Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2725: Qingxue who refuses to admit defeat

"Master Xiao~"

Fengxi was really grateful. He didn't expect Xiao Hua to be so generous. He got up and said hurriedly, "Now Master Xiao is in the Ming and the killers of the Nangong family are in the dark. Master Xiao is really in danger, and it is actually a burden for the disciple to follow Master Xiao. So the disciples might as well go to the place where the thousand-character essays were tried on their own to help Master Xiao explore the news about the killers of the Nangong family. What do you think?"


Xiao Hua nodded, handed him a messenger, and said, "If you have news, notify Xiao immediately. In addition, pay attention to safety. If there is an accident, immediately withdraw from the test."

"Master Xiao, don't worry~"

Feng Xi took the messaging device and said, "The disciple still wants to save his life and watch Feng Yong set foot on the Heavenly Immortal, it won't be too dangerous!"

"That's good~"

Xiao Hua was very happy that Fengxi was telling the truth and waved, "Go ahead, it's not a big deal for Feng Yong to set foot on Taiqing Tianxian, you should be fine too."

Feng Xi's eyes rolled, as if he understood what it was, and said excitedly: "Yes, my disciple understands!"

After speaking, Fengxi looked around and found a handwriting.

Xiao Hua was very satisfied with Fengxi's confession, and also very satisfied with Fengxi's choice. The key for him now is to concentrate on the test. He really didn't want to investigate the Nangong family assassin. Fengxi would do it for him.


Xiao Hua stood up, stretched out, and muttered to herself, "Go get a Huang Cong token first!"

After that, Xiao Hua didn't look closely, and randomly selected a star-like handwriting and flew over.

Stars are common in the realm of Taoist immortals, and even common in the Demon League, after all, the Demon Race itself is the star of cultivation. But in the heavenly court, there were fewer stars. The handwriting in front of Xiao Hua looked like a star from a distance, and even burned a flame, but when he got closer, the stars turned into Huang Cong again, and a "virtual" word appeared in Huang Cong.

Xiao Hua knew that this was the "xu" in the "empty valley" in the thousand-character essay. He didn't think much about it. He rushed directly to Huang Cong and "brushed" the "xu" in Huang Cong. Turning into billowing clouds, rushed out of Huang Cong, and made a cloud bridge and fell to Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua stepped on Xiayun and rushed into Huang Cong, but just after he entered the word "xu", he suddenly thought of something and whispered: "Oh, it's not good..."

While Xiao Hua whispered, a female fairy of Xiu Ruo Lianhe was standing in the air, looking at the sudden appearance of Wan Xiong Pu, and lost her voice: " is it possible? Long exams can also be super perfect????? "

The female fairy's face was overflowing with joy, and the smoke disappeared instantly. She looked at the usual "Xiao Hua" word on Xia Yun in a daze, feeling unspeakable in her heart.

The fairy did not want to take out a messaging device that looked like a snow flake, and whispered: "Brother, have you seen it? Wan Xiongpu!!!"

It's a pity that there is no echo in the messaging tool. The fairy returned to her senses and said to herself: "I forgot, I have not entered the place of brave examination, and all text tools cannot be used!"

Looking at the sky, the female fairy looked at the inscriptions on the armour that looked like a white tiger. She couldn't laugh or cry, and said again: "Is this Zhaoming Qitianlu a childlike heart? How can I make a three-character classic?"

Immediately, just like Xiao Hua, the fairy took a casual look and found the word "Yes" in "Diligence and meritoriousness, but no play."

As soon as the female fairy entered Baihu, an illusion secret realm was immediately born around, "buzzing~" Numerous clouds were piled up, turning into a quiet mountain scene, and the moonlight was falling like water. The female fairy ignored this, she took out the messaging device again and said: "Brother, have you seen Wan Xiong's score?"


A gentle voice sounded, "Of course I see it, brother, don't say you, I am afraid that the hundreds of millions of students participating in the British election have seen it!"

"How can Xiao Hua get the credits of super perfection?"

Qingxue heard her brother’s voice, her eyes flushed, almost crying, and she groaned, “I couldn’t condense Chen Hongfan silk that day, even if it was an immortal in Shangqing, I thought Zhaoming Qitianlu was nothing. It has to be given three hundred and fifty-nine, but who knows only three hundred and twenty-five, and this mysterious Xiao Hua actually gave the super perfect three hundred and sixty-one again. This is not fair!!"


The senior coughed twice in the messaging device, and comforted him in a low voice, "Qingxue, don't worry, you should concentrate on taking the bravery test first, and win more trials in the illusion secret realm, and get more credits..."

Before the senior brother finished speaking, Qingxue dazzled her eyes and exclaimed: "Brother, listen to your tone, you already know the origin of this Xiao Wenheng?"


Bitterness appeared on the face of the senior fellow on the other side of the messaging device, and he secretly said, "Qingxue is too smart, isn't this girl? You can guess my thoughts just by breathing."

"Brother, say it!"

Qingxue urged, "I want to see, what is the origin of this newly emerging Xiao Wenheng!"

"What's the origin?"

The senior brother was still bitter in his mouth and whispered, "Speak out for brother, don't be scared!"


Qingxue sneered, "Who else am I afraid of?"

"Brother Wei also just got news~"

The brother said, "This Xiao Hua is the Confucian avatar of the Taoist immortal Hunyuan Xian Xiao Xian. Xiao Xian traveled the heaven and just killed Nangong Shiru..."

"I'm going~"

Qingxue yelled, "Xiao Xian is shameless? He's a mixed element, comparable to the third rank of my Heavenly Court Taiqing Tianxian. He also participated in the Apocalypse Election and won a small three yuan, so do you want to seize the opportunity with our juniors?"


The senior said patiently, "Xiao Wenheng appeared too suddenly like a comet across the sky, and we never expected that he would participate in the British election so quickly, so we did not carefully probe his past."

"Just now, the senior brother from the academy sent a message about Xiao Hua's experience. Don't be convinced. Although Xiao Xian is Hun Yuanxian, Xiao Hua really started from Fengxian cultivation..."

After that, the brother whispered Xiao Hua's affairs in Xuanpu and so on.

Finally, he said: "So, the name of Wen Heng, Xiao Wenheng, is worthy of the name. How did he get the credits for the super-satisfaction in the long-term exam? Brother is not clear, but Brother Wei thinks that the most important thing is..."

At this point, the messaging devices of UU Reading and Qingxue flashed at the same time, and the brother hurriedly said, "Qingxue, don’t say anything, look at the messaging device. If nothing happens, it should be Xiao Wenheng. It’s super successful to get the long exam!"

Qingxue hurriedly shut down the conversation with her senior brother, and then listened carefully. For a long while, Qingxue shook her head in sorrow. She looked at the moonlight and banned illusions, and said in a low voice, "What a bosom! The rare alchemy method is taught to the public, and after the long exam, Zhaoming Qitianlu is sent to the four forbidden places. If nothing happens, the students who participate in the British election will have a copy! I...confident can't do it!!"


Qingxue looked at the overwhelming moonlight, with determination in her eyes, raised her hand and raised a flying sword, and shouted, "Xiao Hua, I am waiting for you in the five forbidden areas. I want to see what you are like. What kind of flowers do you have!"

It's a pity that Qingxue didn't know that if it weren't for her obsession, Xiao Hua wouldn't have been fighting for hegemony in the five forbidden areas...shock the entire fairy world!

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