Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2691: ?Choke hkuihuan forbidden place now

"Is Xiao Wenheng here?~"

Outside the pavilion, Fang Zhuo and Kou Qi's voice sounded, "I'll wait to invite Xiao Wenheng to join us in the Kuihuan forbidden area."


Xiao Hua responded, got up and walked out of the pavilion, before he could speak.

"Boom boom boom~"

Above the sky, there were roaring sounds everywhere, and countless clouds rushed up into the sky like fireworks, turning into bright galaxies, and the stars in the galaxy burst again, and the jade ribbons slowly fell down.

"Look at it~"

Fang Zhuo pulled Xiao Hua and exclaimed, "Kuihuan forbidden ring opened!"


Xiao Hua smiled slightly, "Xiao thought it was the Chinese New Year!"


Kou Qi hurriedly agreed, "Xiao Wenheng can really joke!"


Fang Zhuo quietly gave Xiao Hua a messaging device, and said in a low voice, "Gu Yuanzheng asked me to give it to you, saying that it can be used in the British election..."

Xiao Hua frowned when he saw the writing instrument, and asked, "What does Gu Yuanzheng mean?"

Fang Zhuo was a little flustered, as if he knew this earlier, he hurriedly explained: "It is said that you can take care of each other inside."

"Xiao does not need~"

Xiao Hua waved her hand, but did not answer.

"Roar, roar~"

From afar, towards Huangcheng, a roar of beasts resounded across the sky and the earth, and immediately saw the number of unicorns roaring from the sky and the earth.

These unicorns were yellowish in color, and they stepped on the dragon clouds. When they were flying high in the sky, they heard a thunderbolt, and all the unicorns raised their heads and howled, and their figures were creeping down and gradually dimmed. When all the unicorns disappeared A huge jade seal appeared out of nowhere.

"Huang Cong jade ribbon, Huang Cong jade ribbon!!"

Fang Zhuo said excitedly, "This is the appearance of the Kuihuan Forbidden Land!"

Just as Fang Zhuo yelled, the mountains and rivers and jade seals flashed with earthy yellow light, the mountains and rivers, and the light and shadow of the city and countryside flashed. The unicorn that had just disappeared flew out of these lights and shadows again, wearing a jade belt facing different directions. The jade ribbon flew down, and when the unicorn disappeared in the jade ribbon, those jade ribbons also began to grow yellowish clouds. Within the clouds, the majestic palace gates showed their outlines!

"Xiao Wenheng~"

Kou Qi hurriedly explained, "What we Huangcheng students want to enter is the Kuihuan Forbidden Area, and these jade ribbons are the entrances of each big city into the Kuihuan Forbidden Area."

"Students of Tianshu Academy~"

Gu Li's voice came from a distance, "Finish your clothes and follow the old man to the gate of Yingxuan!"

Xiao Hua Chong Fangzhuo and Kou Qi nodded, flew up first and came into the air.

Gu Li gathered around tens of thousands of disciples early in the morning. Some of these disciples entered the Tianshu Academy with Xiao Hua, as well as students from previous academies, but when they saw Xiao Hua coming, they all bowed and said: "Students have met Xiao Wenheng~"

Xiao Hua glanced over the students and smiled at the corners of his mouth. These students were radiant. They obviously had entered the Secret Realm of Light. He also knew that this was the reason why the students respected him, so he raised his hand to help everyone. He started and said: "Everyone, Gu Yuanzheng has already said words of encouragement, and there is no need to say more about Xiao. Now, like you, Xiao is a student who is rushing for the exam. He is very worried, but I have already paid all the hard work before. It's time to reap the rewards. I will wait for the spirit of overlap to win the Huangcheng Academy!"

"Well, fighting spirit, go to win Huangcheng Academy!"

All the students were bold and snarled, and the sentiment was passionate!


Seeing this, Gu Li didn't say much, raised his hand and pointed to the distance, and exclaimed, "The gate of Yingxuan!"

On the way, Kou Qi was chattering a bit and explained to Xiao Hua: "Xiao Wenheng, you may not know that there is only one in every big city in the gate of Yingxuan, which is the jade ribbon that hangs from Huang Cong. Before you get the jade ribbon, the courtyard I'm about to take out Yuyue, Yuyue has my first name..."

Gu Wei had said these things before, Xiao Hua naturally knew about it, but he still had a smile on his face, listening patiently to Kou Qi's rants, and Fang Zhuo beside him seemed to know that after the British election, he might never see him again. Xiao Hua, so from time to time I also interrupted to say something.

The students from the Tianshu Academy flew to the gate of Yingxuan, and other schools in the Xuhuangcheng, as well as the Xuhuanglou and other disciples also went in groups. For a time, the Xuhuangcheng was high in the sky, and the crowd was surging, which was quite spectacular.

Seeing the jade ribbon flying in the air, the majestic palace gate stood still, and millions of Confucian scholars gathered in the surrounding clouds.


There was another bell ringing, and the world was shaking.

Inside the palace gate, a majestic voice sounded: "Students send a roster, and LinkedIn choose Yuyue!"

The Xuhuanglou Qi Yan flew out first. Before flying to the gate of the palace with a jade book in his hand, he bowed and said: "The 32,120 disciples of the Xuhuanglou are participating in the British election, please check!"

While talking, the Xiayun flying around the palace gate turned into a big hand, and took Qi Yan's jade book into the palace gate.

Xuhuanglou retreated, and people flew out of other colleges.

Gu Li took tens of thousands of disciples from Tianshu Academy to stand on a cloud and waited patiently. When it was the turn of Tianshu Academy, he flew forward, took out the jade book and bowed and said: "The Tianshu Academy is headed by Xiao Hua and Xiao Wenheng. Ten thousand four hundred disciples participate in the British election, please check it out!"


Even the voice within the palace gate whispered, "Xiao Wenheng wants to participate in the British election?"

Then, inside the palace gate, a big golden hand fell out of thin air and took the jade book in Gu Li's hand!

"Xiao Wenheng??"

Gu Li's words seemed to stir up waves with a single stone. Under the palace gate, millions of students were frying, with inexplicable excitement on their faces, whispering, "He actually came to participate in the British election?"

"Oh my god, I can participate in the same British election as Wen Heng, the only one in the court, even if I lose, it is still a glorious defeat!"

"Sure enough, he is the only Wen Heng in the Heavenly Court, this... this is just ten thousand years ago, he actually cultivated to Yuqing Renxian, really a genius among geniuses!"

"This time, there must be Xiao Wenheng for the 360 ​​Huang Cong tokens in the Kuihuan Forbidden Land!"

Everyone looked at the Tianshu Academy, and the morale of the students at the Tianshu Academy rose again.

After the Tianshu Academy, UU reading has academies, sects, and aristocratic families to send the roster, but no one cares. Xiao Hua has not entered the forbidden area of ​​Kunhuan, Wen Heng's light has begun to shine.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

It's the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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