Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2810: Hunyuan Fighting

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Although Emperor Zitong made a plan to attack the west, Xiao Hua was also prepared to attack back and forth, but seeing the dazzling golden light of the gods and demons, the blood blasted into the sky, the blade of the cold moon was as bright as the moon, straight into the sky, and just broke free from the nail head and seven arrows. Where can Emperor Zitong escape?


Forty-nine screams, no more than no more than forty-nine fire wires of varying brightness and darkness, on top of those forty-nine fire wires, forty-nine emperor Zitong’s humanoid phantoms were all aligned. Split into two halves, and even a phantom was split into three halves!

Looking at the forty-nine fire filaments, they were also cut in half from the middle. Numerous images of mountain peaks, water currents, etc., where the flames were condensed, gush out unchecked from the place where the flames are condensed. Split it in half! ! !


The low roar of Emperor Zitong's anger and laugh was quite hysterical. All his humanoid phantoms completely collapsed. Ninety-eight fire wires were also collapsing. There was Emperor Zitong's voice shouting inside, "So, I I will let you taste what it is like to die together again!"

In other words, the ninety-eight fire wires flashed together, and the gray halo emerged from the fire wires madly, the aura of ruining the world and the earth pounced on Xiao Hua, on the forty-nine fairy infant, and even more. Hunyuan disciple of Wanzaohuamen!


Xiao Hua naturally guessed that Emperor Zitong's desperate bet long ago, and he silently thought, and the tens of thousands of shadows scattered all over the sky outside the star array started at the same time, preparing to send all the good luck disciples into space!

But at this moment, the "Boom~" the earth suddenly shook, and three hundred and sixty khaki pillars rose into the sky, piercing the sky, and the heavens were moisturizing the sun, knowing the sun in the distance, hearing the sun in the distance, Dong Nao sun and Zhen Yuri and Juliyue, Lotus Pond Moon, Mei Cenyue, Lan Jiayue appeared together, and countless flower shadows flew down under the shining sun and moon.

And as the students in the void read, an earth-yellow seal of mountains and rivers broke through the air, and the emperor’s faint voice sounded: “It’s all about fighting in my heaven. Is it possible that I want to ruin my Huangcheng billion? Great rivers and mountains? Damn it!"

The seal of the mountain and river is naturally the emperor's Hongbao Huang Cong who suppressed the Yellow City. As soon as Huang Cong came out, there was an unparalleled suppression force that immediately confined hundreds of thousands of miles of space!

"It's a real father-in-law!"

Xiao Hua is overjoyed. If there is no Huang Cong suppressed, Emperor Zitong will fight to the death, and he will be seriously injured if he is not dead!

In his heart, Xiao Hua hurriedly ordered the shadow body to stop and disperse the star array.

But seeing the nuances of Huang Cong's repressive force, it happened to cover the 98 broken wires.

"I am the head of the five emperors of the Heavenly Court, and I welcome the Taoist immortal peoples to visit me in Huangcheng..."

Immediately, the emperor’s voice sounded unhurriedly, "Like Xiao Wenzong, learn my heavenly Confucianism, promote my heavenly secrets, teach my heavenly Taoism, follow my heavenly order, I am very relieved, and I will reward it; such as The Zitong people bully the small with the big, and rely on the strong to bully the weak. In order to create personal grievances and spread to hundreds of millions of people in my heavenly court, I...will kill them!!!"

After that, hundreds of jade ribbons were born out of thin air, directly penetrating into the ninety-eight broken wires of fire, and some even penetrated into the void, pulling out dozens of smaller wires of fire, waiting for Huang Cong directly When it falls, all the jade ribbons are condensed into one, and all the broken fire threads are also integrated into the jade ribbon!

In the end, the flaming jade ribbon fell in front of Xiao Hua, and the Emperor said in a stern tone: "Xiao Wenzong, my attitude is very clear. I welcome you people from the immortal realm to visit my heavenly court. However, like today's battle, I I don’t want to see it again in the future, Zitong is a lesson from the past, the police!!!"


Xiao Hua naturally tidied up his clothes and respectfully said, "The little student understands!"

At this time, a fine mosquito moan sounded,

"Hurry up and take away your disciple and demon body?"

Xiao Hua's heart moved, so that all the disciples, even the fairy infants, could also be included in the shadow body.

Then he returned the jade to the space, and his mind returned to his place.


When the body of the last disciple disappeared, Huang Cong disappeared, the sun and the moon disappeared, and the surrounding space that the Emperor used Huang Cong's power to suppress was also revealed!


Immediately, some thoughts and even the light of clear eyes swept through, obviously because the emperor used Huang Cong's power to attract the attention of other Taiqing celestial beings.

Huang Cong disappeared, and the Emperor was silent anymore, but Xiao Hua still did not dare to neglect. He raised his hand and grabbed the jade ribbon, and bowed respectfully towards Huang Cheng and said: "Xiao Sheng, thank you, Majesty!"

Then Xiao Hua looked around and went in a random direction.

The battle between Xiao Hua and Emperor Zitong Huangcheng attracted the emperor's action and the death of a high-ranking Hunyuan. At this time, it must spread in the heavens. The Nangong family and Zhuoxiao Tianzun must also know, but the emperor is clear. Whether Emperor Zitong came to my Huangcheng to seek revenge or travel, I would welcome it. Even if you die, I won't stop you, but if you blew yourself up and wanted to hurt my people in Huangcheng, then that wouldn't work.

Hunyuan's high-level self-destruction, anyone who thinks about it will know that hundreds of millions of miles of space have been destroyed, and how many scholars have fallen!

The Emperor of Heaven killed Emperor Zitong for this, even if it was Zhuo Xiao Tianzun, he couldn't say anything!

Of course, even if Zhuo Xiao Tianzun wants to find the Emperor to reason, is the Emperor afraid of him?

As for Emperor Zitong really wants to explode, UU reading or want to use some fire wire to burst his own escape, that is not a detail that the Emperor can take care of.

He had already figured out these things as early as when Xiao Hua escaped to avoid other Taiqing Tianxian's inspections. And he knew better that Zhuo Xiao Tianzun couldn't help the Emperor, he would definitely anger him, and after Nangongxun couldn't kill him with the help of Emperor Zitong, he must have more ruthless methods. He must be careful and extremely cautious. !

If you want to survive, the best way is to increase your strength. Xiao Hua flew for a moment, immediately used the technique of light escape, and flew indiscriminately for a long time before he came out. Waiting to look around, it is just where the fairy beasts and the fairy birds are scattered. So I found a secluded place with a star formation, and even the good luck disciples didn't let it out, so I directly sacrificed Linquan Gaoyitu and entered the third level of the green willow forest.

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: Returning, Singing Birds, Walking Away, Zhao Yonggang, Sister Yun Shu, Cang Zhan, Chen, Loritin, Zhe, Bao, Nian, Handy The rice grains, Shanyang, the Northern Horse of the Southern Emperor, the former looking forward to the present, the Shield Royal, Ren Sheng, the wind, the smelly mosquito, the dust, the stars and the moon, the stupid people and many anonymous friends.

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