Revival of the Gods

Chapter 283: critical

Seeing the void of the void, surrounded by the basaltic imaginary shadows of the ice crystals in the moon, the female fairy does not feel moving, she does not dare to neglect, the whole body is silvery, and there are also the shadows and shadows falling into the hands of the golden dragonfly, "Boom" After the Golden Jubilee, hundreds of hills turned into giants, and the fists slammed into the sword.

"Booming and banging..." Jianguang stunned across the sky, and the giants of the hills were instantly killed. Most of these hill giants were broken and turned into yellow sand-like shapes, covering the surrounding space. The giant giant’s fists will also be swords. The light and shadow played bleak.

The female fairy's face showed a satisfied smile. She once again shot her own eyebrows. A not-so-clear fairy mark slowly appeared. The silver light column fell to the hill giant who had not been killed before the sword.

"Hey..." Silver light passed, the shape of the giants of the hills soared a large number, and the swords and swords passed by, and it was not as easy to kill as before!

"Hey..." The blue-sword sword fairy smiled coldly, and Jianguang suddenly turned and rushed to the direction of the red sword. As for the red sword sorcerer, at this time also have a heart, and received a shock on the face, the fire red sword light once again ushered in the past.

Seeing the fire red sword light and the water blue sword light into the yin and yang, the space is closed, the barefoot Yanxian face is angry, the right arm is again found, the dark mist is born from it, turned into the shape of the dragon to the red Yi Jian Xian. As for the female fairy, it is low-lying, the golden scorpion flips, and the khaki light column transforms the mountain shape to the water blue sword light!

Red Swordsman and Blue Swordsman are obviously twin brothers. The combination of the spells does not know how many years have been practiced, let alone Feijian spent the ordinary fairy, but in the blink of an eye, the two flying swords have pierced the space. , touched together. Seeing the red and blue swords light and milk mixed contact, the two swords are happy, the sword CD is rotated into a circle and the sword curtain falls to the Xiansuo where Zhu Ding is located.

However, when the red and blue swordsmanship fell, the change suddenly occurred, and a strange thing appeared above the Xiansuo. This thing was like a hive, which was covered with a faint blood fog. There is a strange suction on the top of the object, and there are a few centuries of swords and curtains falling down, as if the flow of the patriarchs has penetrated into the object. For a time, the things are red and the blue light is shining. In this glory, inside each diamond-shaped lattice, there is a ghost image. The shadow of the demon beast has just been born, and the "嗡嗡" thing shook like a buzzer. The sword curtain that had previously rushed into the object actually turned into a bundle and went up!

This rush is different from the previous one, but the fire red sword light rushes into the water blue sword curtain, and the water blue sword light rushes into the fire red sword curtain.

The twin swords are the different attributes of the yin and yang swords. Although the swords are seen to be stabbed by the conversion, the two swords are not panicked, because the swordsmen of the two are homologous.

However, when the converted Jianguang was just in contact, "Booming and Booming..." The sound of the burst sounded like a thunder, not only the entire space where Xiansuo was located, but also the smooth and sleek sword in the space, and suddenly violently annihilated stand up!

"Not good!" Although the two swordsmen did not know what was born, but a devastating atmosphere rushed to them along the light curtain, they did not feel the same color change! The dark passage is not good, and I try my best to take back the sword.

However, the atmosphere of this destruction is too fast, the two swordsmen have just been heart-warming, the annihilation of the sword curtain is imminent!

The two swordsmen decided to take the initiative, and at the same time, they would squirt one of the two golden swords of the same 噗, and they would be on the fire red and the water blue sword.

"咔咔" two sounds are crisp, two swords are broken by the air, "Hey..." The two swordsmen simultaneously spewed a silvery flash of blood, and the body shape retreated.

At the same time of the Jianjian break, the black and white light silk falls on the broken sword. Not only the fire red sword light and the water blue sword light are simultaneously destroyed, the two bombs are loud and loud, and the sword is bursting. It will cover nearly ten acres of space.

The two swordsmen tried their best to escape, but they were involved in the suppression of the sword light. The bursting air wave once again damaged the two swords. As for the barefoot Yanxian and the female fairy, it is the footsteps of Yunxia, ​​and it is clear that there is a killing heart!

The sword repairs of the two great places have been hit hard. Where else can other Xianwei be better? Jianhua is broken, and space annihilation has already spread several Xianwei. Although they sacrificed the fairy and wanted to save themselves, they still inevitably be wounded. How could they be the enemy of the missing? A variety of lights have been killed, and several Xianwei have been killed!

Xianwei is a scorpion, and there are more than a dozen pampered phoenixes on Xiansuo.

When the space of the fairy is annihilated, when the sword light bursts, the imprisonment of the blockade of Xiansuo is destroyed. The entire Xiansuo reversal, and nearly ten dust celesties on the Xiansuo fall in this unstoppable broken, and the fairy body becomes a fleshy part. Yuan Ying did not escape.

However, Zhu Ding and Zhao Fei and other immortals, fortunately escaped the space to annihilate and strangle, hurriedly urged Xiansuo defense to resist the Jianguang burst, seeing Xiansuo as the leaves were shredded in Jianguang, Zhu Ding and Zhao Fei and other immortals The body is also like a helpless drop of ants...

"No... No!" Xiao Hua was flying over the mountains with a lively mood, but it was only a moment of **** splashes. He and the nursery were all dumbfounded.

The nursery almost blurted out and debuted; "The son of the world is gone, and the country is going to kill him!"

"Fast!" Xiao Hua immediately made a decision and said, "Miao Wei, you are flying out of the dazzling pets, and quickly use the means to contact the capital, explain this, I will save the world..."

"Riding and shooting adults..." Miao Wei saw Xiao Hua and said that he would fly immediately and couldn’t help but whisper. "The swords in the two houses are not rivals, I wait..."

"Come on..." Xiao Hua whispered and said, "This is the old man's order. You haven't seen us yet, and you are going to report!"

"Yes, this is the case!" Miao Wei did not dare to say it again. She was grateful to Xiao Hua and concealed her body and fled outside the demon. Hyun Chong demon is still on the verge of a country's borders. Miao Miao naturally has the secret to transfer the matter back to the capital in the fastest way, and he also has the confidence to transfer the celestial soldiers around the patrol as soon as possible.

Looking at the nursery flying away, Xiao Hua glanced at the distant battle, and his brows were not wrinkled.

Two wounded swordsmen fight with each other in one place, and they are obviously at a disadvantage. The fight against Xianwei also retreats, but it is under the Xiansuo fragments. Zhu Ding and several other immortals are standing in the air and no one is standing. Reason.

"Damn!" Xiao Hua whispered, hiding his body and sneaked toward Xiansuo. However, he flew for only a few miles. Xiao Hua was puzzled because there were no immortals except the immortals. Alert, that is to say, these immortals of the country do not care about leaking wind! In other words, the ink-drinking immortals seem to have let go of the rest of Xiaohua and the nursery...

"Zhu Ding and Xiong Cheng agreed that only Zhu Ding alone knows that Xiong Cheng can't do it without leaking! In particular, Zhu Ding is not a prince of Wu and Wu, the status is not so important!" Xiao Hua does not feel the secret, "Is it... what else is there?"

Xiao Hua just thought of this, "brushing..." There was a faint light and shadow flashing in the space before and after, and the two immortals who wore the khaki robes and shimmered silver flashed Xiaohua.

"Hey..." At present, a fairy with a fairy body of about two hundred feet looked at Xiao Hua, and smiled. "You have no way to go in the sky, there is no door to hell, you come in, it looks... you are really looking for death!" ”

"Damn!" This immortal reminded Xiao Hua in a word, he did not feel concealed in his heart, and then looked at the face of the immortal, but unfortunately, although Xiao Hua can see through the silver face of the immortal, this immortal seems to bring a mask, Xiao Hua’s gaze could not be penetrated. Xiao Hua couldn’t help but try to say, “Who are you waiting for? Are you afraid that it’s not the ink of the country?

"I wait for nature to be the country of the country!" The immortal said faintly, "otherwise..."

"Cough..." After the death of Xiao Hua, the immortal coughed twice and said, "Where there is more nonsense, hurry up!"

"Oh..." The immortal in front of Xiao Hua’s head no longer said more, raising his hand to shoot at his top door, but the fairy’s palm has not touched the top door, and suddenly he shook his hand as if he had thought of something. If the walnut is a fairy.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua did not panic, laughing loudly. "You are not going to sneak into the country, you just want to let out the pressure? The old man has never heard of which Xianwei first released in the battle." Spiritual!"

"Go to death!" The immortal seems to be a little angry and angry, the silver light in his hand rushed into the fairy, and the five phantoms rushed out on the fairy, falling to the top of the head of Xiao Hua.

"Booming ......" Five virtual shadows suddenly burst, five large wooden cyan thunder rushed out from the inside, surging and rushing to Xiaohua!

"Mu Lei?" Xiao Hua slightly stunned, his hands twitched, the large crystal column fell into the void, waiting for Xiao Hua's big hand to turn over, "Booming rumbling" dozens of thunders born out of thin air, instantly drowning five wooden mines!

"Oh..." In the thunder, five virtual shadows were broken, and even a walnut-like shape was born with a thin crack!

"Not good!" The immortal man behind Xiao Hua was watching the battle At this time his face changed slightly and he was shocked. "This is amazing! I will help you..."

In the words, the immortal has long been gaining momentum, with the same hands, inside the robe, two bags flying out. These two bags are brown, and the light is as fine as the fluff, and countless runes overflow in the light. As the immortal raises his hand, the bag opens, but the sound of the wind whistling, "Two" The hurricane is more fierce than Xiaofei.

Two hurricanes rolled up, and the situation was closed. Xiaohua was closed in a few miles in the vicinity. Before Xiaohua’s head, the immortal saw that it was cheap, and immediately took a hundred-nano bag, and a flying sword rushed out. The flying sword did not Directly stabbed Xiaohua...

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