Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2790: People's hearts are naturally different, but the hearts of love cannot be

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Zhen Daojia gently raised his hand, and the void where Guan Tianyue and Shuo Bing were were all moved in front of him. He smiled and said, "Sorry, sister, the breath of the little brother cannot be completely controlled at present, so there is no way to give it all, no Do you know what's the matter with you waiting here?"

"Zhen... Junior Brother~"

Shuo Bing felt a bit embarrassed to call a Hunyuan a junior, but she didn't know how to call it for a while, so she had to say, "Can I see the Venerable?"

"of course can!"

Zhen Daojia smiled and said, "If his old man knows, he must be very happy!"

"Where is the real person?"

Guan Tianyue was also very happy and asked hurriedly.

"Where is his old man, you will know when you see it!"

Zhen Daojia did not answer, but said, "Sister Shuo, Master Guan, wait a minute! The younger brother sent the two to see the master."

With that said, Zhen Daojia raised his hand and grabbed it. The space where Shuo Bing and Guan Tianyue were located was completely closed. Then he glanced in the direction of the old man of Tianji's Dongfu, then turned around and stepped into the void, only to see the space like a calm water surface being dropped by a huge rock Aroused, the previous huge wave, this wave not only spread rapidly to the surroundings, even as Zhen Daojia's figure disappeared, and the surrounding area was also a hurricane, whether it was the fairy light or the fairy vitality, they all made a whistling sound. Charged over, and finally formed a huge space vortex here, this vortex whirled crazily, shrinking more and more, and turned into an inexplicable black hole!

Besides Yu Chenjing, he flew directly into the old man's cave of Tianji, but when he flew down, he discovered that the previous heavy immortal prohibition had long been turned into nothingness. Zhen Daojia broke all the immortal prohibitions without knowing it with just one glance. !

"Hun Yuan, this is Hun Yuan~"

Yu Chenjing's eyes showed envy, but he knew that these Qianji Pavilion immortals were forbidden. The reason why he invited Xiaosheng old man to come, besides let Xiaosheng old man convince Tianji old man, he was afraid that if Tianji old man suddenly turned his face, he could only use his palm. If the door token broke the ban, it would be ashamed, but this immortal ban, which was not even difficult for him to break, turned into flowing water under the sight of Hun Yuanxian.

Seeing Yu Chenjing flying back, Lu Shu did not pay attention. He had collected the green gourd long ago, accompanied by his crying wife, and comforted in a low voice. Hagi's revenge was not as strong as Chi Xiaoxia and Chen Xiaoyun, which does not mean that She has forgotten that the peaceful life of the past is the beginning of happiness in this life after all, and the scars are reopened, and it is natural that the old days will inevitably be sad.

Xiang Rong also accompanied Chi Xiaoxia with Chi Mu at this time, and his mood was a little more shocked than the two of them. Xiang Rong had previously had wind and rain or rain in the fairy realm space. He always thought that his strength was incredible, Chi Even if Xiao Xia came into the Good Fortune Sect earlier than herself, she might not be much better than herself, especially in the Chi family's internal affairs, Chi Xiaoxia's line didn't compete with Chimu's line for anything, which made Xiang Rong's illusion even worse.

This battle suddenly awakened Xiang Rong, he was still too far away!

If it weren't for Chi Xiaoxia, if it wasn't for twilight, if it wasn't for Hagi, let alone revenge, it wouldn't even be a guarantee of life!

"Uncle San~"

Xiang Rong lifted Chi Xiaoxia up, and said carefully, "Now that the Chi family is revenge, you are also sorry. If grandpa and the others are living in the sky, they will look at my Chi family so prosperously."

Chi Xiaoxia turned her head to look at Xiang Rong. Xiang Rong's appearance was still like that of a young boy with extremely long eyebrows, almost connected to each other, but the eyes in her eyes were no longer as pure as before. Chi Xiaoxia thought about it. , Said: "Xiang Rong, in fact, the head of Qianji Pavilion is right. No matter the third uncle’s father, the eldest brother and the second brother, or even your foster father, there is no relationship between the third uncle and the third uncle. There is no need for the third uncle. Revenge for them..."


Xiang Rong was stunned, he didn't know what to say.

"It's you instead~"

Chi Xiaoxia went on to say, "You were killed by the old thief, and you should take revenge!"

Xiang Rong blinked and looked at the twilight, he didn't know what Chi Xiaoxia wanted to say.

But Twilight said earnestly: "Your third uncle is right. Of course, he has no blood relationship with the Chi family, but in his mind, this Chi family is his home, and the old thief of Heavenly Mystery destroyed this home and killed him. His relatives!"

"Second brother is right!"

Chi Xiaoxia continued, "The most important thing is Uncle Qiu. He was the housekeeper of my Chi family. I was brought up by him. He was killed to save me from being killed by the secret thief. When I knew the secrets of the Chi family , My sky is falling. In the days when I was in a coma, Uncle Qiu was the beacon in the dark, the warmth in the cold, the love he gave the true father's love!"

Speaking of this, Chi Xiaoxia laughed and said: "Presumably, the old thief of Heaven's Secret is dead and I don't know. If he hadn't killed Uncle Qiu in front of me, I would never miss revenge!

After speaking, Chi Xiaoxia looked like electricity and waited for Xiang Rong to sternly said: "I got here, Xiang Rong, you should know why I am taking revenge, and you should also know what the Chi family means to you, the two words twilight. What does it mean to you?"


Xiang Rong immediately saw sweat on his forehead, and he knelt down and said, "Uncle San, Haier understands, Haier knows it is wrong!"

"Master save you, my second brother raises you, I teach you~"

Chi Xiaoxia looked at Xiang Rong and knelt down and said, "You have today, and my Chi family can be so prosperous. There will naturally be differences in the hearts of people, but there must be no differences in love. I cannot guarantee for future generations. Rong, I will never let the Chi family fall apart once I am alive!"

"Yes, the boy understands!"

Xiang Rong hurriedly replied, "My child is here to vowed not to do anything that would cause the Chi family to fall apart..."


Fairy Xiu Kou smiled, UU reading helped Xiang Rong and said, "There are outsiders here. Since Xiang Rong knows to advance and retreat, there is no need to talk about this."


Chi Xiaoxia nodded and said, "I will only say this once, and I won't mention it again in the future. I'll go and explain to the head of Qianji Pavilion!"

At this time, the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect naturally believed that Lu Shu was the strongest, but Xiao Hua gave it to Chi Xiaoxia for the revenge of the old man of Tianji. Watching Yu Chenjing flying over, Chi Xiaoxia urged her body to move, and said: "Jingzhang The door is very righteous, and Chi can't be thankful enough."

"Don't dare~"

Yu Chenjing had long released Yannian exploration and knew the situation of the disciples of the old man of Tianji. Seeing that all the disciples were knocked down, he was shocked in his heart, how dare to say anything, and hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I'm here today. Actually It is also to pursue the responsibility of Tianji in the past..."

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