Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2805: Hunyuan Fighting

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There was a rare excitement on the face of Emperor Zitong. Shenchangjian’s attraction to Tianzun and the Immortal King was not small, but it was even more attractive to the high-level Hunyuan. The time they were trapped in the high-level Hunyuan was definitely not Xiao Hua It is conceivable that they, as the pinnacle of the immortal world, did not know how many ways to break through.

It can be said that the mortal race can think of a method, they have tried it a long time ago, if there is anything that can help them, only Shenchangjian is the practice of the ancient gods, even if it is a glance, any sentence on it , A secret technique may make them break through!

"Do you think I am a fool?"

Emperor Zitong burst into flames in his eyes and exclaimed, "You made so many Hunyuan Immortals all at once. It’s not a technique like Shenchangjian. What kind of exercises can the immortal world do? Look at these Hunyuan Immortals, they can Free movement within the interface of the law of the heavens. It’s not a god-world technique like Shenchangjian, but what kind of technique can it be from the immortal world? I’m a high-level Hunyuan, half-step Tianzun. Where did you get it?"

"Look at you again, when did you ascend to the immortal realm? How long have you been practicing? If you weren't Ye Qiong Tianzun, how could you set foot in the middle level of Hunyuan in such a short time?"

"I've heard of this kind of rumors before. I only used it as a chasing aftermath, and I didn't take it seriously, but... But I really didn't expect that you, a small flying immortal, would have such a big background in the previous life. Now, You made such a big movement again, this is clearly Tianzun’s handwriting, haha, isn’t it cheaper for me?"

As he said, Emperor Zitong raised his hand to Xiao Hua regardless of the laws surrounding him.

I don't know that Xiao Hua's figure flashed, and he rushed to the sky, not as if he had been fettered by the Five Elements Law.

Emperor Zitong was flabbergasted. He looked around in a puzzled manner. The space confinement remained, even stronger than before, and his own law was three points stronger. How did Xiao Hua avoid it?

"Shameless things~"

But before Emperor Zitong could understand, Xiao Hua already sneered, "What about the stakes?"

"Does the bet work?"

Emperor Zitong said with a grinning smile, "You will soon be made into a law by me!"

After speaking, Emperor Zitong raised his right arm, and forty-nine phantoms were condensed into the sky by the flames.

Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes. After looking at the forty-nine phantoms, Emperor Zitong also showed his forty-nine human figures. He asked faintly: "Aren't you afraid of a demon? You are not afraid of being affected by this small bet. Are you setting foot in the heavens?"

Emperor Zitong is embarrassed!

At this moment he was extremely regretful, regretting that he had just been too conceited.

And Xiao Hua's words were more like a needle pierced into his heart.

When you reach the realm of Emperor Zitong, you pay attention to everything you say and do, one cause and one effect, let alone a bet!

Emperor Zitong certainly didn't want to give it to him, but he was really afraid that there would be a demon in the future!

However, he hesitated slightly, when Emperor Zitong stretched out his hand, a Moxian pupil condensed, waved and threw it to Xiao Hua, sneered: "How about the method of sacrificing the soul flame? Your soul space has not formed at all... …"


Xiao Hua reached out to take Mo Xiantong, and sent it into the space without looking at it, and then coldly said, "If Xiao has a miracle, if Xiao is the Ye Qiong Tianzun, how can he still cultivate to this level? There is no way to condense the Soul Space?"


Emperor Zitong laughed and said, "Even if you are not Yeqiong Tianzun, even if you don't have God's Mirror, you alone, one hundred and eight Hunyuan disciples, are comparable to a fairy sect..."

Before finishing talking, Emperor Zitong raised his forty-nine arms at the same time, and his forty-nine fists smashed at Xiao Hua!

Prior to Emperor Zitong, he still had plans to capture Xiao Hua and ask Tianzun for credit. Now he has completely changed his mind, killed Xiao Hua, and claimed everything about Xiao Hua for himself! ! !


Xiao Hua laughed again, and he shouted loudly, "It turns out that high-ranking Hunyuan will also sneak attack!"

With that, Xiao Hua's wishful stick was raised again!

However, when the wishful stick was shot, Xiao Hua suddenly appeared strange on her face, "Boom~" Emperor Zitong hit Xiao Hua's wishful stick with one arm, and the wishful stick was beaten to the side, and Xiao Hua's body was also tumbling in the flames. !

"Don't hurt my fellow Taoists~~"

Behind Emperor Zitong, forty-nine fairy infants shouted together, and the supreme escape from the Xuanyuan fairy formation was like an impenetrable fairy sword, directly stabbing it!

Emperor Zitong didn't look back, and with a wave of his left hand, another fist hit!

The Five Elements Rule was condensed into a mysterious immortal formation just before this fist, "booming" and collided with the Wushang escape Yixuanyuan fairy formation!


To the supreme Emperor Zitong’s expectation, when the Supreme Dunyi Xuanyuan Immortal Formation hit his fist, a sword in it suddenly appeared in the ugly, and even Emperor Zitong’s sword aura suddenly split his fist in two. half!


Emperor Zitong exclaimed in surprise, "This is blue...light saber?"

It’s just that, without waiting for Emperor Zitong to see the appearance of the fairy sword clearly, the Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Array has turned again, concealing the Immortal Sword in the Immortal Array...


At the same time, Emperor Zitong swung his right arm for the second time again, this time just avoiding the wishful stick and directly hitting Xiao Hua's eyebrows.

If it was earlier, Xiao Hua did not dare to fight hard, he could only use the magical powers of death or the sun, or use the Tishan immobility technique to avoid, but at this time, Xiao Hua hesitated slightly, and directly raised his right arm to face Zitong. The emperor has a right fist.


There was no accident, Xiao Hua's right arm ignited again from the inside out.

"Stop hurting my master~~"

Above the sky, UU reading www. Qiao Samsara waited for one hundred and eight Hunyuan disciples in a hurry, and they urged the Xuanji Tianshu star formation to turn into a basalt formation and rushed over!

Seeing the fierce water, even the law of fire has a tendency to be extinguished, Emperor Zitong naturally did not dare to neglect, he rarely raised his leg, "hum" like a mountain of flames soaring into the sky.


Emperor Zitong just kicked and threw the basalt formation composed of 108 Hunyuan disciples, but to the surprise of Emperor Zitong, even so, the basalt formation did not disappear!

"I have such a well-trained Hunyuan disciple, why don't I worry about becoming a Tianzun?"

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: Returning, Singing Birds, Walking Away, Zhao Yonggang, Sister Yun Shu, Cang Zhan, Chen, Loritin, Zhe, Bao, Nian, Handy The rice grains, Shanyang, the Southern Emperor and the Northern Horse, the former looking forward to the present, the shield, the life, the wind, the smelly mosquitoes, and many anonymous friends.

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