Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2729: "Evil" Secret Realm

"That's it~"

Xiao Hua looked at the few remaining inscriptions of the illusion secret realm with a smile, "The first round and it ends like this, wait for the second round!"

But at this moment, Xiao Hua's messenger had a movement.


Xiao Hua looked at the messaging tool, but he didn't expect Fengxi to send a message to himself at this time. He smiled and urged the messaging tool and said, "Fengxi..."

I don’t know, before Xiao Hua finished speaking, an unfamiliar voice came from the messaging device: "Xiao Wenheng, Fengxi is in my hands. You are only allowed to reach the secret realm of the word'evil' within three days, otherwise I cannot To ensure the life and death of Fengxi..."

"Master Xiao, don't come..."

Feng Xi's voice came hysterically, but the messenger was turned off and there was no more sound.


Xiao Hua was angry. He never expected Fengxi to be captured as a hostage, and from Fengxi's words, it can be seen that Fengxi must be unwilling to inspire the messenger, but was forced by others.

Xiao Hua knows the secret realm of "evil", "cause of evil accumulates, good fortune is good for celebration", he has tried it a long time ago, knowing it is a space where the terrain is dangerous and the miasma can make up.

Xiao Hua recalled a little, and urged his figure to rush towards one place.

The word "evil" is indeed dangerous within the secret realm. The sharp blade soaring to the sky is like a mountain peak, and five-colored miasma clouds are scattered everywhere.

On a writing instrument that looked like a jade plate, Feng Xi was sitting there with a faint expression, bleeding from Qiqiao.

Next to him, a young student wearing a Confucian costume was standing in the air with his eyes slightly closed, and he was holding Fengxi's messenger device in his hand. The messenger device had been damaged, apparently Fengxi desperately destroyed it just now.

It’s not that the person in Huang Cheng looked at Xiao Hua’s name with a sneer before the start of the Yingxuan, and said to himself, "Anm is still afraid that you will not come. Since you are here, you don’t have to go back. "The young student?"

After a while, the young student raised his hand and threw away the useless messenger. He glanced at Fengxi and said, "Fengxi, if you die, don’t blame Xiaosheng. Xiaosheng wanted to tell him where this is. I'm disturbed by you. Within three days, he may not be able to find this place in this illusion secret realm..."


Fengxi snorted coldly and said, "An Xiong, you wolf-hearted thing, I kindly gave you immortal grass, you actually calculated me and wanted to kill my benefactor, how could I let you succeed? I would rather die by myself, too You can't hurt your grandson."

"What a loyal dog!"

An Xiong looked at Fengxi and sneered, "Xiao Hua just gave you a nine-return divine pill, so you followed him desperately? Don't forget, he is a Daoxian clone! If you take refuge in him, you are betraying the heavens. Deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestor."

"Trick master to destroy ancestor?"

Feng Xi also sneered, and said, "You are not something to deceive your master and annihilate your ancestors. Why don't you disclose what you have learned in the British election? You don't even know the preciousness of the nine-fold alchemy method of Heavenly Court Nine Rhymes. In the presence of more than one million students, step by step, he teaches us the entire technique. Even if he is not a Confucian immortal, he is more like a shameless thing like you!"


As Fengxi’s voice fell and the applause sounded, Xiao Hua paced out of the clouds not far away, and smiled, "You are so good. No matter how bad Xiao is, it is better than his bullying and shameless. s things!"


The young student named An Xiong was not angry either, smiled slightly, and said in surprise, "I didn't expect Xiao Wenheng to arrive so soon. Could it happen that Wenheng was beside him?"

"Not bad~"

Xiao Hua still smiled, pointing his finger at the dazzling Xiaguang and said, "Even if you don't send a message to Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng will come and take a look when he sees such a bright light!"

"Master Xiao~"

Feng Xi struggled and shouted, "Don't you come here, An Xiong is spreading out all around, just waiting for Master Xiao to fall into the trap!"


An Xiong didn't stop Feng Xi from yelling, instead he said with a smile, "Since An dare to lay the ground in front of you, he is sure to let Xiao Wenheng fall into the trap. Do you think he will turn around when he is here?"

Then An Xiong looked at Xiao Hua even more and said with disdain: "People like him, no matter what level of cultivation they reach, they will put all the **** righteousness and disgusting morality on their lips. For his reputation, even in front of him It's a trap, they will also jump in with a smile!"

"You fart~"

Feng Xi exclaimed in anger, "Master Xiao is a person who really considers the life and death of others in his heart!"

"You are right~"

Xiao Hua smiled and walked towards Fengxi one step at a time, and said to An Xiong, "Xiao Sheng is the kind of person who seeks out his reputation, otherwise Xiao Sheng would not kill Nangong Shiru directly!"

Fengxi looked at Xiao Hua puzzledly, not understanding why he defiled himself, and stepped into an ambush.


An Xiong laughed and said, "Xiao Wenheng, do you want to follow An's words? Your calculation is wrong..."

As he said, An Xiong slapped the door, "Om~" A dark purple flower came out!

At the same time, the writing instrument where Fengxi was located also showed light purple armor inscriptions. These armor inscriptions resembled ants and rushed towards Fengxi frantically.


Xiao Hua frowned, An Xiong's method was too harsh, so he did it without saying a word.

Xiao Hua shook his figure and raised his hand to catch Fengxi, but just as Wen Li urged him, "Puff Puff Puff~" suddenly there was an explosion sound around the space, and twisted fine lines were seen pouring out of the void. One after another burst, the dark purple ink pounced on Xiao Hua and Fengxi as if spiritually!

As for An Xiong, watching Xiao Hua stretch out his big hand, the flower above his head also turned his big hand and grabbed Xiao Hua directly!


Xiao Hua snorted coldly, and simply gave up Fengxi and grabbed An Xiong's big hand directly.


Xiao Hua's big hand was held in one place with the dark purple big hand transformed by An Xiong's human flower, and there were wind howls and roars everywhere in the void!

"Haha, Xiao Wenheng, aren't you trying to save Fengxi?"

An Xiong laughed, UU reading "I see how you can save..."

"Xiaosheng was saved long ago?"

Xiao Hua squeezed his big hand, and the dark purple big hand began to collapse. He even laughed, "Don't you have eyes?"


An Xiong was stunned, because Fengxi disappeared suddenly at the moment the dark purple armor inscription hit, and An Xiong looked around with a dark purple halo in his eyes, and said in horror, "How is this possible?"

Xiao Hua secretly closed her shadow and curled her lips: "There is nothing impossible. Since Xiao can kill Nangong Shiru, naturally there are means you don't know..."


Before Xiao Hua's words fell, An Xiong's big hand shattered, and the dark purple ink splashed on Xiao Hua's hand. Xiao Hua's Confucian costume was immediately eroded, and an unspeakable pain pierced Xiao Hua's skin!

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