Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2722: Did I add 1 point to him too much? (2)

"Not too much~"

Zhu Yongting, the sacred palace of Akagi Wenqu, also nodded and said, "There is no limit to the merits of saving a life, and one point is absolutely fine."

"Xiao Hua spent more than a hundred years to teach the eighty-one red charms of the Heavenly Court Nine Rhymes and Nine Layers of Pill Alchemy to more than one million people one by one, so that all the elixir levels of these human races will be upgraded by two."

Zhaoming Qitianlu looked at Wang Zegang again and asked, "Wang Zegang, you, I will give him one point, is that too much?"

"No, definitely not too much~"

Qingcheng Wenqu Sacred Palace King just nodded, "Such an act of benevolence to the students is highly respected by my Wenqu Sacred Palace, not to mention that adding one point means adding ten points, which is not excessive."

"Before Xiao Wenheng went to take the brave exam, he still thought of the human races in Chicheng, Heicheng, Baicheng, and Qingcheng that are alchemy in the four forbidden areas~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu finally looked at Meng Tianyi, saying every word, "He gave the nine-strength nine-strength pill alchemy method to the little old man, and asked the little old man to pass it to you and the four people, Meng Tianyi, you said, I will add one to him. Is it too much?"

Meng Tianyi's face blushed, "Single... Judging by Xiao Wenheng's actions alone, can't give him a thousand points too much, but he sold so well in the long exam, and taught others the rare alchemy method. It’s not been arranged long ago, is it a bit of a reputation?"

"You know what a shit~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu cursed coldly, then looked at Kong Xu and asked, "Kong Xu, do you remember the ochre spirits in the Ochre Spirit Palace?"


Kong Xu was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Zhaoming Qitianlu mentioned Ochre, but he nodded in a daze, "Isn't Ochre missing?"

After speaking, Kong Xu suddenly woke up and said anxiously: "Could it be that Xiao Wenheng got the ocher spirit?"

"Not bad~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu gritted his teeth and said, "I thought it would have escaped from the Kunhuan forbidden area, but I didn't expect it to hide in the ochre spirit, and it was taken by Xiao Hua's servant!"

"This method of refining was obtained by Xiao Hua from the Ochre Spirit. He said that being alone is not as good as the others, so he taught everyone this method of alchemy in front of the Ochre Spirit Palace!"

Meng Tianyi hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Senior Zhaoming, this...there are jade, plucking, and even Tianchen Hongfanbo's method of sacrifice and refinement in the pill formula. How could it be left by Zhen Ling?"


Zhaoming Qitianlu cursed, "That's what Xiao Wenheng had gained from his own practice. He was afraid that those Yuqing immortals would not be able to learn this alchemy method, so he deliberately changed the obscure alchemy in this way!"


Meng Tianyi was startled, he took a breath, not knowing what to say.

"Look at Xiao Hua's Tianchen Hongfan silk~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu said, "Look at Bai Yujingqingxue's Tianchen Hongfanbo, can you say I can give her three hundred and sixty?"

The faces of Meng Tianyi and others flushed, as if Xiao Hua's invisible big hand slapped them.

"The little old man is clear enough, right?"

Zhaoming Qitianlu looked at the crowd and said, "Little old man has no time for you to compare here. The five forbidden places have begun the brave test. Little old man has to go busy!"

After finishing talking about Zhaoming Qitianlu, the emperor arched his hands and left.

"Your Majesty~"

Meng Tianyi and others felt that their faces were lost, and they bowed and said, "I am short-sighted and misunderstood Kong Wenyou and Xiao Wenheng. I am waiting to apologize."

"No need~"

The Emperor was happy and he waved his hand and said, "This is nothing, you are just a little serious, and I will not punish you."

"But Zhaoming Qitian recorded a sentence that is right. Sometimes, raise your eyes a little bit, don't always look down, it's easy to see the small, and you can't see the noble!"

"Yes, yes~"

Meng Tianyi and others laughed and replied. They knew in their hearts that Zhaoming Qitianlu had ever said this? But the Emperor himself wanted to talk about it.

"The cruel and real brave test is about to begin~"

The Emperor said with a smile, "In order to avoid misunderstandings in the long test, I propose to expand the Five-Feng Pavilion's Hundred Ying Genealogy to ten thousand people. It might as well be called Wanxiong Genealogy, which is published in the five forbidden places to show justice. I also urge other students to try hard to follow suit!"

"This is a wonderful move!"

Meng Tianyi and the others looked at each other and said in unison, "The minister waits to proceed immediately!"

"Go, go~"

The emperor waved his hand and said, "The brave test begins, you can also go back and hold a public office when you wait!"

Seeing the scroll scrolling, the four-petal rebirth flower closed and disappeared, Kong Xu hurriedly said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the bravery test is called bravery, which shows the cruelty of the selection. No ranking was announced before. No one knows who is on the top of the list. After the Wanxiong genealogy was announced, wouldn’t the people on the list be targeted? It’s hard for them not to be besieged!"


The Emperor snorted coldly, "Even if Wanxiong's spectrum is not announced, don't the students in the five forbidden areas know who is in front? Don't think I know nothing, you can even explore the closed Ochre Spirit Palace of Zhaoming Qitianlu , Can’t you send the rankings to the brave test yet?"

"I just changed the dark Chen Cang to Mingxiu plank road!"

Seeing sweat on his forehead, Kong Xu hurriedly knelt down and said: "The minister is convicted!"

"As the saying goes, there will be no fish when the water is clear. This matter has nothing to do with Kong Aiqing~"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and said, "Kong Aiqing is not only innocent but also meritorious, here comes..."

Not to mention the Yaopu Hall, Kong Xu won the award, but only in the Kunhuan forbidden area, as Zhaoming Qitianlu said, he watched the Jiuhui Shendan reach the top of the stele, took a deep breath and was about to say: "Book of Heaven. College, Xiao Hua, long exam credits, three hundred and sixty..."

I don't know, before Zhaoming Qitianlu's words are finished, "Boom boom boom~~" One by one Danding began to One by one, the elixir flew out of the Danding.

Seeing millions of elixir rushing out almost at the same time, Zhaoming Qitianlu also showed a rare excitement on his face. He immediately transformed into a million clones, before falling into different elixir, millions of big hands grabbed them together, writing a line. Appeared in the light curtain of the big cauldron in front of the Ochre Palace...

Seeing this unprecedented scene, Zhaoming Qitianlu didn't stingy with his praise. He once again raised his voice: "Tianshu Academy, Xiao Hua, long exam credits, three hundred and!!!"

"Super complete!"

"Master Xiao is super perfect again!!"

All the students jumped up with excitement again. They knew that they were once again fortunate to witness the scene of no one before and after the British election.

After more than one million students arranged their clothes, they respectfully greeted Xiao Hua and said: "Disciples, etc., congratulations to Master Xiao for getting the super-satisfaction credits. The disciples and others also hope that Master Xiao will get better results in the brave exam!"

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