Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2696: Shocked heaven

Today's Heavenly Court is destined to be unstable. The British elections have caused soaring waves at the very beginning. After receiving the only Wenheng in the Heavenly Court thousands of years ago, Xiao Hua received the only super-grade credits for the basic test of the Heavenly Court's British election!

Three hundred and sixty-one, credits that all students never dream of.

After the last student entered the five forbidden places in the British election, the palace gates were closed, and the eyes of billions of philosophers were all looking at the light curtain standing high in the sky, waiting for the results of the second student!

After half a day, the "Boom~" light curtain flashed, and silver writing appeared: Huangcheng Academy Jing has already tested 16!


Jiang Yuanming's face was pale, and he almost screamed, "Jing has only sixteen points? This...this is absolutely impossible!!"

Although seeing Xiao Hua's base test as high as 361 points, Jiang Yuanming still has confidence in the students in his academy, especially Jing already. He felt that Jing already got 300 credits no matter what.

Who knows, only 16 points!

It's extremely harmful and insulting! !

But the immediate scene made everyone even more dumbfounded.

"Dang~当~~当~~~" The humming kept.

One point for a certain college

One point for a certain college

Two points for XX basic test


No traces of numbers poured out like flowing water, and then disappeared like flowing water. Only the name of Jing and the sixteen who seemed to humiliate Huangcheng Academy remained above the light curtain.


Suddenly there was another line of handwriting: Xuhuanglou Jingli Heji test 17th.

"Jing Lihe,"

Fan Yongru finally came alive from the shock and exclaimed, "I know, he is one of the top ten Xuhuanglou participating in the British election..."


Another line of handwriting: Zhang Jingyiji in Jiangjin Academy takes a test seven.

Fan Yongru patted his thigh and said, "Jiang Yuanzheng, I understand. My student named Zhang Jingyi, if there are no accidents, the base test should be'zhong'. Jing already from your college and Jing Lihe from Xuhuanglou should be It’s “up”, those credits are one or two, it should be “low”, that is to say, below six points are “low”, above six points, and below 12 points are “medium”, and Above twelve points, below eighteen points, it should be'up'..."


Sure enough, before Fan Yongru's voice fell to the ground, a dozen or so eighteen-point students were crowded in front of Jing Lihe and Jing Ji.

Jiang Yuanming gritted his teeth, and he whispered: "How to divide Zhaoming Qitian Records and how to score points? Jiang does not care. Jiang is concerned about what is good about Xiao Hua's Wenhua? Jiang from Jing already knows. Yes, it has reached the top-grade realm. Why is Xiao Hua's Wenhua more than thirty times that of Jing already?? Is it possible that the thirty Jing's Wenhua is still...not as good as a Xiao Hua's Wenhua?? "


Fan Yongru hesitated and said in a low voice, "From the judgment of Zhaoming Qitianlu, let alone thirty, it is three hundred, and there is absolutely no way to compare with Xiao Hua's Wenhua!"


Jiang Yuanming was stunned and said anxiously, "What do you say?"

"I only understand now, the origin of Xiao Huaji's three hundred and sixty-one tests!"

Fan Yongru said meaningfully, "The number of days in the Great Zhou Dynasty is already at the limit, and he adds another'one'. That is to say, the sum of all the scholars' writings is no better than Xiao Hua's writings!"

"How can it be?"

Don’t say that Jiang Yuanming was shocked. It was one of the palace gates where Kowloon converged. A Taiqing Tianxian dressed in court clothes looked at the goose book in his hand and exclaimed, “A man and woman of Yuqing can actually Was the Zhaoming Qitianlu cheating for personal gain? Who was the examiner? Why didn't he announce his scores without telling him!!"

"My lord, my lord~"

Before this person's voice fell, someone had flown over outside the palace, and said anxiously, "It's not good, your majesty said, let the lord enter the hall immediately!"

"Do you know anything?"

Taiqing Tianxian stomped, flew out of the palace hurriedly, looked at a Shangqing Dixian and asked.

"Listen... I heard that many academies have submitted books, asking about the incredible credits of the British Election Fundamentals..."

The Shangqing Dixian hesitated, and replied, "Some notes were sent directly to your Majesty's case!"


Taiqing Tianxian cursed low, and hurriedly ordered, "Yu Ha, hurry up to find Gu Wei, make Gu Wei rush to the Yaopu Hall, and then check who is Xiao Hua's examiner in this British election..."

"Yes, yes~"

Shangqing Dixian named Yu Yan agreed to go in a hurry.

Taiqing Tianxian did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly turned and flew towards the distant central hall.

Tianxian Taiqing deliberately flew slowly, but until he flew down to the Yaopu Hall, Gu Wei did not see Gu Wei rushing over.


Tianxian Taiqing cursed in a low voice, and he regretted that he punished Gu Wei under the instruction of the Nangong family, otherwise he would not be so passive at this time.

"Kong Xu from the sacred palace of Chenwenqu knocked on my Majesty~"

Taiqing Tianxian tidied his clothes and bowed outside the hall and said.

"Come in~"

A majestic voice sounded. Isn't this voice the Emperor?

Kong Xu entered the hall. Just now there was some light and shadow and the smallpox falling in front of him, and he heard a mess of noise.

"This British election is a bit interesting, the old man never expected such weird results~"

"The Choice of Apocalypse is arbitrarily changed by Zhaoming Qitianlu. It's really inappropriate. It's time for rectification!"

"Yes, Zhaoming Qitian is not recorded by Hongbao. How can I let it be designated at will by the choice of my Terran Apocalypse?"

"Why do the immortal officials of the Temple of Literature and the Group eat? Why don't you block such a weird achievement? Why don't you report it early?"

A group of Taiqing Immortals who Kong Xu could not measure their strength stood neatly in the hall, but they lowered their heads and whispered, with some excitement on their faces.

Clouds linger on the high platform, and countless hongyun condenses everywhere. After the overlapping spaces, a humanoid silhouette with breath like the sea and majestic like a mountain sits on it.

This figure is dressed in imperial costumes, and the dragon is overflowing. Although he can't see his appearance, where Kong Xu's gaze is, a golden figure has already caught his eye.

Kong Xu didn't dare to neglect, he flew a few steps, bowed and said: "Your Majesty~"

"Kong Aiqing~"

The Emperor said with a smile, "Presumably you already know the purpose of calling you?"

"Yes, yes~"

Kong Xu laughed and said, "The minister already knows, and the minister has just received the letter. This time, the British selected a student named Xiao Hua, Zhaoming Qitian recorded a strange score of 361 credits~www.mtlnovel. Com~Kong Xu's words are not leaking, and he has already shirk the responsibility.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang Moumou, Moule, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The sixth day of the new year...

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