Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2736: Build an unprecedented time body!

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua retreats again, concentrates on the situation of his three flowers, and begins to sort out all the available secret techniques in his hands, and see how to combine the method of one flower and five leaves.

Xiao Hua first looked at the method of coagulation of the lotus and lotus body by the real Taiyi, using it as a lesson for the foresight, eliminating the unnecessary or even low-level exercises, filling in according to the technique of one flower and five leaves, and forming a preliminary idea. Take out all the secret techniques and magical powers, such as the technique of tufting the earth, the technique of building spirits, the technique of immobilizing the mountain, the secret technique of shimmering, the technique of Qitian Zhaoshi, etc., and the whole technique is perfected again.

This is also enough for Xiao Hua to accumulate, and it took more than ten years to complete the exercise alone.

After the exercise was complete, Xiao Hua still didn't dare to do anything casually. He fell into the space again, turned into a jade, Xiao Hua, and deduced the entire exercise again.

What surprised Jade Diablo Xiao Hua was that he thought that the already flawless technique had 36 flaws in the deduction!

Fortunately, there is a perfect deduction by Xiao Hua, otherwise any flaw will make Xiao Hua undone!

Thirty-six flaws were corrected, and Xiao Hua, the jade dilemma, escaped from the space after repeated deductions.

Now that he was ready, Xiao Hua sat down cross-legged after returning to his position, stopped all the exercises, and took away the shadow. He thought for a moment, remembering the role of celebrating the cloud in the red protactinium pillow that day, and simply slapped it. At the door, after the flower was revealed, Qingyun was also released.

Unfortunately, even so, when Xiao Hua began to condense the time law body step by step, he suddenly thought of something, and his face changed greatly: "Damn it, even if Xiao deduced the exercises to be perfect, he forgot one thing. In this great wilderness. In the one-flower five-leaf art of the God Realm, everything can be a Dharmakaya, even time."

"But Xiao is in the Heavenly Court. Even though the time in the fairy world is condensed, how does it exist? Space Hongyun is the ruler of the Heavenly Court, and time Hongyun is invisible at all!"

"Just like Xiao Mou's three flowers of time, the human flowers of the past certainly contained the charm of time, but he was built on the foundation of the world of the red spirit souls. Where is Xiao Mou's time law body? Where is it built?"

"Xiao can't take the initiative to grab time Hongyun, and talk about condensation and casting..."

While Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, he practiced slightly according to the technique, and sure enough, it was just like Xiao Hua's earliest practice of inducing qi into the body, although he could perceive the time, but he couldn't use it for himself!

In desperation, Xiao Hua had to take out the golden flower again, squinted at it, and frowned, as he thought about how to solve the problem!

When Zhaoming Qitianlu sneaked into the secret realm of "Heaven and Earth" handwriting, Xiao Hua was worried, as if he had the skill of slaying dragons, but couldn't find the evil dragon.

There are so many complicated totems in the golden flowers, but they are not beneficial to Xiao Hua. Looking at it, Xiao Hua's eyes suddenly brightened, he suddenly patted his forehead, and whispered: "Haha, why did Xiao forget? The bamboo path of the Nangong family is so quiet! Isn’t that the way to change time for space?"

"Xiao can do it the other way around and use space for time!!"

After that, Xiao Hua immediately collected the golden flowers and began to comprehend it again!

This enlightenment is one hundred thousand years. Naturally, there is no rising and falling of the sun and the moon in the illusion secret realm. However, at a certain moment, it is like the yin and yang alternate between the dawn and the dawn. Suddenly, Xiao Hua's body trembled slightly, and a remnant The time Hongyun in Xiao Hua's body of Chaos was extracted, and it was only an instant that Hongyun disappeared again at this time.


But even so, Xiao Hua opened his eyes, laughed, and muttered to himself, "Xiao is really a genius. In fact, he doesn't have to completely replace space with time. There is only a rudimentary form, the surrounding time. You will be hooked like a fish!"

"Furthermore, Xiao Mou never expected that Xiao Mou's body was filled with so much time Hongyun's remnants. Heavenly Hell, Heavenly Hell, you are Xiao's blessed land!"

"In that case, Xiao's Dharmakaya in this world can be rebuilt, using the heavens as much as possible. No, use the time Hongyun of Zhou Yu as the practice body, and then use so much time in Xiao's physical body to construct the Dharma body. Xiao Mou's physical body used 133,200 light points to construct the same!"

"In this way, Xiao's Law Bodies not only have their own characteristics at this time, but they can also exist in Universe..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua became more excited, and stroked her palm again: "Moreover, like the golden light of body protection, the secret technique of space and time transformation that Xiao had previously realized can not only make the time dharma body appear, but also protect the time dharma body!!"

"Haha, I don't know if such a sub-body can enter the eyes of Zhaoming Qitianlu and the same realm of the armillary sphere?"

Xiao Hua originally constructed an ordinary time dharmakaya, just like the Taiyi real person lotus dharmakaya, but he already has time Hongyun fragments in his body, and then introduce these, that is, what is the lotus root hole and lotus knot in the lotus lotus? All of them are used. The disadvantage is that the increase in the difficulty of casting is not a little bit, but the advantage is that the cultivation of the Law Bodies in the future will be much stronger than before!

The reason why Xiao Hua dared to do this is that he has the experience of forging a physical body of 133,200 points of light, and also has the experience of constructing the image of the gods of mind and Confucianism, the number of the great Zhoutian, the imbalance of the innate **** forbidden, and even the world of the red dust soul. .

Immediately, Xiao Hua revised and perfected the method of time Dharmakaya construction again, of course, this time it only took a hundred years!

After that, Xiao Hua began to construct the Dharmakaya of Time according to the technique of one flower and five leaves. He first used the grand rhyme of space to induce the grand rhyme of the surrounding time, and built the foundation of the Dhammakaya with the technique of tufting the earth, and then led out the different kind of time grand rhyme within the physical body. Into the foundation of the Dharmakaya to form an outline.

It was extremely difficult at the beginning. Xiao Hua did not know how many setbacks he encountered, but when he thought that he could have an incredible time dharmakaya, Xiao Hua worked hard, UU reading a little bit of hard work, it is also Xiao Huafu's deep blessing. , Let’s not say that all the accumulations are enough, just this time mystery where the world is closed is not something that ordinary immortals can encounter.

Zhaoming Qitianlu was for the sake of face, but he tried his best to speed up the time of this secret world by ten thousand times. In other words, the time Hongyun here is ten thousand times that of other places, which means that Hongyun can barely manage this abundant time. Satisfy the use of Xiao Hua's body!

Another opportunity Xiao Hua didn't expect was that it remained in Xiao Hua's body, and a hundred and eight time charms!

If there is no such a small number of days of the week, Xiao Hua's time law has no skeleton at all, and it can easily be melted by the time of the world!

After all, it is easy to condense, and it is too difficult to maintain!

After waiting for the muscles and skeleton of the whole time Dharma body to be finalized, Xiao Hua immediately sent the human flower into this time Dharma body. However, the human flower certainly contains the charm of time, but it is different from the residual time of the time if it wants to blend in. Xiao Hua is weak. move……

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