Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2677: 9 Long Xi

They dare to contain themselves here, obviously they have support, and Kongben King suddenly left, maybe he will return again, what they have to do at this time is to evacuate quickly.

Speaking of evacuation, Liu Zhifei was embarrassed again, his whereabouts had been revealed, wouldn't it mean that he would throw himself into the trap when he returned to the Heaven Realm?

Liu Yanyi squinted his eyes for a moment, then raised his hand to Xuanming to congratulate the sky, and said, "Daddy, the Buddha's borders are dashing, say the team!"

Liu Zhifei was puzzled, Liu Yanyi said: "Daddy, listen to the child, let's go first, and the child will talk while walking!"

The war boat soared into the sky, and everyone's eyes fell on the stupid Taoist.

Liu Yanyi hugged the stupid man's arm happily, and said, "Four uncle, fourth uncle, where have you been these years? I miss you!"

The stupid Taoist smiled and replied: "The fourth uncle is hiding in a secret place to practice!"

"Old Four~"

You old man hesitated for a moment, glanced at Liu Zhifei, and asked, " have to have a mid-level strength, right?"

"You old~"

The stupid Taoist nodded honestly and replied, "Yes, according to Taoxianjie, I have already set foot in Daluo Middle School!"

"My God~"

Liu Yanyi couldn't close his mouth in surprise, and shouted, "Uncle Si, I thought I was the fastest advanced in our Liu family. I didn't expect that Uncle Si was so powerful, I was about to catch up with Fairy Xiao Xiao!"

"Xiao Hua?"

The stupid Taoist smiled bitterly and asked, "What is his strength? Where is he? Is he with Yan Yu?"

"Xiao Daxianying is already Demon Zunxiao!"

Liu Yanyi opened his eyes and smiled, and replied, "He is in the Demon League now, but there is no news from his sister. I don't know if they are together!"

There was silence on the war boat, only Liu Yanyi's whispering voice.

After talking for a while, Liu Yanyi suddenly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly looked at his parents and said, "Daddy, look at you, you are not as fast as your fourth uncle! You don't even ask how your fourth uncle cultivates? "

"It's nothing~"

The stupid Taoist said lightly, "I just got Xiao Hua's pill, and the secret technique he gave, plus the clan..."

At this point, the dumb Taoist realized that he had said too much and hurriedly shut up.

"Oh, yes, yes~"

Liu Yanyi didn't pay attention to this, and suddenly woke up, and asked cheerfully, "Uncle Si, how do you know we are here?"


The corners of the stupid Taoist's mouth twitched, and he said, "Four uncle pinches and counts..."

"Old Four~"

Before the stupid Taoist finished speaking, Fenghua said, "To be honest, did you find us with the Nine Dragon Seal of Chaotian Que?"

"Nine Dragon Seal?!"

Liu Yanyi screamed and said, "Then...that is the seal of the town of Chaotianque, only the Patriarch can control it! Uncle, haha, are you the Patriarch of our Liu Family??"


The stupid Taoist shook his head and said, "The Patriarch did not pass me the position of Patriarch!"

"Old Four~"

Fenghua took a step forward and stretched out her hand, "Since the Patriarch did not pass on the position of Patriarch to you, you took the Nine Dragon Seal privately. Before you were drifting away alone, the sister-in-law didn’t say anything. Now I see your second brother, you It's time to take out the Kowloon Seal!"


Liu Yanyi looked at Fenghua in surprise, and said, "Mother, how can you do this? Jiulong Seal belongs to the fourth uncle~"


Fenghua glanced at Liu Zhifei, who looked a little embarrassed, but his eyes were a little eager to try, and then looked at the old man who turned to look in other directions, her heart was determined, and she said, "That's it, who took the Nine Dragon Seal, who It’s the Patriarch of the Liu Family. Now that the sky is gone, my Liu family only has your dad who has the longest standing and is the most plausible. If your dad doesn’t take this Nine Dragon Seal, who will take it?"


Liu Yanyi covered her mouth with her hand, and said, "So it's like this, it looks like this...this Nine Dragon Seal is of great importance!"

"Yes, the Nine Dragon Seal is extremely important!"

Fenghua nodded and said, "If your dad doesn't take the Jiulong Seal, he will be unfairly leading the Liu family disciple! It was not a big deal before, after all, in the Jie Chong team, your dad has the highest position. Now we are leaving the team, if there is no Kowloon. Xi, how does your dad convince the crowd?"

In fact, Fenghua is most worried about the appearance of the stupid man, holding the Nine Dragon Seal in his hand, the team disciples will follow the stupid Taoist, and even if the stupid Taoist follows Liu Zhifei, there is the Nine Dragon Seal, the stupid Taoist can easily raise Liu Zhifei.

Looking at the dumb Taoist who didn't speak, Fenghua took a few more steps and stretched out her hand: "Fourth old man, thank you for sending the Nine Dragon Seal here. My sister-in-law thanked you for your second brother."

Unexpectedly, the stupid Taoist immediately shook his head and said, "No!"

"No way?"

Fenghua's expression changed and said, "Why not? Fourth, what do you want to do?"

"What am I not doing, Ersao~"

The stupid Taoist said lightly, "The Patriarch confessed that the Nine Dragon Seal must be handed to Xiao Hua!"


Feng Hua laughed furiously, and said, "The fourth child, the family chief said to give you the Nine Dragon Seal, and I believe it; if you give the Nine Dragon Seal to Xiao Hua, how can I believe it?"

"Stop talking about me, who believes all the Liu family disciples present?"

"Xiao Hua is an outsider. Even if he marries Yan Yu, he is also the son-in-law of the Liu family. Why does he hold the Nine Dragon Seal?"

"Look in front of you, there is your second brother, and my Liu family's big mover, why should the Patriarch let them not give it to an outsider?"

The old man looked at the people around her, and she actually blamed the stupid people secretly in her heart. To tell the truth, only the stupid people knew about the Nine Dragon Seal. Who knew if he didn't tell? Even if he said it was given to him by the owner, who knew?

And You Lao didn't expect Fenghua to force the palace to clarify things in public, leaving no room for maneuver.

Elder You couldn't help it, she looked at Liu Zhifei, who was silent, and then at the stupid Taoist, and said: "Fourth old, you can tell the ins and outs of the matter~"


The stupid Taoist didn't hesitate, and said, "This matter should start from the nine-fold formula of the disciple's comprehension of the purple moon and golden sun profound mark..." (Chapter 215 again (3))

"How can it be?"

Fenghua immediately interrupted and said, "The Nine Layers of Purple Moon and Golden Sun Profound Mark Art is the secret technique of the family, how could the Patriarch pass it on to you!"

You Lao glanced at Fenghua displeasedly. UU reading is a stupid man who even tells the whereabouts of the Nine Dragon Seal, why bother to fake these details?

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The third day of the new year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox, all the best, and a happy Valentine's Day.

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