Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2948: Magnified humanity

   When Mu Yun arrived at Baicheng Academy and saw the disciples around the academy who were on guard, Mu Yun knew that the development of things had already exceeded his expectations!

   "Oh, it turned out to be Uncle Mu Yun~"

   A disciple just flew out of the gate of the academy. Seeing that Mu Yun stopped smiling, he smiled and said, "Why are you here now?"

   Mu Yun looked at this younger disciple who usually saw himself as if he had met his father, and said faintly: "I just went to Xianji Palace..."

   "That's a pity~"

   The disciple glanced at Mu Yun and said coldly, "Uncle Master made a mistake in his judgment. Now, I am afraid that there is no place for you in Baicheng Academy!"

   After finishing speaking, this disciple left in a hurry and didn't say goodbye to Mu Yun at all.

   Mu Yun understood immediately that Baicheng Academy had already been boarded by other disciples.

   So Mu Yun hesitated, he wasn't sure if the Baicheng Academy in front of him was a tiger's lair.

   "Oh, Uncle Mu Yun~"

   Mu Yun hadn't made a decision yet, someone flew up behind him again, and saw Mu Yun extremely affectionately, "Why don't you go in yet?"


   Mu Yun turned his head to look, and laughed. This is a junior from Baicheng Academy who has made good friends with him. He usually pleases him in front of him, and he also benefits him.

   It's just that Liang Xi's aptitude is average, and Mu Yun didn't expect him to reach the 37th level of Dexian Xuan.

   "Congratulations, Liang Xi~"

   Mu Yun smiled and said, "You have reached the level of selection of talents. This shows that you didn't work hard before the selection of talents!"

   "Where, where~"

   Liang Xi hurriedly said respectfully, "Isn't this all the advice of my uncle? If it weren't for the uncle, the disciple wouldn't even be able to pass the primary election!"

   Mu Yun knew that Liang Xi was telling the truth, so he smiled, looked up at the gate of Baicheng Academy, and asked: "Have you been to the Academy a long time ago?"


Liang Xi still respectfully said, "The disciple is dull and knows that there is no means to pass the sky, so he naturally has to rely on the big tree of the academy, so he rushed to the academy immediately when he arrived at Bai Yujing, and he was one of the thirteen founders of the Baicheng Academy. …"

   Hearing this, Mu Yun's expression changed slightly. Who would dare to say that he was the founder of Baicheng Academy?

   This is obviously a treachery!

   Liang Xi didn't need to look at Mu Yun's face, he immediately whispered: "Uncle, this is not what the disciple wants to be, it is Li Zhanyong's proposal. The disciple is the weakest among the thirteen, so I have to obey their arrangements!"

   Li Zhanyong is one of the few disciples of Baicheng Academy who is extremely at odds with Mu Yun, and his strength is not weak.


   Liangxi also said, "Uncle, no one knows what happened here after the Heaven and Earth Tower, who cares about everything we do in Bai Yujing?"

   "Not necessarily~"

   Mu Yun reminded, "Don't forget the Zhaoming Qitianlu and the Armillary Sphere of the same realm, they will be watching!"

   "What do they know?"

   Liangxi asked, "Furthermore, uncle, with your status in Baicheng Academy and our position in Baiyujing, do you know what happened after the 36th pass in the Tiandi Pagoda in the past?"

   "I really don't know~"

   Mu Yun answered with a wry smile.

   "So, we don't have to taboo~"

   Liangxi said, "Everything will disappear around here, no one can remember."

After finishing speaking, Liang Xi urged: "Uncle, although you don’t know how good your performance is in this selection, but with your strength, you are definitely the strongest person in my Baicheng Academy today. This time the Five Cities War, you should always be Absolute leader!"


   Mu Yun sighed, and said, "My cultivation base is imprisoned, and I only wanted to pass the level as soon as possible, but now my strength is absolutely nothing!"

   "That's better than the disciple~"

   Liang Xi laughed and said, "You can go in with the disciple. The disciple will give the thirteenth seat to the uncle!"

   "Good too~"

   Mu Yun hesitated and nodded, "After all, everyone is a disciple of Baicheng Academy, and I am also the main force in the battle of Baicheng!"


   Liang Xi smiled and respectfully invited Mu Yun to enter the academy.

Mu Yun looked up at the familiar gate, feeling a little excited. After he stepped into the gate, he was one of the thirteen founders of Baicheng Academy. Although it was a false name, it was only in the illusion of Tiandi Pagoda, but think about this name. Mu Yun also felt a little strange about his identity.

  While thinking, Mu Yun has already flown near the gate. The so-called gate is a Xiayun that looks like a page.

   But when Mu Yun stepped into Xia Yun, a thought suddenly came into his heart.

"Mu is a famous Shangqing immortal in Baicheng Academy. When he heard that he was to be the founder of Baicheng Academy, Mu was unavoidably excited. As a junior, Liang Xi was silent in Baicheng Academy. Suddenly he got this position. Easy to give to Mu Mou?"

  If you are outside the Tiandi Pagoda, Mu Yun would definitely not think so, because Liang Xi is really weak and does not pose a threat to Mu Yun at all, but at this time...

   Thinking of this, Mu Yunben had already stepped into Xiayun's feet, "brushed" and retracted, and his figure stopped.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   Xiayun was surrounded by a roar, and three lines of text like a knife came out of the Xiayun and directly cut the space in front of Muyun's head to shreds!


The blood of Mu Yun's whole body suddenly rushed to his forehead, cold sweat broke out on his back. This knife-shaped text looks strange in shape, but Hongyun Muyun is familiar with it. It is the graffiti of an inkstone in the seventh pass of Xian Xuan. Although Mu Yun had seen it, he thought that Hong Yun was low-level and ignored it!


At this moment, the sword ming was born again behind Mu Yun, and Mu Yun did not want to raise his hand to sacrifice a piece of text. A black chess piece Xia Yun was born out of thin air and stood behind him. It was not that he was in Xian. A literary edict that I realized in the primary election?


   The black Xiayun had just given birth, and a sharp blue sword light immediately penetrated.

   Mu Yun rose up into the sky, looking at Liang Xi with a fire-breathing gaze, UU reading roared: "Liang Xi, what the old man did to you, you ask yourself! How can you secretly count the old man??"


   Liangxi did not answer. Li Zhanyong flew out from the gate of Baicheng Academy and laughed, "Mu Yun, you are ashamed to say that Liangxi is someone else. If you didn't guard Liangxi, how could you avoid Lao Tzu's ambush?"


   Mu Yun ignored Li Zhanyong, but looked at Liang Xi frantically and shouted, "You answer the old man!"


Liang Xi didn’t mean to be ashamed at all. He smiled, “Even if the disciple secretly counts the uncle, what will happen? Can’t hurt the uncle’s life? The uncle came out of the tower of heaven and earth, and he couldn’t remember what happened here. Everything... is nothing more than an illusion, so why take it seriously?"

   "Why should an old man take it seriously?"

Mu Yun sneered, and said every word, "In your heart, you regard the old man as a respectable senior, even if you are in a fantasy realm, you will never make a move! Since you dare to make a move in the fantasy realm and come out of the tower of heaven and earth, as long as you have a chance, you I'll do the same!!"

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