Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2712: Xiao Hua wants to make alchemy in public

"Yes, Master Xiao~"

Gu Yi and Gu Shi's eyes were as bright as stars, with pride on their faces, and they agreed with excitement, and each took out their messaging devices.

Not long after, the disciples from hundreds of Tianshu Academy flew out and respectfully said to Xiao Hua: "The disciples have seen Master Xiao!"

"Xiao...Master Xiao..."

Zhao Bo was astonished. He could see that Xiao Hua was not the third rank of Yuqing Immortal, but he couldn't imagine that there were students of the third rank and eighth rank of Yuqing Immortal in the Tianshu Academy who also called Xiao Hua Xiaoshi.

"Xiao...Xiao Wenheng~"

Zhao Bo felt that he had an obligation to remind Xiao Hua, and hurriedly said, "There are thousands of disciples in the Huangcheng Academy in the Ochre Spirit Palace, are doing alchemy here, haven't they seen it too?"


Gu Yi proudly said next to him, "It's not just them? Master Xiao said, he wants to teach the alchemy of the heavenly court to the public. He doesn't care about the difference between academies and the competition, but only cares about the inheritance of the alchemy of the human race!"


Zhao Bo took a breath and was shocked on the spot.


"It's really high!!"

Although I don’t know what kind of elixir Xiao Hua wants to refine, or whether Xiao Hua can successfully refine it, Zhao Bo’s thoughts have already come to mind when he heard this, “Xiao Hua refines the pill in public, if Huang Cheng The disciples of the academy saw that whether they win or lose, they are morally inferior to the Tianshu Academy in terms of reputation!"


Xiao Hua sat cross-legged, opening the altar, and said, "The way of alchemy has been around for a long time. First, the pill is the grass and trees, and then the world is the pill..."

The disciples of hundreds of days academy did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly sat down cross-legged, listening intently.

What the students of Tianshu Academy didn't know was that in the Heavenly Court in Xiao Hua's space, there was also a Xiao Hua phantom sitting high in the sky. When Xiao Hua said, the phantom repeated one sentence, and even the changes in the porcelain jar appeared.

In front of the Ochre Palace, Xiao Hua did not place a silent ban, letting his voice fall to the alchemy pavilions everywhere.

At this time, only 30% of the pavilion burned the flames, and there was no other movement. Obviously, they were familiar with the pill formula and did not dare to use it easily.

The disciples of the Tianshu Academy flew out and attracted everyone's attention long ago, but when Xiao Hua spoke about Dan, could it be that he curled his lips and ridiculed Xiao Hua for grandstanding.

"...The alchemy methods of my view academy are superficial, and most of them have traces of Taoxian alchemy. The effects of Taoxian's alchemy are obvious, and the effects of Confucianism's alchemy are moderate. Because of this, I have the desire for quick success and instant benefit. decay……"

"Xiao...Xiao Wenheng??"

Fengxi flew out of the alchemy pavilion first, and looked at Xiao Hua talking about pill. He was quite puzzled, but the words that Xiao Hua talked about fell in his ears, his heart was shocked, and he almost didn't want to fly. Soaring to the sky, he waited for a while behind the students at Detianshu Academy. He bowed to Xiao Hua and sat down cross-legged, closing his eyes and listening to the lecture.

After another half of the incense, Feng Xi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the students flying around. He hurriedly took out the messaging device and whispered inside: "Feng Yong, come out quickly, Xiao Wenheng is talking about Dan. !!!"

"What, talk about Dan?"

There was a voice in the messenger yelling, "What kind of pill are you talking about, brother, my elixir has already begun to practice."


Feng Xi cursed unceremoniously, "Hurry up and give it to me, take the pill furnace and come out, I tell you, if you don't come out, you will regret it forever!"

Feng Yong is a direct brother of Fengxi. Unfortunately, Fengxi's qualifications are far inferior to Feng Yong. Therefore, he tried his best to help his brother. Now seeing Xiao Hua's word Zhuji, he immediately understood that this was the fate of the world. So I called Feng Yong.

Of course Feng Yong knew his elder brother's vision, so he didn't hesitate to kill the pill furnace and fly out.

By this time, Fengxi was already full of students.

"what happened?"

Feng Yong managed to squeeze to Fengxi's side and whispered, "My elixir..."

"Don't talk nonsense~"

Feng Xi slapped Feng Yong on the head and scolded, "Listen!"

Xiao Hua's voice came like a god: "...Heaven's alchemy art now uses fire, wait and see this ocher spirit palace, the fire is so angry, the fire will naturally disturb the five elements, and it is difficult to refine the five elements of elixir..."

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"...Actually, the method of the five elements still falls into the lower class. My method of alchemy in the heavenly court emphasizes the nine rhymes, the nine rhymes, the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain and lightning..."

Speaking of this, someone sneered and said: "Xiao Wenheng, what's the use of your rhetoric? What five elements, what nine rhymes, how do you make alchemy?"

Xiao Hua smiled, raised his hand to offer the porcelain jar, and said: "The literary friend is absolutely right. Xiao has said that for a long time, now it is time for you to see what is called the Nine Rhymes!"

The place where the porcelain jar fell was calm, and Xiao Hua's **** was slightly bent, "when" the porcelain jar made a sound, like an excited dragon roar.

"My Heavenly Court Nine Rhymes did not use pill fire, but Hongyun..."

As he said, Xiao Hua raised his hand to perform finger painting and wrote a golden character. The golden character "Woo" fell in the air, and the surrounding wind roared immediately. Innate aura rushed in, and pale white clouds like silk began to grow in each stroke. !

At this time, Xiao Hua did not cast any more spells, but looked at everyone and said: "You can write while waiting, and follow Xiao to make alchemy!"

The students of Tianshu Academy had long been eager to try. Upon hearing the order, they immediately took out their writing pen and began to paint in midair.

The other students were still dubious and did not do anything, Feng Xi hurriedly stabbed Feng Yong with his elbow.

Although Feng Yong didn't agree with him, he didn't dare to disobey his brother, so he took out his pen and began to write.

Seeing that everyone had finished writing, Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, the porcelain jar in front of her eyes, "Om" the porcelain jar vibrated again, and a faint halo flickered around.

Xiao Hua went on to say: "This is what Xiao used for alchemy. You can find the location of the gold according to your pill cauldron attributes. If you really don't know it, then look for the West!"

After that, UU read www.uukanshu. The word "gold" fell into the porcelain jar between com Xiao Hua's hands.


When the golden inscription fell, a cloud of clouds began to gush out on the porcelain jar, and the surrounding innate air began to buffer in. Others might not see it, but Xiao Hua could understand that a slight light-colored cloud began to grow in the porcelain jar. .

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hua used finger painting techniques to write "Wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder and lightning", each word fell into a different location of the porcelain pot, and the nine innate auras rushed into the room, and the nine clouds had already condensed into nine in the porcelain pot. Cai Yun Ha!

"at this time……"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "If any literary friend knows how to grow jade, he can condense and break into it. This is of great use to the warm pill!"


Feng Yong exclaimed, "This is the warming Danding just now?"

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