Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2747: Everyone is discouraged


With the sound of Zhaoming Qitianlu falling to the ground, three hundred and sixty jade plaques rose into the sky on the altar, and fell towards 36,000 light smoke.

It was just a few breaths. Three hundred and sixty light smoke fell into the Kuixing Terrace like a tired bird returning to its nest. Where the light smoke fell, a rosy cloud emerged, the cloud shaped like a yellow cong, and the inside was overflowing with nine colors. A selected illusion is born!

Xiao Hua squinted his eyes, looked at the three hundred and sixty clouds on the Triple Kui Star Platform, and thought to himself: "According to the Xiayun Festival of the Ximen Family, Xiao should not be too soon. In the middle of the third round of the test, he will choose the first place. Seventy-two in one weight, because according to the experience of the Ximen family, entering the Kuixing Terrace too early will consume too much energy to fight, but if it is too late, morale may be low because of waiting too long..."

"...The question is, Xiao wants to get the sixth token. Could it be that the sixth token was obtained in the five forbidden territories?"

"However, it is the winner of the five forbidden lands who enters the five forbidden lands to compete for hegemony. They only have five tokens. Where did the sixth token come from?"

"No, I have to ask~"

By this time, Xiao Hua had no choice but to take the risk of asking Zhaoming Qitianlu.

Xiao Hua took a deep breath and looked at Zhaoming Qitian who was standing in the air and said: "Senior, Xiaosheng has a question, I wonder if I can ask it?"


Zhaoming Qitianlu looked at Xiao Hua blankly, and uttered a word, it seemed that he didn't know Xiao Hua at all.

"Xiaosheng heard that there will be a sixth Cangbi token in the election of the British, and when he gets six tokens from Cangbi, Huang Cong, Qinggui, Chizhang, Baihu, and Xuanhuang, he can get what he wants. The technique?"

Zhaoming Qitianlu was taken aback for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes~"

"Then, Xiaosheng can ask~"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Xiao Hua felt a little bitter, but he could only bite the bullet and asked, "Where is the Cangbi token for this British election? Or is it that it hasn't appeared yet?"

Zhaoming Qitianlu didn't answer, his sleeves raised, dozens of clouds appeared in the sky, and there was a person within each cloud.

Xiao Hua glanced over Yunxia and knew that these dozens of clouds were where the Cangbi tokens spread across the five forbidden areas. Most of the Cangbi tokens were obtained by others, but these people were all in the first round and the first round of the test. Failed in the second round!


Xiao Hua couldn't help cursing in his heart.


Zhaoming Qitianlu looked at Xiao Hua's face and felt smug. He coughed and asked, "Do you have any other questions?"


Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and asked directly, "Does Xiaosheng still have a chance to get the Cangbi token?"

"One more chance!!"

Zhaoming Qitianlu answered without hesitation, "But...that's an almost impossible task..."


Xiao Hua was overjoyed and asked hurriedly.

It's a pity that Zhaoming Qitian recorded the conversation and said, "It's a pity that the old man can't tell you!"


Xiao Hua's eyes turned, and he urged his figure to go straight to the first stage of the Kuixing Platform. He chose a cloud in the center and said, "The little student chooses first!!!"

Before Xiao Hua asked, all the students in front of the Kuixing Platform were not in a hurry to challenge, because like Xiao Hua, they wanted to wait for the right opportunity.

But at this time, after hearing Xiao Hua's question, everyone couldn't help but talk.

"I'm going. While I was still thinking about how to get a Huang Cong token, Xiao Wenheng's goal was already six tokens!"

"What does this guy want to do? Does he have any necessary techniques? Must six tokens?"

"I haven't heard, will there be a sixth Cangbi token at this time?"

"No, it's Wen Zong if he gets five tokens. What does he get with six tokens?"

"What's the matter? Brother Zhao has forgotten how Xiao Wenheng's only Wenheng came from the Heavenly Court! He took six tokens, and five tokens are not Wenzong, he is the only Wenheng in the Heavenly Court!!"

"No, he is a clone of Taoist Confucianism, how can he let him take the only Wenzong of Heavenly Court? What is the face of our Heavenly Court? I want to stop him!!"

With that, the student surnamed Zhao has rushed into Yunxia to challenge Xiao Hua.

"Yes, I also want to stop!!"

"Xu Mou first go!"


I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. A student's words aroused many people's indignation!


Everyone was talking, on the Kuixing stage, the cloud in the center burst, and a figure fell out of it. Zhaoming Qitianlu said coldly: "Qiyun Tower, Xin Zhao is defeated, and enter the Five Phoenix Pavilion!"


After that, a Caifeng flew out of the sky outside the Kuixing Station, and the Caifeng carrying a student named Xinyi Zhao flew out of space and disappeared.

Caifeng's appearance was originally an honor for the junior election, but Xinyi Zhao, who was sitting on Caifeng's back, looked decadent.

"Why so fast?"

Jing was already staring at the cloud and was ready to fly in as soon as there was a movement, but... Xinyi Zhao was defeated so quickly, which made Jing Ji's heart shake vividly.

After all, there are hundreds of millions of students participating in the British election, and there are only 36,000 in front of the Dekuixing Platform. These 36,000 students are the elites of the heavenly jade and immortals. Actually, the strength of each other is not much different. If Xiao Hua could be like this Defeating Xinyi Zhao in a short period of time, Jing already believes that the defeat is his step forward, and it will definitely not last long!

"How to do?"

"If I don't challenge Xiao Hua, I'm 80% sure to enter the five forbidden areas to compete for hegemony, and I can even get at least three tokens~"

"But if I challenge Xiao Hua, I...I seem to be only 20% sure to win..."

"I'll challenge!!"

Jing had hesitated, and there was already a student holding a long sword flying out first, and shouted out of righteous indignation, "Even if I am dead, I can't let a Dao Immortal clone appear in my heavenly court!"

"Not bad!!"

Someone even shouted in Zuojin, "Brother Yongli is the first to take the lead, I will follow suit!"


A student named Yongli flew in, and Jing Yi's heart suddenly touched his throat. He was counting while thinking to himself, "This Wei Yongli is a swordsman who has long been famous in Wuyun Tower, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, although I have never fought with him, I heard that his combat power is in the platoon of Huangcheng Yuqingrenxian..."


Jing had just thought of this, the clouds burst, Wei Yongli's screams came up, and then he saw him fall out of the clouds in despair!

"Wuyunlou Wei Yongli defeated!"

Zhaoming Qitianlu's voice still sounded, "Enter the Five Phoenix Pavilion..."

Jing is so stupid that he has forgotten to count.

Don't say Jing already, all the students present didn't say a word. They looked at each other and their eyes were all horrified!


The energetic student just now is shrunk and stammered, not knowing what to say, "This is too abnormal, right?"

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