Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2778: Head of the 0 Machine Pavilion and Head of the Sapphire Door

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Then the old man Tianji looked around, raised his hand and lightly clicked, an electric arc emerged, tearing a crack in the void, and the old man Tianji floated into it.

This is a green and misty space. There is not much space, but the old man Tianji flew into the room, and his body shrank rapidly, and he could actually get into it.

After the old man of Tianji fell in, he sat down cross-legged again, and kept pinching his hands. Every fairy tactic hit his eyebrows. After seven or forty-nine fairy tactics, a mung bean-sized spot of light flew out from the center of his eyebrows. A faint human figure is faintly visible within the point.

The old man Tianji smiled at the corners of his mouth, looked at the light spot proudly, looked up at the space, and muttered to himself: "Since the old man dares to call himself a secret secret, he naturally has a glimpse of the secret. Supernatural powers, can you wait to know?"

As he said, the old man Tianji raised his hand a little, and the light spot slowly turned towards the green crystal.

However, the light spot did not penetrate into the green crystal, but stuck to it.


The old man of Tianji looked at the light spot and at the green crystal, and sighed, "The old man has gained a lot from this thing, what is the technique of divination by five thunders, what is the location of the five thunder eyes, what is the method of thunder casting, etc. If it weren’t for this thing, how could the old man dare to call himself the old man of heaven? Unfortunately, at this moment, the old man didn’t know what this thing was! Since the old man is in a critical moment, he can hardly use this thing to get out of the catastrophe.”

"It's also a pity. The old man had the opportunity to set foot in Daluo and go to the high level of the world. It may be that the old man is in bad luck. Xilong found some eyebrows, but was killed. At this time, he didn't know. Who is behind the scenes..."

At this point, there was a message fairy flashing on the waist of the old man Tianji.

The old man Tianji looked coldly, his figure shook, flew out of the space, and then with a wave of his hand, the green space disappeared without a trace.

What the old man of Tianji didn't know was that he had just flew away, and a big face suddenly appeared in the void. Isn't this look exactly what Zhaoju should look like?

Zhao Jian looked at the extremely dim green filaments in the void, and said in surprise: "I'm going, what is this green crystal? There is an aura that does not belong to the fairy world? No wonder a Jiugongxian dares to call the secret of heaven, the original source Here!"

Afterwards, the big face slowly moved towards the space where the green crystal was located. After getting closer, Zhaojuan stopped again and secretly said: "Somewhat weird!"

"A certain family followed Thunder to get here, the servant was first hidden in the void, seeming to be coveting the old man's cave of Tianji, and then he quietly left. A certain family wanted to continue to follow, but suddenly his heart moved, and he felt this. Where, could it be this thing that caused some anxiety?"

"Since it's this thing, what will the Thunder guy do? Didn't he find this thing?"

"The Tianji child left the imprint of the soul, apparently sensing the existence of Thunder, does he have any blood feud with Thunder?"

"Oh, someone understands, isn't it Xiao Hua?"

"In that case, there should be a good show in Tianji Dongfu, a certain family should not disturb Tianji children..."

The old man of Tianji didn’t know that the curtain was about to start, and he didn’t even know that his most secret place had been discovered. He was standing in the air at this moment, looking at a man in a bronze robe with silver radiance on his face. The fairy who covered his face by Hua sighed and said, "Oh, Jin Jin Lao Er, why is the old man in the mood to bet against you now?"

"Tianji old ghost~"

The old man Dianjin looked up and down at the old man Tianji, and said, "What's wrong with you, is there no fighting spirit? Since you lost the last time in a gambling fight, you don't gambling with the old man anymore, listen to the old man Bu Cang, you even You won’t play chess with him anymore. This is not your style. Have you done anything wrong?"

"who said it!"

The old man Tianji argued, "The old man walks upright, sits upright, and his integrity is obvious..."


Before the words of the old man Tianji were finished, the sound of thunder suddenly appeared in the distance of Tianji, which scared the old man Tianji, and he hurriedly shut up.

"Haha, look at you~"

The old man Dianjin laughed and pointed at the old man Tianji and said, "This is a guilty conscience!"


Without waiting for the old man of Tianji to explain anything, a flash of electric light flew from the place where the thunder sound just started, and fell in front of the old man of Tianji to form a nine-linked light knot. : "The disciple welcomes the head to send a message!"

After speaking, the old man of Tianji raised his hand a little, and the light knot broke and turned into a young man dressed in a crane cloak. The young man looked at the old man of Tianji and said lightly: "Heavenly, the old man accompanies Fairy Qingyushan Qinglan, you quickly Welcome!"


When the old man Tianji heard that it was Fairy Qinglan Qingyun Mountain, his face changed slightly, but facing his head, Yu Chenjing, he still suppressed his anger and whispered, "My head, my disciple has been sick recently. I'm afraid It’s not good to welcome VIPs..."

"Heavenly mystery, the elder Xiaosheng of this sect just happened to come back from Wusijiang Youtian, and he hasn't seen you for a long time, so he came here together!"


When the old man of Tianji heard this, he did not dare to neglect and hurriedly laughed and said, "Master, don't you make it difficult for the disciple to do? The disciple and master finally returned to the master's door, and it is reasonable for the disciple to come and see him, how can he let..."

"Hurry up and roll over for Laozi~"

Before the old man of Tianji finished speaking, another ray of light exploded next to the messaging lightning, and a jealous voice immediately sounded.

The old man Tianji shrank his neck and hurriedly rushed to the old man Jin and said, "Lao Jin, you first avoid it, my head and master are here!"

The old man Dianjin hadn’t spoken yet, and Yu Chen, the head of Qianji Pavilion, said quietly: “Since there are fairy friends here, UU reading is just right...”

There is no need for the old man Tianji to say anything. The old man Dianjin smiled bitterly: "See? Mr. Tianji, this is the source of your recent restlessness."


The old man Tianji saw that the master had pulled in the master who had been ignoring the affairs of Xianmen for a long time, so he had to droop his head and said in frustration, "At this time, his face is nothing!"

The old man Tianji and the old man Dianjin hurriedly dissipated the silver light of the body protection, and each revealed their true appearance, urging their bodies to fly towards the thunder light.

The old man Dianjin looked as handsome as the old man of Tianji, except that his eyes were slightly larger and his face turned yellow. Not long after, the two flew back with the three immortals.

Among them is a rainy morning calm in a crane cloak, there is a kind of unspeakable grace between his hands and feet, and his tolerance is extraordinary. His left hand is the pretty female fairy Qing Lan Fairy, but the face of Qing Lan Fairy is like frost at this time, and he is wearing blue clothes. The outside is also overflowing with cold, frosty earth and light green glow...

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