Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2693: Public transport Yixin and public transport Yiming


In another part of Huangcheng, a young student with Yuyue in his hand watched Xiao Hua's name appear, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Anm is still afraid that you will not come. Since you are here, you don't have to go back! "

"Not good~"

In Qi Yuncheng, Ximen Rong watched Xiao Hua's name appear on Shanhe Yuxi, his face changed slightly, and he whispered: "I forgot this. He is Wen Heng. Participating in the British election will have a unique courtesy."


Ximen Fengyun next to him also frowned, "If it is ordinary, this courtesy is a privilege, but for Xiao Hua it is a reminder. The Nangong family knows that Xiao Hua will participate in the British election and will never let go of this opportunity to kill him. ! In that case, how could Xiao Hua get the Six Jade Token?"

"Young Master~"

Ximen Fengyun tentatively asked, "Could it be that you don't have any success, can't help Xiao Wenheng?"

"Grandpa Grandpa said it clearly, to be secret~"

Simon Rong also groaned secretly, and whispered, "How dare I send someone to help him!"


But then Ximen Rong's conversation changed again, and he smiled, "I don't have to worry too much when I wait, don't forget, it is Xiao Hua's own choice to participate in the British election. Some of my family of Simons can send him to the holy site, he It’s not a bad thing to hit a wall in the British election."

"Is that right?"

To the west of Bai Yujing, a huge humanoid with a long beard and a Confucian scholar stands above the sky, holding a huge sword in his hand. At this time, the name of Xiao Hua flashes rapidly on the huge sword, and under the giant, Wen Quzheng Looking at these handwritings dumbfounded, he exclaimed, "Daoyou Xiao, when have you been so high-profile? This is different from your usual style!"

The long-bearded scholar is naturally the outline of the illusion of the white forbidden land. Under the illusion of the forbidden land, thousands of swords are transformed into golden swords. Each golden sword has a palace door open, waiting for the students participating in the British election to enter.

At this moment, two female fairies flew out of a hall in the distance.

"No, no~"

As soon as the female fairy flew out, she waved her hand and said, "Yi Xin, I can't do it anymore. How long has this been flying? When can I get to Huangcheng before I reach Bai Yujing?"

"No, let's visit a college casually. We are so mindless to teleport, and we don't have any jade coins on hand..."

Before the fairy was finished, the fairy said faintly, "I have decided to go to Yi Ming for the public, and you don’t need to mention it again. This world is qualified to be my master Yi Xin. Yes, there is only one person, no one else can see in my eyes!"

"Yi Xin~"

The female fairy named Yi Ming couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "This is the Heavenly Court, not the Dao Immortal Realm! You have searched the Heavenly Court for thousands of years, and there is no whereabouts of him. If there is no accident, he should be in the Dao Immortal Realm! Wen Heng whose name is Xiao Hua always has the same name!"


The female fairy named Yi Xin said firmly, "I have a hunch that I can win the only Wenheng in the Heavenly Court, and Xiao Hua, who has won the small three yuan of the Apocalypse's Choice, must be him! I must rush to Huangcheng to meet. he!"

"Oh, forget it~"

Yi Ming couldn't help but said, "I won't persuade you anymore. We don't have any jade coins now, so we have to get some jade coins here? Otherwise, how can we rush to Huangcheng?"

While talking, Yi Ming raised her head inadvertently and saw Xiao Hua's name on the giant sword at a glance. She was surprised and delighted: "Yixin, come on, look, Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua!!"


Yi Xin also hurriedly looked up, and then exclaimed in ecstasy, "Tianshu Academy, it turns out that Master is in Tianshu Academy. He has participated in the election of Huangcheng!"


Public loser Yi Ming covered his mouth with his hand and whispered, "I remember we were ten thousand years ago, did you get the news that Xiao Hua participated in the election and got Wen Heng? This is only ten thousand years, he has already set foot in Yuqing. Isn't this too powerful?"


Yi Xin said proudly, "This is the master of my public defeat Yi Xin. Even in the heaven, he is an unparalleled genius!"


Yi Ming also excitedly said, "Finally found him, let's quickly earn some jade coins, rush to Huangcheng, look for the Tianshu Academy..."

At this moment, behind the public loser Yi Ming, a faint voice sounded: "No, your master shouldn't be Xiao Hua, right?"


Yi Ming was taken aback, and he hurriedly stood in front of Yi Xin, watching the song slowly stepping out of Xiayun with extreme caution.

Wen Qu looked at the two Fengxians who had no trace of cultivation, and felt mixed. These two female fairies were clearly his disciples Gongyu Yixin and Gongyu Yiming in the four continents of the mortal world.

When Wenqu was in the mortal world, the human nature was not particularly complete. The public transporter Yi Xin and the public transporter Yi Ming were also given to him by Xiao Huaqiang. He had also taught them the method of the Five Qi Dynasties, but can they ascend to heaven? Wenqu never thought about it.

That is to say, just now, the public loss of Yi Ming's words caught Wenqu's attention. He never dreamed that he would meet two disciples here.

"Where did you two come from?"

Wen Qu's tone was still faint, and asked, "From here to Huangcheng, Feng Xian can't do it."

"Why can't Fengxian?"

Yi Ming retorted, "As long as we have jade coins, we can definitely get there by taking the jade belt car."


Wen Qu looked up to the east, and sighed, "The distance of Huangcheng is far away. I dare not go easily because of my celestial abilities. Otherwise, I won't stay here and wait for Fellow Xiao Dao to come over!"


The public loser Yi Ming woke up, she looked at Wenqu and couldn't believe her ears, and exclaimed, "Are you a master?"

"Silly girl~"

Wen Qu removed Zhou Shen Xiayun to show her true face, and smiled, "Besides being a teacher, who else knows that your master is not Daoyou Xiao?"

"Master, Master~"

The public loser Yi Ming cried, rushed over, and grabbed Wenqu's skirt and shouted: "My disciple finally saw you, you...but let us find it!"

Yi Ming did not practice in public transportation, but an ordinary wind fairy, but a baby in front of Wenqu Qianzhang's immortal body!

Unlike Yi Ming, the public loser, the public loser Yi Xin did not lose her temper. She bit her lip and stood beside her, looking at Wenqu, her face turned into a different color.

"Yi Xin, what are you doing?"

Yi Ming found that something was wrong, wiped away his tears and hurriedly shouted, "I've met Master, why haven't I met you?"


The public loser Yi Xin gritted her teeth and said, "His old man is my mortal master, and I have to worship Master Xiao Hua when I arrive in the fairy world!"

On this Spring Festival, UU reading www.uukanshu. com wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

It’s the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all the best and all the best in the Year of the Ox, and it’s all here today.

Tomorrow is the last day of Qitianle...

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