Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2707: The largest locust in the British election

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Why not find one more?"

"No need~"

Fengxi has a strong mind, "This thing stresses trust. Some people want fame and some people want to exchange benefits. But in any case, the niche is only entrusted to one person. Even if they fail to complete it, they will definitely do their best. Going there will not be slack in the heart, because Xiaosheng has given them enough trust."

Xiao Hua asked: "What about now?"

"Now Xiaosheng accompanies Xiao Wenheng to the ochre palace~"

Fengxi said, "Xiao Wenheng will prepare fairy grass and wait for Xiaosheng to exchange it with others!"


Xiao Hua nodded, raised his hand and gave Fengxi all the kinds of fairy grass he had just heard.


Fengxi's eyes were straight, but he knew the value of these immortal grasses. He took a deep breath and was not welcome. He took the kit and said, "Xiaosheng take it first, and wait for Xiaosheng's news!"

Immediately, Fengxi accompanied Xiao Hua to fly to the so-called Zhering Palace.

Seeing that there was nothing, Fengxi tried desperately to find words to talk to herself, somewhat flattering, Xiao Hua simply asked, "By the way, Feng Wenyou, why is this long test of alchemy in Kunhuan forbidden area placed in Zhe Ling? Oh, Zhe. What does spirit mean?"


Fengxi smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Wenheng's words are the right person. Now the meaning of the word ocher in the ancient books of academies is based on misunderstandings. As far as Xiaosheng knows, ocher is not the name of a master alchemist. The spiritual palace is not the palace of the alchemy master, the word ocher spirit should be related to the saint Lieshan..."


Xiao Hua was startled and asked, "Who is the Saint Lieshan?"

Fengxi was embarrassed, and whispered: "Xiaosheng doesn't know who the saint Lieshan is. Xiaosheng only knows that ocher and spirit are the two writing tools used by saint Lieshan for alchemy, and spirit is used to select fairy grass. Ochre is used to refine elixir. As for the ochre spirit palace, hey, you will know when you go over and take a look. That is an alchemy artifact. How could it be the palace of a master alchemy?"

Naturally, Feng Xi's words cannot be fully believed, but he can actually name the Lieshan clan. This corresponds to the "Materia Medica" that Xiao Hua got, and the porcelain jar, and Xiao Hua couldn't help but admire it.


Fengxi looked at the distance, and said leisurely, "This long test has taken a long time, and there are many drawbacks. Let alone the alchemy trial of Ochre Spirit."

"Previously, the ability to identify, discriminate and collect the immortal grass was examined, and the power to refine the elixir pill was evaluated, but now there are some serious problems. Think about it, how can it be possible to collect all the immortal grass that sacrifices the elixir by one person? Especially for some people, he obviously doesn't use those immortal grasses, but in order to prevent others from successfully refining the pill, he first picked the immortal grass away, what should others do?"

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, blushing a little, isn't this talking about himself?

"Therefore, many students, Xianmen disciples, before they came in to take the long exam, they had made an appointment long ago, and they were in charge of an area. They are like locusts, where they are swept away and they don't leave a way for others."

"Don't blame Xiao Xian Xian for using Dao Xian tools. Xiao Sheng is really forced to do nothing. This is how she began to practice Taoism before Jun Xuan, and use Dao Xian Xian tools in this Ying Xuan!"


Xiao Hua touched his nose and prepared to admit his mistake. If it is locusts, he should be the largest locust in this British election. Millions of shadows will be dispatched, and no grass will be left at the crossing!

I don’t know, but then Feng Xi said excitedly: "I don’t know what’s going on. This time, the Ochre Spirit Election is different from what Xiaosheng thought. Xiaosheng got the message. Within the Ochre Spirit, there are basically no immortals in 40% of the area. Grass, this is definitely not a certain academy, or a certain immortal gate capable of doing it. It can only show that the drawbacks of Ochre has been discovered by Zhaoming Qitianlu. This time it is a warning to the students of Yingxuan. When the mind is used in alchemy, this ocher spirit will change greatly in the future..."

Xiao Hua swallowed the apology immediately, but he didn't expect that his actions could be explained in this way.

"Actually don't hide Xiao Wenheng~"

Feng Xi continued, "Xiaosheng likes Zhaoming Qitianlu, otherwise Xiaosheng would not have the opportunity to exchange immortal grass with others, let alone refine the elixir."

"By the way, this matter has hurt Xiao Wenheng. You haven't collected six kinds of immortal grass for more than ten years, otherwise you would have gone to the Ochre Spirit Palace to make alchemy."

Xiao Hua blinked his eyes and asked himself: "Is this a bad move for Xiao to do a good thing?"

In fact, this is really not to blame Xiao Hua. Fengxi and others have been participating in the Sixth Apocalypse Selection since they were young, and they always thought about how to take advantage of Zhaoming Qitianlu. Fengxi was wrong. If Xiao Hua had not released Shadow body, relying on himself alone, he could not pick the nine kinds of immortal grasses returned to the **** pill, and he could not win the long test.

It was also Xiao Hua who released his shadow and picked the ocher spirit 40% fairy grass, so he was qualified to exchange the six fairy grasses he lacked with others!

Sure enough, before flying to the Ochre Spirit Palace, two of them sent a message to Fengxi. They had found two kinds of fairy grass, but the other party didn't need jade coins, as long as the immortal grass lacked in alchemy, and the amount was high.

"They are the lions who speak loudly~"

Fengxi was a little angry, but he was helpless. He looked at Xiao Hua and said, "They know that Xiao Wenheng's victory is related to the gambling between Tianshu Academy and Huangcheng Academy..."

Hearing this, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the messenger that Fang Zhuo had given him shortly before participating in the British election. Fang Zhuo said at that time that Gu Li had given it to him. Xiao Hua thought that Gu Li wanted to take care of the students of Tianshu Academy in the British Election. He didn't take it at the time. Now it seems that Gu Li's messaging device should be used here.

"...So they think that no matter how much they charge, Xiao Wenheng and Tianshu Academy will agree!"

Feng Xi was still nagging there, "It looks like Xiaosheng is under the banner of Xiao Wenheng. There are advantages and disadvantages!"

"No problem~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "As long as there is fairy grass, Xiao Mou agrees!"

With that said, UU Reading Xiao Hua took out the kit again and took out the fairy grass they wanted!


Seeing Xiao Hua take out the fairy grass, Feng Xi was surprised, and he stammered, "Xiao...Xiao Wenheng, the ocher fairy grass is... slightly different from the fairy grass outside the forbidden area, if... …If you bring in the immortal grass outside, even if Zhaoming Qitianlu does not detect it, you will be expelled if you find it..."

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Don't worry!"

In the next few days, Fengxi did not receive a reply again, and obviously the immortal grass left was not easy to find.

On this day, I saw a yellowish yellow cloud slowly spinning in front of my head, and the cloud was swaying like fire. Fengxi pointed to the place and smiled: "Xiao Wenheng, there is the Ochre Spirit Palace!"

Continue to add more, thanks to fellow Taoists "Bihai Advertising" and all the fellow Taoists before.

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