Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2769: New idea

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"Senior Wen Wen~"

Jiang Meihua threw the Ji family's disciple at Wen Zhong's feet, and the chief inspector saluted.

Jiang Meihua is still different from Xiao Hua. He is from the ancient immortal clan. Since he knows Wenzhong's origin, naturally he can't wait any longer.

"Fine, nothing~"

I didn't know that Wen Zhong was even more discouraged, and waved his hand, "The old man has died in Juelongling again, so I don't want to mention it again."


Xiao Hua looked at the stone stele in Juelong Ridge, raised her hand and patted it lightly. "Boom", the mountain peaks including the stele were all turned into dust, and laughed, "It's just a trick by others to lure the enemy. letter!"

"The old man doesn't believe it~"

Wen Zhong smiled bitterly, "The old man is not strong enough!"

"Taoists may not be strong enough~"

Xiao Hua pointed at Qiao Samsara, Jiang Meihua and others and said, "What if you add them?"


Don't say Wen Zhong was stunned, even Qiao Samsara and Jiang Meihua were also stunned.

After Wen Zhong reacted for a moment, he was pleasantly surprised: "You mean..."

Xiao Hua interrupted Wen Zhong's words and said, "This matter is not easy to talk about here. Daoists can have hidden places. Xiao Mou and Daoists can discuss it carefully!"

"The hidden place?"

Wen Zhong looked at the two people at his feet, and smiled bitterly, "The old man's foundation in the Heavenly Court has been destroyed by the Ji family and the Qunyu Tower!"

"Qunyu Tower?"

Xiao Hua looked a little surprised at the man in the sword suit in the mysterious suit, wondering, "He is a disciple of the group of Yulou?"

"Xiao Zhunsheng~"

Wen Zhong thought for a moment and said, "Don't you have a space fairy? I'll wait and discuss it!"


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "You are also familiar with the left and right places."

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand to offer the Kunlun Mirror.

"It is said that the saint has been born as he pleases~"

Wen Zhong looked at the Kunlun Mirror and said meaningfully, "Xiao Zhunsheng is a little bit overwhelmed like this!"

"No, no~"

Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "This is Xiao Mou's respect for people."

Wen Zhong looked at Xiao Hua, and when the Kunlun mirror was clear, he still shook his head. He didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Hua's words at all.


Jiang Meihua looked at Xiao Hua’s income space for Wen Qing and others, frowned, and asked, “This Wen Zhong is the ancestor of the Wen family, how could he be willing to be a man? You cooperate with him...”


Xiao Hua smiled, did not directly answer Jiang Meihua's words, turned to ask Qiao Samsara and said, "How many disciples of our Good Fortune Sect have entered Hunyuan these years?"


Qiao Samsara hurriedly replied, "A total of 27,000 disciples!"

"I go!"

Even when Jiang Meihua heard this number, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Nearly 30,000 Hunyuan disciples?"


Xiao Hua asked again, "How is the progress of these 27,000 disciples? When do you think you can set foot in the middle level of Hunyuan?"


Qiao Samsui's face showed bitterness, and he replied, "More than five million years have passed in the space, and the disciple feels that the cultivation base has not progressed, and the other disciples should be too. As for the middle level of Hunyuan...the disciple dare not imagine!"


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "You have to know that you can set foot in Hunyuan, not only because you are blessed, but also because of your unique practice. However, this Hunyuan is completely different from other realms. Disciple, they should all set foot in Hunyuan soon, and there won't be too many differences."

"Unfortunately, there are still three thousand disciples who can't enter yet. This shows the difficulty of achieving Hunyuan!"

"Secondly, the cultivation of Hunyuan is also extremely difficult, and even the difficulty from beginner to intermediate is even more difficult than when you go from Qixian to Taiyi."

"Let's tell you, the old man is no more than Hunyuan middle and high school. This is the improvement that the old man can only make under the repeated adventures. If the old man is still in the Taoxian world, he will definitely not have such an achievement.

"Finally, what the old man wants to say is that when you wait to achieve Hunyuan in the immortal realm space, that space can no longer satisfy your continued cultivation. If you want to make further progress, you can only get out of the space! This is the same principle as the old man's journey to the seven realms. "

With that, Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua and said: "Don't say Qiao Samsara, it's you, if you are placed in the Taoist Immortal Realm, with your Taiyi high-level strength, you have long become a hero and you will be called a master!"

Jiang Meihua’s relationship with Xiao Hua is naturally different. He squeezed his chin and smiled: “That’s true! Although the fairy space is large enough, there are other sects besides the good luck sect disciples, but they don’t. The climate is not enough for these Hunyuan disciples to experience!"

"As for those forbidden places, to be honest, it's okay to practice exercises, but when it comes to mental transformation, it's far worse than the real immortal world outside."

"Not bad~"

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Although the Dao Immortal Realm is where we were born, the human race there still feels less, not as popular as the Heavenly Court. Since the old man is in the Heavenly Court, let's put the place where the good fortune disciples rise up in the Heavenly Court!"


Jiang Meihua smiled and said, "Heavenly Court is on the twelfth floor of the Fifth City. Our good fortune gate wants to gain a foothold, but it is more difficult than Dao Xianjie!"

"You can't become a weapon without thinking about it!"

Xiao Hua said, "If 30,000 yuan can't become a weapon, what does Xiao want these disciples to do?"

Joe Samsara didn't dare to interrupt while waiting, but he was excited to hear him beside him. Jiang Meihua was right. The immortal realm is huge, but they are too familiar with it. As the realm improves, they feel more and more knowledgeable, and this feeling makes them unable to improve.

"Thirty thousand Hunyuan entering the Heavenly Court will cause an uproar, right?"

Jiang Meihua raised her brows and smiled, "Presumably this is the reason why you and Wen Zhong joined forces?"

"There are other reasons~"

Xiao Hua replied, "But I will talk about it in the Immortal Tool Space!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua thought about it, and put Jiang Meihua and others in the room.

Wen Zhong couldn't perceive anything at all. He thought Jiang Meihua was waiting to follow him in, and smiled and said to Xiao Hua, "Xiao Zhunsheng can share it at this time, right?"


Xiao Hua said, “It’s very simple. Poor Dao himself has made enemies with others in the Heavenly Court. Now that you know that Daoists have enemies, you might as well join hands to avenge you. These disciples of Poor Dao are courageous, but They are innocent; after hearing that the Daoists are resourceful and resourceful, but there are few usable people, isn't it invincible that you and I join forces?"


Wen Zhong laughed and said, "Xiao Zhunsheng's enemy is the Nangong family, right!"

"Nangong family is big head~"

Xiao Hua said, "Huangcheng Academy is a small head!"

"It's the bet between Tianshu Academy and Huangcheng Academy, right?"

Wen Zhong smiled bitterly, "To be honest, it is easy to destroy the Nangong family, but it is difficult to destroy the Huangcheng Academy!"

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