Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2745: Who is the number one?


At this time, within the forbidden area of ​​Kunhuan, there is a huge altar. This altar has three layers, the whole body is carved like a Ming jade, and there is a faint light on it, and it is impossible to see the whole picture.

Below the altar, there are 36,500 incense burners in four directions like a circle. Above the incense burners are outlines like flames. Each outline has a thin ant-like inscription surging, one after another inexplicable Innate energy rushed into this flame outline.

However, except for the flash of fire on the flame facing the altar, the other flames were as quiet as ashes!

I don’t know how many years, "Swish" was close to the left side of the flame. A strand of fire burst out from the incense burner. After falling onto the flame, the "Boom" flame was ignited, making a deafening roar. world.


Around the altar, there were more than a dozen immortals from the sacred palace of literary music and sacred palaces hurriedly flew over. They shouted in surprise: "I'm going, the British election finally has a result, come, come, let's see who is the first to win ..."

However, before finishing talking, everyone was stunned.

Because there were already two flames lit, and they only heard one scream.

"what 's wrong?"

A long-faced fairy looked at one of the flames facing the altar with wonder, "Why don't students come out in this illusion?"


Another immortal official pointed to a bruised and bruised student in the flames on the left, and even the small half of the fairy body on the left was missing and said, "Look, this is the brave who really got out of the brave exam. The winner is one in a hundred. !"

"Yeah, yeah~"

Other immortals also echoed, "There is an armillary sphere of the same realm that suppresses the realm to the same level. In addition to the accomplishment of the exquisite cultivation, it requires the courage to'even if there are thousands of people going forward'. I want to stand out from the 100 students of the same strength. , It is too difficult."

"Look, who is the first brave to appear?"

"Jing has been from Huangcheng Academy!"

"It deserves to be Huangcheng Tianyu's premier academy..."

A thin fairy clerk also praised, "This brave first person comes from Huangcheng Academy and everyone's expectation!"

It's a pity that the voice of the thin immortal official fell to the ground, and no one echoed it. They looked at each other, and there was a strange appearance on their faces.

"what's happenin?"

The Lean Immortal was a little surprised, and looked at everyone in a puzzled way, because not only did they not speak, but they all looked at the flame where no student appeared, as if they understood something.

"Brother Zhao~"

The thin immortal official hurriedly looked at the long-faced immortal and asked in a low voice, "Did the younger brother say something wrong?"


The immortal official surnamed Zhao smiled and said in a low voice, "Brother Qi just came back from a business trip, and I was afraid that he would be transferred to the courage exam without a break, so I don’t know the whole story. It’s not easy for my brother to say anything about it. Let's see!"

"What do you mean?"

The immortal official surnamed Qi was confused. He looked at Jing already in the flame, wondering if he should ask others again.

At this time, the flame has begun to burn the Jing’s body. Within the flame, there is a wire of fire that quickly repairs the Jing’s body. The broken body can be repaired by the naked eye, and the Jing has been sitting cross-legged. On the top door, there is a three-petal person. The flowers are glowing in the flames.

The immortal official surnamed Qi knows that this is Kunhuan’s forbidden place to commend the winners of brave exams. There is ample hongyun in the flame, strong innate aura, and a different time from outside. Hongyun not only makes the winners It can heal injuries, but also improve cultivation skills.


While the immortal official surnamed Qi was observing, the flames next to him began to ignite one after another, and the seriously injured students appeared in the inside, and their names also appeared on the incense burner.

"Xuhuanglou, haha, the second one, no, the third and fourth are all Xuhuanglou disciples!"

"Look at the four coming out of Qiyun Tower..."

"Hey, there are three of Wuyun Tower and Qiyun Tower, and the twelfth floor of the Five City is not built!"

When the crowd whispered, thousands of students had already appeared, lighting the flames of the surrounding incense burners, and a crowd of immortals still wandered around, seemingly expecting something.

But when a student appeared out of the flames, a fairy said in surprise: "Haha, finally came out, Gu Xiang, Tianshu Academy!!!"

"I'll go, 2101, the Tianshu Academy has set a new record, and they have achieved 27,000 at the end!"

"Jiang Yuanming of Huangcheng Academy is going to sit on wax this time!"

The immortal official surnamed Zhao also flew over in a hurry. He took a closer look at the name on the incense burner and said with a smile, "Without Xiao Wenheng, this Gu Xiang alone, Tianshu Academy would surely win Huangcheng Academy!"

"Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao~"

The immortal official surnamed Qi hurriedly grabbed the immortal official surnamed Zhao, wonderingly, "What are you talking about? Why don't you understand me? Do Tianshu Academy and Huangcheng Academy still have to fight?"

"More than just a ring?"

Another immortal's face showed excitement, "Tianshu Academy is setting a record! Didn't you watch the Tianting Yingxuan Wanxiong Pu? The first place is Xiao Hua Xiao Wenheng from Tianshu Academy..."

"I know this~"

The immortal official surnamed Qi pulled the sleeve of the immortal official again and asked, "The problem is that I don't know what the gambling battle between Tianshu Academy and Huangcheng Academy is..."

At this point, the immortal official surnamed Qi suddenly woke up and exclaimed: " mean, the Kuixing furnace that didn't show up just now, is it... Xiao Wenheng??"

As he said, the immortal official surnamed Qi hurriedly looked at the earliest censer with flames, the flames on it still burned, but there was still no figure to appear.


The immortal official surnamed Zhao laughed, "Isn't it Xiao Wenheng? I don't know, but now there are more than 3,000 students who have come out, and I still haven't seen Xiao Wenheng. I think he is the number one in all likelihood!"

While talking, UU read around the Kuixing furnace like an incense burner, and more students appeared. The immortal official named Zhao didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly flew around, took out ink pens, and recorded them separately.


The immortal official surnamed Qi followed behind the immortal official surnamed Zhao, and asked in a low voice, "If it is Xiao Wenheng, where are the others?"

"You ask me, who am I asking?"

The immortal surnamed Zhao smiled and said, "If you want to know, you can ask the same realm of the Armillary Sphere and Zhaoming Qitianlu!"

After the Wanyu Kuixing furnace was ignited, the whole altar returned to calm again, and then only sporadic flames appeared, and a group of immortals were free to gather in front of the first Kuixing furnace again.

Unfortunately, the entire Kuixing furnace is still like that, empty.

Everyone was whispering. Someone was flying from a distance, not Gu Wei.

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