf-hearted animal!"

   "Xiao Wenzong~"

   An Xin sneered, "Don't think you are the only Wen Zong selected by the Heavenly Court, all your previous identities are worthless in this Peach Blossom Spring!"

   "Peach Blossom Land?"

   Xiao Hua smiled, looked around and said, "Do you call this the Peach Blossom Spring?"

   "Not bad~"

An Xin nodded and said, "This is the real Peach Blossom Spring. I removed the mask of hypocrisy and abandoned the three principles and five constants. There is no secret technique, no exercises, but everyone's ability. This is not the Peach Blossom Spring. Where is the Peach Blossom Spring? "

   "Haha, it's so funny~"

   Xiao Hua laughed up to the sky and said, "You are just a virtuous villain. What qualifications do you have to identify the Peach Blossom Spring? The Peach Blossom Spring in your mouth is a smelly feces pond in Xiao Mou's eyes!"

   "Xiao Hua~"

   An Xin said angrily, "I see you can besie Zhushan, UU reading has the ability to lead soldiers, this will give you face, don't be shameless!"

   said, seven sword lights all around rushed towards Xiao Hua like lightning and thunder.


   "Only you are worthy of calling Xiao Mou by name?"

   Xiao Hua let out a cold snort, waved his big sleeves, and didn't wait for the seven sword lights to get close. In the sound of "puff puff puff~", the sword light vanished like fireflies!

   As for An Xin's body long ago, it had been battered by a breeze.


   An Xin was so frightened that she flew upside down and exclaimed, " come your ground flowers are not imprisoned?"

   Xiao Hua, where would he care about him, turned to Si Qi and Mu Yun and said, "You come with me!"

   After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua raised his sleeves and took Si Qi and Mu Yun away, flying away like flowing clouds...

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: stupid, smelly mosquito, a grain of rice, wooden man, singing bird, boss Zhao, brick mover, busy man, Bihai Advertising, Huan, etc. Fairy friends, let's add two more chapters today.

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