Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2685: I showdown, I won't pretend


Xi Mujing was so frightened that she hurriedly yelled, "Listen to my order and urge the Buddhist formation to suppress and suppress!"

Following the issue of Xi Mujing's order, the chanting sound of the seven Buddha clouds became louder, and the light of the Buddha that was still indifferent just now suddenly brightened, even dazzling, and the huge "swastika" characters began to condense and fall to the roaring nine golden dragons. !


The stupid Taoist snorted coldly again, and a ball of fire flew out of his right eye. After the fire fell in the air, as the stupid Taoist raised his hand a little, the flame burst, and there were groups of Liu family disciples flying out!


Seeing this, Xi Mujing also sneered, and said, "Aren't you abiding by the agreement? It's just a hundred steps for fifty steps!"


Liu Yanyi in the distance also laughed and said, "Xi Mujing, it should be two fifty steps to laugh at you and one hundred steps!"

With that said, Liu Yanyi raised his hand to sacrifice the Yingluo fairy, and Huang Mengxiang and Wang Yuebai also flew out with a team of fairy soldiers!


Xi Mujing was furious. It is not surprising that a stupid Taoist can hide it from herself, but Liu Yanyi can also hide it from herself. That is to slap herself in the face!

Immediately, Xi Mujing gave birth to a Buddha cloud, and flew towards Xi Mujing, yelling in her mouth: "Liu Yanyi, you are here!"

"Xi Mujing~"

How could a stupid Taoist let Liu Yanyi take risks? He also reluctantly urged his figure to fly towards Xi Mujing, and exclaimed, "Your opponent is me!"


A reed was sacrificed in Xi Mu Jingyang's hand. This reed seemed fragile, but nine layers of phantoms were immediately born in the Buddha's light. They hit the stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyi respectively. Xi Mujing said proudly, "Don't worry, your uncles and nephews Everyone is my adversary, and I will not let any one go!"

At this time, the stupid Taoist could not help but take out his weapon, he raised his hand and took out his Fang Tian painted halberd.

Seeing a few phantoms of reeds approaching, the stupid Taoist roared, and Fang Tian stabbed out a halberd!

"Puff puff~"

The first two reeds pierced easily, but when the third one was reached, the "keng" reed suddenly became hard and blocked Fang Tian's painting of a halberd. The fourth reed swept over, the Buddha's light was flourishing, and Fang Tian was in the hands of the foolish man. The painting of the halberd was unstable, he hurriedly moved his middle and index fingers together, muttering words, and said: "Illness!"


A phantom of the Great Seal came out to block the reed!

Seeing Xi Mujing's powerful methods, the stupid Taoist did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly raised his hand to help Liu Yanyi block the reed ghost.

However, when the stupid Taoist made his move, Liu Zhifei screamed in the distance and flew upside down. He was hurt by Yin Dong just one move.

The stupid Taoist hesitated a little, and with his strength, he can only protect one with the help of Nine Dragon Seal.


The stupid Taoist only hesitated for a moment, Xi Mujing's reed had already been drawn to Liu Yanyi's body!

Liu Yanyi rolled around in the air a few times, and then stood still in the air. She glanced at Xi Mujing, and said coldly, "Well, I'll showdown, no more..."


Xi Mujing didn't put Liu Yanyi in her eyes at all, she chuckled lightly, "Liu Yanyi, don't think that you can learn the secret techniques of the Buddha Kingdom in the floating map..."


Liu Yanyi smiled slightly, raised his hand and patted the center of his eyebrows, "Om" between the center of the eyebrows appeared!


This Yingluo was so remarkable that the surrounding Buddha's light immediately gathered towards this Yingluo.

Liu Yanyi raised his hand again, and thousands of Yingluo were born out of thin air like rain, and the space nearby was completely covered!

"This this……"

Xi Mujing watched Yingluo give birth and smashed her own reed phantom to pieces. She was surprised and exclaimed, "What is this?"

"what is this??"

Liu Yanyi laughed at the corner of her mouth and said, "It's like moving a rock and hitting her own foot!"

After speaking, Liu Yanyi stepped up to the sky, raising his hand to pat the door while walking.

"Nanwu Maitreya Buddha!"

"Nanwu Maitreya Buddha!"

"Nanwu Maitreya Buddha!"

"Nanwu Maitreya Buddha!"

A series of four Buddha titles were chanted, and the four Dharma figures stepped on and flew out. Isn't it the solemnity of the precepts of the Bodhisattva Yingluo, the solemnity of the Samadhi Yingluo, the solemnity of the wisdom Yingluo, and the solemnity of Dharani Yingluo?

Seeing the majestic Liu Yanyi in the Buddha's light, with Yingluo scattered all around her figure, Xi Mujing cried out incredible: "I... my God! You... are you the Yingluo Bodhisattva of the Buddha Kingdom??"

"Nanwu Maitreya Buddha~"

Liu Yanyi said, "Congratulations, you got the right answer!"

Regardless of what Liu Yanyi said, the four Yingluo solemnly separated Liu Yanyi in all directions, and there was another Yingluo falling down between her hands, not only trapping Xi Mujing and Yin Dong, but the seven Buddhist formations were also unable to move forward in Yingluo. step!

"Damn, damn~~"

Xi Mujing looked at the genuine Yingluo around her, her face turned pale, and she cursed, "How could you be a Bodhisattva in the Buddha Kingdom?"

It was more than Xi Mujing, even the stupid Taoist and Liu Zhifei, and even the many disciples of the Liu family, all were dumbfounded!

"Since you can collude with the Buddha Kingdom, why can't I be a Buddha Kingdom Bodhisattva?"

Liu Yanyi said lightly, "Xi Mujing, your organization is too smart, in the end... will it still fall in my palm?"


Xi Mujing looked at the four solemnly, and smiled bitterly, "I really didn't expect that after the Great Emperor, the Liu Family's great fortune was actually a Buddha Bodhisattva. I laid out for a long time, but I made a wedding dress for you..."

At this point, Xi Mujing suddenly raised her head and shouted at the Buddha array: "Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva, hasn't he shown up yet?"


Xi Mujing's voice fell to the ground, and within the Buddha formation, a monk in a robe walked out. The monk looked inconspicuous, but he just stood still in the air.


The light of the Buddha that had fallen on Liu Yanyi was immediately taken away and all fell on the monk.

But the monks in the Buddha light immediately became solemn.

"Where are you from Yingluo Bodhisattva?"

The Bodhisattva Nan Wu Liyan looked at Liu Yanyi with some nag and asked, "Nan Wu Jin Ying Luo Ming De Bodhisattva and Nan Wu Jin Ying Luo Ming Bodhisattva, I am familiar with each other, so why never know that you are a Bodhisattva?"

"Where do you care about the Yingluo Bodhisattva?"

Liu Yanyi sneered, raised his hand and waved his four solemn shots at the same time.

"No, no~"

Nan Wu Liyan Bodhisattva stared at the Buddha's light in Yingluo with solemn expression on his face, and said, "You are not my Buddha's light, where did you come from?"

After that, UU read www.uukahnshu. com Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva raised his hand, and a seamless tower without a spire flew out and fell towards Liu Yanyi. Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva screamed: "Nie barrier, why don't you let me go in front of the Buddha to ask for sin? "

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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