Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2787: Old man of Tianji, death! ! !

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The old man Tianji laughed, and looked at Chi Xiaoxia's gray eyes and laughed, "But I just set foot in the high-level Jiugong, and I dare to be in front of the old man..."

"Be careful!"

Before waiting for the old man Tianji's voice to fall, suddenly, the old man Xiaosheng exclaimed.

The old man Tianji was shocked. He was about to look around, but suddenly an irresistible heart palpitations emerged from the bottom of his heart, and Chen Xiaoyun, who had not done anything special before, suddenly appeared in front of the old man Tianji.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyun, the old man of Tianji could no longer tell whether he was a phantom or real, but the old man of Tianji could see clearly, and where Chen Xiaoyun raised his left hand, a villain struggled with blood, see if the villain looked exactly like him?


The old man Tianji instantly understood that this was the distraction of the gods he had descended into the lower realm. He thought he had been killed by others, but he did not expect to fall into the hands of his enemies.

The old man Tianji didn’t even want to urge the secret technique to take it back, but unfortunately his immortal power was born, like a stone sinking into the sea, the distraction seemed to be non-existent, and at this moment, an acute pain like venom erosion came from the old man’s soul. Give birth.


This kind of pain could not be resisted at all, even the old man of Tianji, who had achieved Jiugongxian for an unknown number of years, also snarled, and with the low roar, the old man of Tianji was surprised to find that he had bleeding rust spots on his body!

"This...what kind of magic is this?"

The old man of Tianji was shocked and inexplicable!

However, this is not enough. The **** rust spots just gave birth, and an angry voice rang out above the old man's head: "Old thief, die!"

Isn't it Chi Xiaoxia's voice?

The old man of Tianji swept swiftly, only to see Chi Xiaoxia's blood gun upright, flying out of the sky above his head like electricity, and the tip of the gun had pierced into the top door of the old man of Tianji with the sound.

"How can it be??"

The old man Tianji thought that the old man Xiaosheng was Chen Xiaoyun as the warning, and he could not even dream that it was Chi Xiaoxia who was killed by himself. But now when looking at Chi Xiaoxia, there is a strange flash of Youbi halo in the **** flesh and blood, a broken one. The witch puppet is tilting his head and looking at the old man Tianji mockingly!

"The Art of Taboo!!"

The old man of Tianji was shocked. He didn't know that Chi Xiaoxia's lady, Xiu Kou, was a Jiuyang Huiying Beast. The husband and wife had already arranged for the witch puppet to attract the attention of the old man. Chi Xiaoxia's real body was repaid in the same way. He also used a blood spear to directly attack the old man Tianling of Tianji!


Although he fell into a deadlock all at once, the old man Tianji was not afraid. He was a disciple of Qianji Pavilion. He was dressed as a defensive weapon. He didn't think too much about protecting his teeth. The old man Tianji roared, and the bronze lotus rose from the top door. He didn't know how long the Primordial Immortal Tool had been refined, and wanted to block Chi Xiaoxia's fatal blow.

And at this time, the old man Tianji also chanted the mantra, a fairy infant with pale golden gossip light and shadow all over his body, with a tripod-shaped mark on his eyebrows, was about to get out of his body.

Unexpectedly, the blood spear pierced the Primordial Immortal Tool, with a muffled sound of "Puff~", the immortal tool flashed crazily, and countless immortal bans shattered, and Chi Xiaoxia's spear pointed straight into the skull of the Tianji old man!

The Primordial Immortal Artifact couldn't stop the blood gun at all.

The old man Tianji was a little flustered. He hurriedly urged the fairy infant, but the fairy infant just touched the **** spots on the surface of the old man Tianji, immediately as if he had touched a flame, the infant’s body made a "Zilala" sound, and the fairy infant was so painful that he went to Retracting within the body, there is no way to rush out!

"Not good~"

Until this time, the old man Tianji was completely out of the sky, and he finally understood the source of the whim during this period. This is the killing of the robbery himself!

The old man Tianji didn't even think about it, and desperately raised his hand and patted his immortal mark. By this time, he knew that the flesh and the fairy infant were not protected, so he had to take care of the immortal mark first.

However, just as he patted the immortal mark with his right hand, a scorching sensation emerged from the immortal mark.

"what happened?"

The old man of Tianji was dumbfounded. He hurriedly looked at his right hand. It didn't matter that it didn't matter, a wave of creeps rushed directly at his soul, because on his right hand, a mark of Chen Xiaoyun was looking at him with a sneer.


The old man Tianji really didn't know what this means, and immediately shouted for help.

It's a pity that Chi Xiaoxia, Fairy Xiu Kou, and Chen Xiaoyun have practiced the ultimate move that they don't know how many times, how could they give the old man a chance to comeback?

Just when the old man Tianji called for help, "Puff~" Chi Xiaoxia's blood gun penetrated the old man Tianji's head, and directly penetrated his body. What kind of body guard, the fairy infant with the gossip engraved all over the body, are all in the blood gun. In the ashes!

As for the immortal mark of the old man of Tianji, there are countless Chen Xiaoyun's marks multiplying in it, which is full of vitality! !

From the outside, a piece of ghost head appeared, and the immortal mark turned into a gray color in the blink of an eye!

Old man of Tianji, death! ! !

The old man Tianji wanted to ask Master Xiaosheng for help before he died, but what he didn't know was that the old man Xiaosheng was also too busy to take care of himself.

Just saying that the old man Xiaosheng attacked Hagi in spite of his face, causing Lu Shu to be furious. Lu Shu did not hesitate to sacrifice a green gourd, and heard him whisper: "Baby, please show your power..." A white light rushed out of the green-skin gourd and directly attacked him, and the old man Xiaosheng was stunned, knowing that this green-skin gourd was at least a top-grade immortal artifact, maybe it was a source.

The old man Xiaosheng didn't dare to neglect, he raised his hand and patted his forehead, and three immortal marks appeared in the heart of his eyebrows. At the place where the immortal marks flashed, a light flashed out and rushed directly to the white light.

This is Elder Xiaosheng’s life-long extinguishing light, specializing in dealing with Qi Ling.

However, what made the old man Xiaosheng puzzled was that Mie Ling's vital light was pierced and empty, as if there was no tool spirit in the white light.


The old man Xiaosheng laughed wildly, and exclaimed, "It turned out to be a piece of paper..."

It's a pity that without waiting for the old man Xiaosheng's voice to fall, the white light has already rushed through the condensed hands of the Five Elements Yuan Ling and hundreds of thousands of Qianji Pavilion disciples' fairy artifacts like water.


The white light is like fading fairy ink, wherever it passes, all the glorious glow of UU reading turns into nothingness!

"Ding Ding Dong Dang~"

Hundreds of celestial objects were turned into scrap copper and rotten iron and fell from mid-air!

The Five Elements Yuan Ling, who had just been arrogant, was now wailing, turning into a cloud of smoke and slowly disappearing.

As for the old man Xiaosheng, as the colorless flames melted, a surge of pain that was more intense than that of a knife attacked his soul!


The old man Xiaosheng whispered in pain, his body plummeting.


Without waiting for the old man Xiaosheng to stand firm, a voice of wailing sounded around the Si Lingtai...

The leader is over and there is no update at night.

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