Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2675: Empty ben king shot

"what happened?"

Liu Yanyi watched his father mobilize troops, and began to confront the poison of persistence, saying word by word, "This is what I said casually. It is impossible for anyone to know in advance. If it weren't for Bai Suer and the others to leak my whereabouts to the poison of persistence, How can they make arrangements in advance?"

"The problem is~"

Wang Yuebai was puzzled, and said, "Even if they confided in the news, the eldest sister came out here with the floating picture, they would not have time to make arrangements in advance!"

"You are stupid~"

Huang Mengxiang sneered beside him, and said, "The eldest sister has repeatedly sent messages to the heavenly realm. As long as Bai Su'er and Xi Xuan have the intention, they must have known for a long time. There must have been arrangements long ago!"

"Not bad!"

Wang Yuebai woke up like a dream, and the little chicken nodded like a peck of rice, "The eldest sister has made great contributions to the floating map, and the limelight is close to the altar master, and the eldest sister has repeatedly blocked the persistent poison and caused them heavy losses. If they catch the opportunity, they must Will do everything possible to kill!"

"Kill, kill~~"

At this time, all the people around were shouting to kill, and the team was in close combat with the poisonous man.


Elder You looked around and urged, "It's not safe here anymore, I will send you away!"


Fenghua woke up and hurriedly said next to him, "Yi'er, you are the hope of our Liu family. You can't make a mistake, we will try our best to send you away!"


Liu Yanyi squinted his eyes and looked around, there was a faint outline of Hua Sheng flashing between his brows, and then he said meaningfully, "How could they let me leave easily?"

"Don't worry~"

The old man watched the colorful mists constantly gushing out around him, and said confidently, "After taking Xiao Hua's elixir, my injury is already very good. Although I haven't reached the peak strength, a big Luo can still deal with it! "

"You old man has recovered his injuries?"

Liu Yanyi was surprised and delighted, and said, "If so, the child should be able to escape!"


Liu Zhifei commanded the team with all his strength. At this time, he was also distracted and said, "You go! Don't worry about Daddy. Daddy is used to such wars!"


Liu Yanyi gritted his teeth and said, "My child is leaving now!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Yanyi did not forget to bow and salute: "The child is not filial, which brings trouble to parents..."

Seeing Liu Yanyi's respectful ceremony, Liu Zhifei was deeply moved. The suffering made people grow up. Liu Yanyi was no longer the girl who had just returned from the mortal realm and didn't know how to practice!


The old man did not dare to neglect, and his big sleeves stretched out, bringing Liu Yanyi, Huang Mengxiang and Wang Yuebai into the sky.


As the old man flew up, the sound of thunder was born in the air, seven or seventy-forty heavy purple gold thunders broke through the air, crashing into a surging colorful mist!


As soon as the fog touched the thunder light, a faint sound was immediately produced, which quickly corroded the thunder light, and the unspeakable smell directly rushed to the mouth and nose of the old man, even with the power of the old man, he felt a little black in front of him!

Not to mention that within the fog, one by one poisonous men with weapons pouring in from all directions, the light sword shadow could not hurt the old man, but the purple golden light flame of the body was quickly annihilated.

"This... these poisonous people are too powerful!"

You Lao was a little surprised, but she didn't panic at all, but seeing that she just raised her left hand and swiped in the air, a perfect circle emerged out of thin air, and You Lao gently pulled in the center of the circle. .


The ring collapsed, giving birth to a black hole, and unparalleled suction was born from the black hole, as if a big hand dragged these poisonous people into it.


However, just as the old man was about to get out of the poisonous mist, suddenly a cold snort sounded from outside the poisonous mist, and then several golden lights flew over from far to near.

The golden light seemed to be slow, but there was a faint rumbling sound in the place where it flew, and Old Man You looked up and saw that his face changed slightly.

But seeing the seven golden lights falling like seven stars, each golden light set off a space ripple, and the seven space ripples are like huge fishing nets, covering the direction where the old man flies!

You old patted his eyebrows, and a round of fairy marks like a purple moon appeared, and the purple flames burned like fire, and You old's figure grew rapidly!


With a low roar, the old man raised a round of sharp blades like a full moon with his left hand, spurred by the immortal force, and the sharp blade immediately gave birth to eighteen purple phantoms as it swung around.


The purple blade phantom fell into the void and disappeared, but the light purple brilliance rushed around like a dragon, the previous space was turbulent!

"Boom~ boom~~ boom~~"

The purple phantom condensed as a sharp wave to block the seven golden lights, and the strong waves soared up, and the space was shattered. Seven golden spear tips were revealed from the depth of the cracks like thunder.

The seven gun tips trembled slightly and condensed into one place. When the tip of a spear of the blazing sun was revealed, behind the tip of the gun, a golden gun with a length of ten thousand feet also made a low sound.

Immediately, an arrogant voice sounded after the golden gun: "It really surprised this king, there is actually a female fairy named Da Luo who is comparable to King Kong Ben..."

The sound was thunderous, and a golden human figure about a thousand feet tall walked out slowly in a golden armor!

The old man blocked the golden gun, but there was a sting like a thorn in her arm. The old man knew that she was injured by the golden gun after all.

When she saw the human form, she felt the murderous intent of the human form, and she exclaimed: "You~"

"Are you Kongben King?"


The warlord who couldn’t see his appearance laughed up to the sky. "When the king received the call, he thought it was a cover, but he didn’t expect it to be true. It’s so good that the remnants of Chaotianque will be combined with the poison of persistence. bird!"

After that, the warlord once again urged his figure, and the golden gun pierced like a dragon!


There are seven spear shadows, each of which can pierce the sky, and the seven isolates the vitality of the old!


There is no retreat for Old You Old, she growls in her mouth, and the full moon and sharp blade sway like water.

She has already decided that she will also send Liu Yanyi out to surround her after fighting her own fall!

Without any accident, the golden gun phantom picked the full moon sharp blade phantom to break, and the golden gun pierced the sharp blade directly with lightning speed!

"Keng~" with a cry, UU reading www. The round moon of shattered, and the old "Puff" was also injured by the golden gun. His throat was sweet, and blood spurted out!

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The third day of the new year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox, all the best, and a happy Valentine's Day.

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