Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2700: Ocher

When Xiao Hua was still a spirit immortal, in order to refine the alchemy for Yicheng, he also deliberately realized the low-level alchemy technique of the heavenly court, and even the unique alchemy method of the Lou family in the Taoist realm had the shadow of the heavenly Confucianism, so Xiao When Hua arrived in the heavenly court, he always wanted to see the high-level alchemy method. (Chapter 666: Lou's unique alchemy)

It's a pity that both Xuanpu and Tianshu Academy are not good at alchemy at all. That's why Xiao Hua has never seen the heavenly elixir. Now there is a trial of alchemy in the selection, how could Xiao Hua let it go?

Not to mention the things of the Immortal Grass Pill Furnace, which are provided during the long test, and the refined elixir can be taken by yourself. It is so cheap, if you don't occupy it, Xiao Hua will not be Xiao Hua.

Therefore, in the Yaopu Hall, when the five emperors gathered, Xiao Hua had already reached the gate of the elixir.

But seeing this palace gate from a distance, it is no different from the other palace gates, but before arriving at the palace gate, I saw the word "zhe spirit" engraved on the palace gate.

"Zhe Ling?"

Xiao Hua's eyes lit up, and he asked inwardly, "Is this something to do with the Secret Technique of the Spirit?"

With that, Xiao Hua rushed into it without saying a word.

In fact, in the communication with Zhaoming Qitianlu just now, Xiao Hua has already understood that Zhaoming Qitianlu, as an instrument spirit, as the arbiter of Apocalypse’s choice, must be fair and just. He asked him about the secret technique of the spirit, and even He will definitely not answer the sixth token.

And this kind of trickery, Xiao Hua just thought about it, and didn't bother to do it.

Entering the palace gate, you are facing a great river and mountains!

The sun is shining in the distance, the mountains and rivers are nearby, the sky and the earth are overflowing with clouds, and the earth is full of celestial plants and trees.

Xiao Hua released Yannian exploration while flying. Although he didn't know that he was the first to pass the basic test, he believed that there were few who could be faster than himself, and from Gu Wei's point of view, there was also Ximen Fengyun. In the Xiayun Festival given to Xiao Hua, he even knew that the five forbidden areas of Apocalypse's Choice were all over the heaven.

For example, the Kunhuan forbidden area in the Kunhuan ring looks like a seal of a mountain and river in the yellow city, but the inner space is the superposition and filling of the forbidden areas in the entire Emperor Hongtian domain.

Even every tens of thousands of years, Wenqu Shenggong will send immortal officials to various places in the Emperor Hong Tianyu to find forbidden places suitable for the choice of the apocalypse, and then choose from Zhaoming Qi Tianlu, or replace or add to the five forbidden places , So don't look at the mountain range in front of you, it may be a mysterious forbidden place in the Emperor Hong Tianyu.

Of course, the five forbidden lands belong to their respective immortal domains, and they cannot overlap.

Xiao Hua flew for a moment, then stopped with a wry smile, because his thoughts were blocked. Obviously, the entire Kunhuan forbidden area is not allowed to have supernatural powers that exceed the strength of Yuqing people, and the world called Zhe Ling is clearly diverse. The convergence of space requires a space barrier between each space, and this space barrier does not allow thoughts to surpass.

"This won't work~"

Xiao Hua squeezed his chin, looked around, and secretly said, "This way, Xiao can't search for the Secret Art of Ling Ling at all!"

Xiao Hua tilted his head to look at the sky, and did not seem to sense Zhaoming Qitianlu's exploration.

Xiao Hua was a little awakened. This bad old man was afraid that he was interested in his own literary flowers. He was at the entrance to the forbidden area early in the morning. After exploring the literary flowers, he should go to his own affairs.

Didn't Zhaoming Qitianlu say that he waited for the elixir of sacrifice and then called him to judge?

Xiao Hua thought, trying to release the shadows and instructing them to look around.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua waited for the incense stick, and the exploration of the shadow was carried out in an orderly manner, and was not hindered. It seemed that Zhaoming Qitianlu did not find it.


Xiao Hua laughed, and flew straight ahead, yelling, "Go!"

After that, Xiao Hua flew to the end of this space and looked at another mountain range outside the mountain range. Xiao Hua did not hesitate in particular and tried to fly over.

"Swipe" is just a shallow and shallow space ripples flashing across Xiao Hua's body, Xiao Hua has already reached another space.

Without saying anything, Xiao Hua sent another figure to move on.

Xiao Hua is like a seeder, and every time he flies through a space, he releases more than a hundred shadows, allowing them to explore the traces of the secret technique of Yi Ling.

After flying in this way for more than a hundred days, on this day, Xiao Hua released hundreds of shadows and was about to pass through a space full of spring flowers. Suddenly, joy appeared on his face and turned to look in one direction.

However, in the sky at the other end of the space, there is a lot of sunshine, and the gate of the sky is wide open, and a Confucian fairy flies in triumphantly.

"It's not easy~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "There is finally someone in this ochre spirit!"

With that said, Xiao Hua was about to turn around and greet the past.

"Damn it!"

At this moment, the Confucian was stunned on the spot. He looked at the earth and rivers around him and his face was unbelievable, and he whispered, "Could it be that Xiaosheng is too late? Why is this fairy grass so inferior, how does it make Xiaosheng? Sacrifice the elixir?"

Xiao Hua stopped his figure, and after a thought, he understood that his shadow body is certainly a trace of the secret technique of lingering, but when faced with all kinds of fairy grass and all kinds of fairy trees, these shadow bodies are also used to it. Sexual income space is like picking jade veins in Huaijiang sky.

On the surface, there is no change in this space, but in fact, the useful fairy grass fairy fruit was picked up by the shadow body long Xiao Hua was embarrassed, watching that Confucian fairy's eyes flashed clear, Turning around and flying to other dimensions, I didn't talk to him in the past. I have no face. I can't say this space. Oh, no, there are countless spaces before Xiao has been there, and the fairy grass inside is engraved with Xiao?


Xiao Hua smiled, secretly instructing the shadow body not to go too far, especially not to leave a trace!

And when Xiao Hua was about to fly out of this space, his face changed again. He looked at one place vigilantly and said in a low voice, "Damn it, could it be discovered by Zhaoming Qitianlu?"

Because just when Xiao Hua contacted the shadow body, a shadow body suddenly disappeared strangely.

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly urged her figure back.

After flying through thousands of spaces, Xiao Hua reached the spot where his shadow disappeared.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang Moumou, Moule, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The sixth day of the new year...

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