Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2794: Arrange Fengxi

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The space was very lively, and the Taoist immortal world was also agitated. At this time, the heavenly court was as usual, Shangguan Yufeng and Hu Wenyuan were guarding all around, and no immortal came to disturb them.

Xiao Hua thought after returning to his position, sending Fengxi out of the space.

"Master Xiao~"

Fengxi hurriedly bowed to salute.


Xiao Hua looked at Fengxi up and down, and smiled, "Unexpectedly, you have already set foot in the Shangqing Dixian? Congratulations.

Xiao Hua used Time Hongyun to practice the secret technique of Yi Ling in the Tiandi Pagoda, and Fengxi naturally benefited from the space.

"Don't dare~"

Although Fengxi was also happy, he respectfully said, "This is all given by Master Xiao. If Master Xiao hadn't given the nine return to the **** pill earlier, the disciple would have the opportunity to sniff the pill incense, and there would never be a chance to set foot on the earth immortal. ."


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "This is also your chance, you don't have to belittle yourself, but what Xiao wants to say is that Xiao just came out of the tower of heaven and earth..."


Feng Xi exclaimed, "Impossible! Master Xiao, the disciple has clearly been cultivating for five million years..."

Fengxi is nothing but an ordinary man and a fairy. He didn't like to consume his life in order to save his brother when he was a child. What could he know?

Not to mention the resources for cultivation, just insight and vision can't compare with the disciples of Nangong Shiru and other aristocratic families.

"That's because~"

Xiao Hua patiently explained, "There is time for Hongyun in the Heaven and Earth Tower, because Xiao received the only Wen Zong in the Heavenly Court and was rewarded. One thousand years of cultivation in the Heaven and Earth Tower is equivalent to five million years outside!"

Feng Xi's eyes were full of surprise and envy, and then he smashed his mouth, and said regretfully: "It's a pity, if you let Yong'er come over, he should have cultivated farther than the disciple!"


Xiao Hua looked at Fengxi and said, "Your aptitude now is better than Feng Yong, he's afraid he can't compare with you!"

"That, that~"

Fengxi immediately understood, he stammered, "Can Xiaoshi return the nine back to the **** pill for Yong'er to smell it?"


Xiao Hua laughed, and took out a kit and handed it to Feng Xi, and said, "That thing is not valid for Feng Yong. This is what Xiao prepared for you. You can take it and share it with Feng Yong."

"Thank you Master Xiao~"

Feng Xi happily took it, and said, "Feng Yong should not be able to enter the Heaven and Earth Tower. He should be in the Wufeng Pavilion in the Xuhuang City. The disciple will look for him now!"

"This is what you are going to do now..."

Xiao Hua nodded, and then asked, "Xiao wants to ask you, how do you plan in the future?"

Fengxi immediately received the tips and respectfully said: "Master Xiao, disciples and Yong'er have all taken poisonous oaths to serve Master Xiao in this life. What happens in the future depends on Master Xiao's arrangements."


Xiao Hua took a Xiayun Festival and handed it to Fengxi and said, "This is what Xiao thinks, you see if it is suitable!"


Fengxi respectfully accepted it, but after a glance, he immediately exclaimed, "Master Xiao, is the Luoyi Business League yours?"

"It's not mine~"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "The Luoyi Business League was jointly built by several Daoists, including Xiao Mou. The strength of the Tianting Luoyi Business League is relatively shallow, not comparable to the Dao Immortal Realm. Because of Xiao Mou’s arrival, the Daoists urge Xiao Mou to make great efforts. Supports the Luoyi Business League, so the Luoyi Business League will expand its strength later...


Fengxi's eyes sparkled with excitement, and said excitedly, "The disciple understands that he also has a small business alliance in his hands, but it is not a climate. The disciple is willing to join the Luoyi business alliance and contribute to the development of the business alliance!"

"You haven't watched the Xiayun Festival carefully, have you?"

A strange look appeared on Xiao Hua's face.

"Sorry, Master Xiao~"

Fengxi hurriedly looked at the Xiayun Festival again, and said, "The disciple was too surprised to see the Luoyi Business League..."

However, as soon as he said this, Fengxi's face was shocked again. He was about to speak again, but he swallowed again. He held back his gratitude and finished reading the content. Finally, he accepted the Xiayun Festival. He took a deep breath, tidyed his clothes, and knelt down again: "Master, I never expected that the young man has such high hopes for him, and he wants him to be in charge of the heavenly court to the business alliance, and the young man is conceited in doing business. There are some insights, but for such a huge network of business alliances, the young ones dare not easily agree, lest they miss the important things of the master."

Tian Ting Confucianism is strong in character, and will not easily be called a master. Now Feng Xi has changed his mouth to kneel down, apparently thinking in his heart is different from that of Yingxuan.

"You don't have to worry about this~"

Xiao Hua knew that Feng Xi was flattered, and he helped Feng Xi smile and said, "Xiao is not without business talents, but you appear at the right time and have the right ability and the right foundation, so Xiao I'm only ready to let you try to take charge of the Luoyi Business League. Of course, you can rest assured that you don't have to bear any responsibility for the quality of the Luoyi Business League's business. It's just that because there are more affairs in the Luoyi Business League, you also have time to practice with Feng Yong. It's less, this is what Xiao is worried about!"

"Master, don't worry about this~"

Fengxi said gratefully, "The little one has been doing business and cultivating since he was a child, and the little one has the qualifications of Yong'er, and the little one knows his heart clearly. Without the master, the little one cannot cultivate to the immortal. , And Yong'er wants to be promoted to Heavenly Immortal, and he must also rely on his master. The younger and Yong'er must first focus on business alliance affairs before considering cultivation."


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "In that case, Xiao Mou first sent you to the Qunyu City's Liaoyi Business League, and you can use the Business League to find Fengyong here."


Fengxi hurriedly said, "The Yellow City should be the closest to the Xuhuang City..."


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "I'm connecting to the business alliance to construct a square space channel in the heaven. Now the scale is first seen from the Huangcheng Group Jade City, you can try it!"


Fengxi exclaimed, "The spatial passage is... but I dare not even build the twelfth floor!"

"Don't worry~"

Xiao Hua smiled slightly, "This Xiao has his own cares, you can go to Qunyu City!"

After that, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Xiao Hua took out the Kunlun mirror, and the clear light spilled him into the space, causing the good luck disciples to take him directly to Qunyu City through the interface channel.

Fengxi's strength is average, but he has the Heavenly Chamber of Commerce to operate and operate, which is exactly what is needed for the development of the current business alliance.

After arranging Fengxi, Xiao Hua remembered something again, entered the space again, looked at one place, and smiled: "Little Liu~"

Bai Xiaotu was cultivating in the secret realm. He hurriedly got up and said respectfully: "Master, the disciple is here!"

Xiao Hua's figure flickered into the secret realm, looked around, smiled and said, "Is it improper to use your strength here?"


Bitterness appeared on Bai Xiaotu's face, and he whispered, "How come the disciple has to put some pressure on himself to speed up the progress of cultivation, right? But the master can rest assured that the disciple has a spectrum in his heart, and there will be no problems."

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