Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2818: Yuan Zai Kong Shengtian

   Chapter 2838 Yuan Zai Kong Ascended to Heaven

"Boom boom boom~" But when I saw the green crystal, within the body of time, 108 time fragments made an unspeakable trembling sound, and there were also 108 thunders directly above the green crystal. In these time fragments, these time fragments...began to complete!

  Xiao Hua was stunned!

  There are still time fragments in this world...thunder light?

There is vitality in the thunder. This is what Xiao Hua knew when he was a child. He used thunder to plant spirit grass in Huanxi Villa, but he could not even dream of it. The thunder in the green crystal also has vitality. , The power of life is to repair time fragments!

  "The Law of Time~"

Xiao Hua's time body woke up and watched the green crystals of thunderbolt slowly passing over his body, and wiped off the black filaments, he smiled bitterly, "Even if ordinary thunderbolts are powerful, they can't shake them. Emperor Zitong’s five-element rule, only Thunder, which contains the law of time in another world, can get rid of the high-level five-element rule of Hunyuan, right?"

   "If this is the case, Zhao sentenced that servant is not stealing the chicken without losing the rice, but losing a granary!!"

   "Of course~"

The more Xiao Hua thought about it, the more acquainted his mind was. "If the servant of Zhao Judgement is a realm spirit or something from the immortal realm, he was born under the laws of the immortal realm. This green crystal is his innate nemesis, a deadly poison. No wonder he would think of putting green Jing is taking it for Thunder!"

Now that he discovered the usefulness of the green crystal, Xiao Hua was not in a hurry to practice the Yi Ling Secret Art. After patiently cleaning the black law in the flesh, he simply sent the green crystal into the body of time, and even placed it in the flower of the earth. Inside!

Not unexpectedly by Xiao Hua, where the green crystal fell, "boom boom boom~" three times quaked, and the people who had been hidden in the ground flower turned out in the thunder light. Similarly, a faint smallpox outline was also Appear in another direction!

  At the same time, the light of thunder spread down, directly falling into the 108 time fragments of the sub-body as the skeleton, and the whole time, the sub-body became more solid and taller in the thunder light!


  How Xiao Hua didn't know that he stepped on the **** again, he laughed and floated into the landscape picture scroll, and once again tried his best to practice the spiritual secret technique and the great secret technique.

  When Xiao Hua was practicing with all his strength, the real person Lei Ting returned to his position and took Yang Shi, Jing Wei and others to the Bimu heaven where Yuan Zai Kong ascended to heaven.

   Yuan Zai Kong’s ascension to heaven is a strange heaven. Above the sky, the hot and yellow sunlight of Jiao Tu is falling down. It does not seem to penetrate the earth directly, and it will turn into burning clouds in the middle of the sky.

  Under the clouds, the spirit of the fairy spirit was actually a bit turbid, and after transpiring from the ground, totems of different sizes appeared. These totems looked like handwriting and looked like rust spots.

The real person Lei Ting flew by with his disciples, couldn't help but sneezed a few times, stopped, looked around and said to Yang Shi: "Why doesn't Yuan Zai Kong Shengtian look like an immortal world? Immortal spirit vitality and immortality. Is there a lack of spiritual and profound light?"

  Yangshi and others are not as high-level as Daluo now, not as good as the real Thunder.

  The opportunities and qualifications of the disciples of Real Person Lei Ting are no better than those of Qiao Samsara and others, and some disciples, including Song Xiaodi, are still running the Luoyi Business League in Zhu Yaocheng, so there is no way to compare with those tens of thousands of Hunyuan disciples in terms of cultivation.

  However, Yang Shi did not answer the real person Lei Ting, but hurriedly raised his right hand, revealing Wen Qing's figure inside his sleeve.

  Wen Qing looked around in surprise, feeling that she was dreaming. Although he was a disciple of the Wen family, he was sent to the Heavenly Court at a very young age. There is only the shadow of Huang Zengtian in his vague memory. This situation of Yuan Zai Kong's ascension to heaven is nothing but a book he has read.

  It is precisely because Wen Qing's everything is in Heavenly Court, so he really resents Wen Quan for giving up Wen's strength in Heavenly Court to Qun Yulou and Ji's family.

   And what puzzled him the most was that he was still in the Heavenly Court before, but he had entered an immortal space. After he came out, how could Yuan Zai Kong of Dao Immortal Realm ascend to heaven?


  Wen Qing was in a daze, the real Thunder was displeased, and asked faintly, "Did you not hear what the old man said?"

Wen Qing, a jealous spirit, hurriedly laughed and said: "Good to teach the seniors that the eighteenth-day central four heavenly realm of the world of color is the place where the vitality of the fairy spirit and the mysterious light of the fairy spirit are intersected; Lingyuan light is becoming more and more intense, only the central four heavens see Ming Duan Jingtian, Xuanming Gongqingtian, Taihuanji Yaotian, Yuan Zai Kong ascend to heaven, grandma does not care for uncles or uncles, there are no immortals to build caves, this It's only given to the Primordial Immortal Clan to thrive and thrive!"

If Xiao Hua were here, he would definitely think about the seventh of the Seventh Immortal Realm, the eighth of the eighth Heavenly Realm, and the nine-nine-nine to extreme meaning. Real Thunderbolt cares about these things. He laughed and said, "No wonder, it turned out to be The Color Realm Palace deliberately gave the Barren Heaven Realm to your Primordial Immortal Clan to use!"

   "However, the old man used to pass by before, and only walked through the interface channel of the Color Realm Palace. I never noticed it. This time, the poor road sneaked in from the edge of the heaven, let alone know the situation in this inner world!"

   After finishing speaking, the real person Lei Ting urged his figure to rush in one direction, and no matter it was the cloud or the mist, he slammed it away, and the ripples like handwriting spread rapidly in the surrounding area.

Yang Shi and the others didn’t dare to say much. They hurriedly followed, and after flying for about half a day, there was an ice seal around. This ice seal is different from the ice seal of the mortal world. This ice seal is overwhelming the whole world. All are blocked by solid ice.

  In the beginning, Real Thunder was quite interested, his figure rushed back and forth in the ice, and directly knocked out a figure in the ice.

After    is available, UU reading www. Real Thunder is impatient, and he waved his sleeves.


  Thunder light gushes out like a sea tide, directly returning the sky and the earth to a clear light!

   But just when the real person of Thunder was proud, "Keng Keng~" above the sky and below the earth, suddenly there was a sound like a gong ringing at the same time. The huge icicles seemed to close the sky and the earth came out from the top and bottom!


  Real Man Thunder laughed, his sleeves rolled again, and Yang Shi and other disciples were taken away, his figure turned into a thunder light, and it rushed directly into the ice layer in front of his head...

   "This...this senior's temper is the opposite of Xiao Zhunsheng's temper~"

  Wen Qing hid in the Yangshi Dao Robe, and was not shielded from the five senses, so he saw the real life of Thunder Really clearly, and couldn't help but secretly said in his heart.

  Fly a long time, the ice disappears, and replaced by flames. This flame looks similar to ice crystals, all over the sky, like carefully crafted fire jade...

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  (End of this chapter)

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