Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2679: Yin Dong who doesn't know the truth

"Second brother, second sister-in-law~"

The stupid Taoist stayed with the lord Liu Hong for a period of time. The lonely things and the encounters in the Huo La fantasy realm were all his personal experiences. He even knew some secrets, so he had to ask Liu Zhifei and Liu Zhifei cautiously. Fenghua, "Brother really said it!"

"Say it~"

Liu Zhifei smiled, "Second brother is confident that he didn't do anything to sorry Liu's family and your second sister-in-law."

"It's like this~"

The stupid Taoist said, "Before the second elder brother got married, Xi Mujing and the second sister-in-law were both powerful competitors. Xi Mujing suspects that the Feng Family designed the second sister-in-law to meet Yin Dong in Chilemi..."

"How can it be?"

Fenghua said anxiously, "I and your second brother back then..."

"Second daughter-in-law~"

Old You You said displeased, "This is all about Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds. You and your second child have two daughters, Yan Yu and Yi'er. Do you still care what Xi Mujing thinks?"

"As the saying goes, you are not afraid of the shadow tilting!"

"Yes, yes~"

Fenghua was rather embarrassed, nodded repeatedly, and stopped talking.

The stupid Taoist told what he had heard, and finally talked about Liu Yanyu's lonely experience in Chile.

"This **** poisonous lady~"

Liu Yanyi heard it, and gritted his teeth, "If I had known it, I would have brought the floating picture over!"


Liu Zhifei frowned, "Are you going to the Yanyu team this time to get the floating map?"


Liu Yanyi nodded and said, "I didn't mean this before, because I knew that Xi Mu Jing was a disciple of the Xi family, and Feng Rong'er and Haier also knew each other."

"Now she is the one who plots against the child first, and has harmed her sister before in Chilemo. How can I let her go?"

"That's it~"

Fenghua nodded and said, "This matter needs to be discussed in a long-term view, and don't leak any news!"


Liu Yanyi smiled slightly, "Mother, we are afraid of leaking the wind. Isn't Xi Mujing more afraid of it? Yin Dong is already the demon commander, if the team knows that he is the ancient Yin family, the King of Shooting and Kong Ben What do you think?"

"This is a barefoot person who is not afraid to wear shoes!"

Liu Yanyi did not forget to add.

Far away in Xuanming Gongqingtian, where the boundary between the immortal realm and the Buddha kingdom clashed, countless filaments or spiral Buddha lights appeared out of nowhere from time to time. As soon as these Buddha lights appeared, they were immediately destroyed by the laws of the fairy realm.

"Puff puff~"

At the place where the Buddha's light shattered, the silhouettes of the Lord Buddha of different styles flashed away.

There are Buddha lights flashing everywhere in Jiechong, like moths fighting fire, and the blue light of Taoxianjie is like an overwhelming curtain covering Jiechong.

Under the curtain, there were endless military tents everywhere like clouds. As for the center of the clouds, an all-encompassing demon commander flag fluttered without wind, and the heroic trick with teeth and claws on it looked magnificent.

Inside the military tent under the handsome banner, a shy voice called out: "What is Liu Zhifei doing? Is he going to break the jar?"

"Brother Dong~"

The other voice was the same as Liu Yanyi, coldly said, "This is called barefoot who is not afraid to wear shoes! The Liu family is now ruined, and Liu Zhifei can no longer stand in the Ximing team, so he has come to us!"


The previous voice snorted coldly, "Is it possible that Yin is still afraid of him?"

"There is no need to be afraid of nature, but a Liu Zhifei, coupled with a grace, what storm can they cause?"

The subsequent voice said faintly, "The problem is, their trouble will definitely affect us!"

In an instant, the military tent was silent.

The military account is naturally the military account of Yin Dong, the captive demon commander, but there is nothing else in the military account at this time except for a beautiful woman in battle armor and a middle-aged man who looks simple after sitting in the army. Warlord.


The middle-aged man was naturally the demon commander Yin Dong. He sighed and said, "I knew this, Mu Jing, that day you knew Liu Yanyi had joined the Futu, you should refuse!"

"Brother Dong~"

The beautiful woman is Xi Mujing. She smiled and said, "Didn't I also feel compassionate that day? The sky was destroyed, and Liu Yanyi managed to escape from birth. She rescued Bai Suer and Xi Xuan. She wanted to join Float. How can I? Do not agree?"

"Furthermore, I later learned that Liu Zhifei and Fenghua were also alive. They joined the Ximing team, so I thought, since they are all disciples of the ancient family and are in the same team, can't they support each other in the future?"

"I don't know they used this as a threat..."

Unfortunately, before Xi Mujing finished speaking, Yin Dong frowned, interrupted her, and asked, "Mu Jing, tell me honestly, what exactly did you do that led to the Liu family's counterattack?"


Xi Mujing glanced at Yin Dong and sighed, "Brother Dong, you are a bright and upright person, I don't want to let the things of Futu dirty your ears."

"How do you say this floating map was created by you and me~"

Yin Dong smiled and said, "Although I don't care about it, there are some things you should tell me!"

"It's actually very simple~"

Xi Mujing said lightly, "I didn't expect the emperor's heir to be so powerful. Liu Yanyi, a little girl who just arrived at Futu but not in the 20th century, has already controlled most of Futu's disciples. If she is allowed to develop, Futu may not belong to us!"


Yin Dong watched Xi Mujing say every word, "Did you arrange ambush?"

"How can I do it myself?"

Xi Mujing didn't hide it, and said, "I just leaked Liu Yanyi's whereabouts to... some people, and these people contacted the poison of persistence..."


Yin Dong sighed, interrupted Xi Mujing's words, and said, "Some people should be the opponents of Futu?"

"Yes or not~"

Xi Mu Jing replied without changing her face.

"It's always bad~"

Yin Dong looked at Xi Mujing and said, "It's just like the formation of a fellow soldier, it is easy to go wrong when the soldiers move dangerously, not the way of the king!"

"I know, Brother Dong~"

Xi Mujing smiled and said, "This is a sure thing, and I also heard that someone asked Kong Ben Wang to do it..."

"King Kong Ben? Which one?"

Yin was startled, UU read hurriedly asked.

"I don't know who it is~"

Xi Mujing replied, "After all, that is the secret of others, and I only found out afterwards."

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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