Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2753: There is no Confucianism after Xiao Hua

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Zhang Zhengzi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Xiao Hua, then raised the ink pen in his hand and pointed it out again.

With a blast of "Peng", Zhang Zhengzi's ink pen exploded in his hand.

"Roar, roar~"

The three combined characters turned into Xuanwu to rush towards Xiao Hua.


Zhang Zhengzi let out a long sigh. He knew that he had done his best, and the three Xuanwu who attacked Xiao Hua with the word "rank" had far exceeded the strength of the third rank of Yuqing Immortal.


Looking at Xiao Hua again, lightning flashed in his eyes, and Zhang Zhengzi was swung straight with the spear in his hand.

Seeing the gun shadow like an electric stab into the air, suddenly turning into a sword shadow, Zhang Zhengzi's heart suddenly came up in his throat.

Sure enough, "swish swish~" Jian Ying splits three basalts in one, and in Zhang Zhengzi's eyes, the almost indestructible basalt was easily smashed into by Jian Ying.

"Bang bang bang~"

The basalt that was split into two halves exploded and turned into two complete inscriptions, but the inscriptions had lost their vitality and slowly fell.

"How can it be??"

Zhang Zhengzi whispered like a ghost, "Xiao Hua actually knows the combined characters? And... and can he cut the combined characters?"

After exclaiming, the sword shadow that had just split the combined characters hit the sky again, and the sword intent within it was like the world closed!

"What kind of sword art is this?"

Zhang Zhengzi didn't hold his ink pen, and there was fear in his heart. When he was even more horrified, he was about to meet this sword intent, and the Xuanhuang jade brand on his chest broke with a crack!

"I...I'll go~~"

Zhang Zhengzi looked down at the broken jade card phantom and exclaimed. It turned out that the Xuanhuang jade card had been affected by Jianying as early as the moment Xiao Hua saw the combined characters split!

"Thank you Zhang Zhengzi's literary friend~"

Xiao Hua's voice rang in Zhang Zhengzi's ears.

Listening to Xiao Hua’s unhurried voice, Zhang Zhengzi, who was sincerely admired, was born in his heart. He received the ink pen and respectfully saluted: "Don’t dare, Zhang congratulates Xiao Wenheng on becoming the only one in the Heavenly Court... Wen Zong!!!"

Zhang Zhengzi knew in his heart that Xiao Hua was able to defeat himself so easily, and naturally he could easily defeat the other 1,798 opponents. This time only Xiao Hua won the five forbidden areas for hegemony, and this only sect was worthy of its name.

Moreover, Xiao Hua won the name of Wenzong with such a record, afterwards...Who would dare to call himself Wenzong?

There is no Wenzong after Xiao Hua!

Sure enough, "Boom boom boom~" around the altar, the four previously opened holes, Chengzhen in the north, Taiyuan in the east, Guangli in the west, Zhaoheng in the south, and even the central richness under the altar, are now open again, Qingxue, Zhang Zhengzi and other students whose jade brand phantoms were crushed on their chests were all sucked into it.

Qingxue and Zhang Zhengzi were right. When the Wufang Cave was opened, 1,799 students were involved almost at the same time.

Of course, all the students were shocked by Xiao Hua's strength and all respectfully saluted.

"Xiao once again thank you all friends for perfection~"

Xiao Hua, with five heads and nine arms, gave gifts to each other from five directions.

After everyone disappeared, the five-sided writing gradually dimmed, and then a tower-shaped silhouette appeared above the sky.

Xiao Hua knew that this was the Tower of Heaven and Earth.

As the Heaven and Earth Tower appeared, a cloud of clouds rolled down from the Heaven and Earth Tower and turned into a path of clouds in front of Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua frowned slightly, and did not set foot on the Yunlu Road. He looked around and wanted to find the sixth jade medal!

It's a pity that the surroundings are empty, there are no more people, and no writing or tokens appear.

"Where is the token?"

Xiao Hua firmly believed in Zhaoming Qitianlu's words, and said in his heart, "If you follow the position where the five forbidden places appear, the Cangbi token should be in the sky!"

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua looked up at the sky again.

It is a pity that the sky is empty, there is no writing or outline.

After all, the five most forbidden places have already appeared, and Heavenly Court has never had the sixth most forbidden place!

"How to do?"

Xiao Hua rolled his eyes, and urged his figure to rise to the sky!

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua flew straight for 100,000 miles, and he suddenly discovered that he had actually reached the side of Deyun Road.

Xiao Hua knew that he couldn't fly high at all!

Xiao Hua looked up at the Heaven and Earth Tower, then at the Cloud Road, thinking about stepping on it.


Xiao Hua left the altar, and Xia Cai was immediately rolled up on the altar, as if the curtain was lifted, and the altar returned to its original shape, in the shape of a blooming four-petal regenerated flower.

Shocking Forbidden Land, Dan Ming Forbidden Land, White Space Forbidden Land, and Youyan Forbidden Land show their true colors. They may be female fairies Yaoyao, handsome young men, large beards, or old women in ice and snow!

Seeing the original appearance of the four forbidden areas, Xiao Hua suddenly shook his figure and whispered: "This...isn't this the four seasons hexagrams? Could it be..."

Xiao Hua hurriedly looked down again. Sure enough, the Kunhuan Forbidden Land has now turned into a huge yellow Cong, and the jade ribbons flying above it!


Xiao Hua looked up at the darkened sky, and laughed, "Xiaosheng understands that if you want to obtain the Cangbi token, you have to use means to open the sky, and any Taiqing immortal is afraid that they will not have this strength, so Zhaoming Qitian Lu Cai said that it was an impossible task, even a niche..."

"But, how can the ability of a niche be comparable to ordinary Yuqing and immortals?"

"What do you mean?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm couldn't be restrained anymore, stepped out from the side of the heaven and earth tower, and asked in amazement, "Can you open the sky?"

"Why can't I?"

Xiao Hua smiled, slapped the door, and revealed the flower again, but at this time, without the blessing of Huang Cong Hongyun, the flower is still a flower.

Next to the armillary sphere in the same realm, Zhaoming Qitianlu also walked out with his goatee, and he looked at Xiao Hua puzzled.

Xiao Hua showed the time body, with a calm smile on his face, and squeezed the sword tactics with his right hand to face Dongfang and sang: "Spring light can bear me, and make me worry more for the guests. No matter how late Mei Rui is, Ying Sheng wants Hugh. Xinpao smells strange, old couple dreams and travels together. Taoism knows how to use it, the world is blank."

With the singing, UU reading www.uukā Xiao Hua Time's right hand sword tactics urged, unexpectedly there is a spring light born from the sword tactics, spreading towards the Dongfang Yaoyao female fairy, where the spring light covers, Yaoyao female Spring is born on the fairy face, and the whole body is temporarily glowing, revealing countless peach blossom petals. These petals will bloom as the spring light passes by, and the spring light does not stop. With Xiao Hua's right hand sword art, he once again moved toward the south handsome young man. Swept away.

It's just that when the spring is coming to a handsome young man, Xiao Hua's sword tactics in his body changed again, and he chanted: "Heaven and earth are a big kiln, and Yang charcoal cooks in June. All things are this pottery, and people do not complain. Autumn also ends up in the heat. The field water is boiling like soup, and the back sweat is like splashing. Farmer Fang Xiayun, sit still and dare to eat!"

With the sound of singing, Chunguang turned into a thunderbolt, and countless threads of fire were born within the handsome young man's figure...

"This this……"

Seeing the time Hongyun in the forbidden area of ​​Zhenpun and Danming was aroused, Zhaoming Qitianlu was dumbfounded. He looked at Xiao Hua incredulously and whispered, "He...what is he going to do?"

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