Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2771: Open up interface channels

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It's just that there is a Heavenly Sovereign in the Dao Immortal Realm, Xiao Hua still dare not be too arrogant, the name of Good Fortune Gate is temporarily unavailable, but sending some disciples to attack and kill Wenquan, but there is no problem at all.

Now that the interface channel of Dao Immortal Realm can be opened, the interface channel of Demon League and Heavenly Court can also be opened.

Xiao Hua's mind was determined. After returning his mind, he found a place to escape at will. When he got a secret place, Xiao Hua sent out Shangguan Yufeng and Hu Wenyuan, who were the seven major disciples, and asked them to take out after being guarded. Chuan Xi asked, "Where is Fu Zhiwen?"


Fu Zhiwen's voice came out timidly, "The disciple is..."


Xiao Hua wondered, "What's the matter?"

"Disciple please sin~"

Fu Zhiwen hurriedly answered.

"what happened?"

Xiao Hua frowned slightly.


Fu Zhiwen whispered, "The disciple still has some things here, so I can't go back temporarily!"


Xiao Hua said lightly, "Since that's the case, you are ready to plead your guilty face-to-face!"

"Yes, Master~"

Fu Zhiwen didn't expect Xiao Hua to say this, he immediately reverently said, "The disciple kneels to meet the master!"

Xiao Hua smiled and urged the method of shadow-body exchange, but for a moment, it had fallen into an antique pavilion.

This pavilion is naturally one of the three unnamed big cities that Fu Zhiwen opened up for the Luoyi Business League in Wuming Yuanyu. Xiao Hua has always been here, because there is nothing special, Xiao Hua has never been here.

Xiao Hua got up, let out Yannian and looked around, a smile appeared on his face.

With the painstaking efforts of Fu Zhiwen and Qiuqiu, the three major cities have gradually gained scale. Fu Zhiwen cannot get away, there is indeed something to do.

After arriving at Banzhuxiang, Fu Zhiwen hurriedly flew over and was about to kneel down in front of the pavilion. Xiao Hua smiled and said, "You don't have to apologize, get up!"

"No, Master~"

Fu Zhiwen was not happy because of Xiao Hua's pardon, but knelt down and said, "The disciple is really busy with mundane affairs, and the cultivation has been delayed. The disciple asks for sin."


Xiao Hua knew what Fu Zhiwen was thinking, and nodded, "Since you feel guilty, you should be guilty!"


After kowtow, Fu Zhiwen got up and asked bitterly, "You always come here in person, do you want to take the disciples back?"

"Previously, the old man didn't let you be intoxicated~"

Xiao Hua said, "I'm afraid that power will blind your heart and delay your cultivation. But, now and then, now there are 30,000 Hunyuan disciples appearing in my Good Fortune Sect. This red dust experience is necessary again..."


Fu Zhiwen exclaimed, "Three...30,000 mixed yuan!"


Xiao Hua also became a little bit interested, and said, "Moreover, the number of Hunyuan disciples is still increasing. So many Hunyuan disciples stay in the fairy space alone. I am afraid that there will be no major development, so your three major cities have fallen. It’s the finishing touch."


Fu Zhiwen caught his mind and smiled, "Master meant to create a gate of good fortune in this heavenly court?"

Fu Zhiwen is worthy of being an old friend and teacher and friend of Xiao Hua in the common world. He understood Xiao Hua's meaning when he heard Xiao Hua's words.

"Not bad~"

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "The reason why the old man came here in person is to build an interface channel in the three major cities. At present, this interface channel can only allow my good luck disciples to pass through, and the three major cities you created by yourself are my good luck disciples in heaven. The first stop!"

"Master Shengming!"

Fu Zhiwen laughed and said, "These three cities are located in remote locations. There is only one group of jade buildings nearby, Xuanpu and the master's deceased. Our good fortune gate is here to establish a school, it is the right time and place, and everyone!"


Xiao Hua got up and said, "You temporarily become the lord of the Three Cities, and arrange for the juniors and apprentices. The old man asks Shangguan Yufeng and the others to negotiate with you."

After that, Xiao Hua remembered something again and said: "By the way, the Heaven and Earth Tower is still in your hands, right? I borrow it from the old man~"

"No problem, Master~"

Fu Zhiwen didn't want to take out the Tower of Heaven and Earth, and offered his hands to Xiao Huadao, "Although this thing is good, it is a pity that the disciple is not strong enough to exert its power!"

"Do not worry!"

Xiao Hua curled his lips and said, "The old man just borrowed, and he will pay you back after the election!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua left the imprint of the soul and exchanged with the shadow again.

There was ecstasy on Fu Zhiwen's face, and he hurriedly flew out to send a message to Qianqi.

Xiao Hua returned to the Yellow City, first entered the space with his mind, made an interface channel to the unknown city, and then made an interface channel to his current location. Finally, with the help of staying in the Luoyi Business League, he was in Wuyun City. It stopped after making an interface channel nearby.

However, it was only a pause. Xiao Hua looked at the space of the Demon League, and simply used the shadow of the Demon League to create several interface channels. Of course, these channels, as Xiao Hua said, have special seals. Only the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect can truly enter and exit.

After doing this, Xiao Hua thought for a while, and asked softly: "Where is the Taoist friend?"

After a while, the Jade Die Wenqu stepped into the space. As soon as he saw the Yu Di Xiao Hua, he sighed and said, "Daoist friend, Daoist friend, how can Xiaosheng speak to express his admiration for you?"

"Did you know? Whether it's a fairy official, a college student, or a disciple on the twelfth floor, almost all the heavenly Confucian immortals have been talking about your three super-successful credits in the British election for thousands of years!"

"Xiaosheng really doesn't know, what do you think in your head, how can Shengsheng squeeze out three hundred and sixty-one credits under the harsh requirements of Zhaoming Qitianlu?"

"Previously, Xiaosheng thought that they would forget about it in a hundred years, but Xiaosheng was wrong. This time the British election... When the credits of those students came out, the deeds of the only Wenzong Taoist in the heavenly court were revealed again. The legend of the strength against 1,799 students and one person holding 1,816 jade tokens is once again praised!"

"You said that Xiaosheng didn't have participated in the British and Xianxuan elections. How come UU reading is not as good as a Daoist friend?"


Speaking of the last, the Jade Die Wenqu grabbed the sleeves of Yu Di Xiao Hua and said: "The Daoist must explain the process of the previous British election in detail, otherwise Xiaosheng will not let the Daoist leave!"

Jade Diablo Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. He was looking for jade diary literary songs for two important things, but they didn't come to show off to him.

So a ray of gold flashed in Jade Diablo Xiao Hua's eyes, and it fell into the eyes of Yu Di Wenqu, and said: "Look at it yourself!"

"I... my goodness!"

Yu Di Wenqu just closed his eyes for a moment, and exclaimed, "The little student thought that the legend was too illusory, and it was purely false, but I did not expect that the real situation of the Taoist friends is more than that of the legend! This...this time I'm afraid no one can think of the body?"

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