Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2670: Xiao Zhunsheng (Happy Valentine's Day)

"No, no~"

Elder Cheng was about to nod his head to agree, and suddenly remembered something, and said anxiously, "Xiao Wenheng is not a Songxian, how can he participate in the British election?"

"Why do you think Jiang Yuanming wants to covet the heavenly books of the Tianshu Academy?"

Nangong Xun'er glanced at Elder Cheng and said, "If Gu Li can't create a Yuqing and immortal Xiao Wenheng, the Tianshu Academy will not have the value of allowing Huangcheng Academy to act!"

"And don't forget, there is a Xiao Xian behind Xiao Wenheng!"

"How can a Confucian who has no background get the Tianxuan Xiaosanyuan?"

Xiao Hua didn't know that even if the Tianshu Academy was closed, he could not prevent his trace from leaking. He was worried.

Because when Xiao Hua urged Tai Chi to return to Yuan Lu, he realized that he was too optimistic. The cloud of incense dew can extinguish the glimmer, but the glimmer can set off a prairie fire like a spark, not to mention it. After the dim light goes out, the body of the soul is still difficult to heal easily.

"It's a bit troublesome~"

Xiao Hua frowned and looked at the shattered Xiayun inside and the struggling dim light, thinking to herself, "There are many secret techniques that can be used to repair the mind, but now Xiao has a self-contained mind, which is the so-called self corpse. The previous repairing techniques have little effect and are unbearable. Xiao must have a new method!"

"Puff puff~"

"Puff puff puff~~"

The slight ripples stretched in the body, and it sounded like war drums were ringing in unison. Xiao Hua raised his brows and thought of Tianbao Taoge and Baoduo Tianjia Jue.

"The Baoduo Tianjia Secret Art is a secret technique for invigorating the deaf and deaf, blessing the miraculous effect of blessing and healing, but it is suitable for battle; Tianbao Daoge is one of the great blessing techniques, which can resist the great reincarnation technique. Why not try?"

Immediately, Xiao Hua returned to his position and released tens of millions of shadows. After practicing in the secret realm of the Lanting Pavilion of the Ximen family, these shadows approached 100 million again, and the number of avenues was visible.

Xiao Hua wasn't sure which worked, so he simply used Tong Hua Tian Bian Jue to try each one.

The result is just as Xiao Hua thought, the Tianbao Taoist song is very effective, especially the singing of tens of millions of figures in unison is even more powerful, the clouds are like the rain, the blessing is like a gust of wind, and they begin to extinguish the glimmer and mend the mind!

After a few years, seeing everything in place, Xiao Hua began to try to get out of the body. Fortunately, in the green willow forest, the effect of the great blessing technique has not diminished.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, leaving the body and shadow to sing. The Mind Confucian statue once again returned to the hollow tree hole in the green willow to begin the practice of Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu.

In this way, Xiao Hua has practiced in Linquan Gaoyitu for more than 1.2 million years. In the Qingyu case, a fragrance image is produced every 100 years, and Xiao Hua takes 12,000 fragrances.

This kind of accumulation that even Gu Shiming can't even dream of is enough to push Xiao Hua's catalog of the Five Masters to the beginning of Tai Su Yuan!

Xiao Hua never expected such an effect. When he was about to strike while the iron was hot to cultivate the Taisu original chapter, he suddenly discovered that the incense dew that was invincible in the practice of Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu until the Taisu original chapter immediately lost its effect!

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua realized that the power of the elixir is getting weaker, not to mention that the power of the elixir is naturally weakened after taking 12,000 incense dew. Just say that the elixir corresponds to the evolution of the universe, and Gu Shi Ming Zhineng is afraid that he can only comprehend the Taiji Guiyuanlu, and it is impossible to involve the original chapter of Taisu, and the effect of incense is naturally limited to Taijiguiyuanlu.

Xiao Huaxiang is at peace with the situation, and he completed the final level of Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu in 1.2 million years. It is definitely an unexpected joy; not to mention, the image of Xiao Hua who was seriously injured by Wu Danqing was in the hundreds of millions. The shadow body and the physical body are constantly chanting Tianbao Taoist songs and they are also recovering as before!

Of course, Xiao Hua did not stop practicing. He re-understood the first layer of the original chapter of Tai Su. Ren Boundless Universe in his body began to slowly change. Then he opened his eyes, checked his cultivation, and his mouth hung up. Smile: "Xiao has now cultivated to the original chapter of Tai Su. Although the Five Great Realm has nothing to do with the name of five people, Xiao can barely be called a saint now, right?"

Xiao Zhunsheng!

Thinking of the saint, Xiao Hua patted her forehead and said to herself: "Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua, what do you think?"

"The wise man rules the world, like the sun and the moon, arguing against the stars, going against the yin and yang, at four o'clock respectively, and will contract from the ancient times to the Tao, which is equivalent to the ancient golden immortal after the Taoist immortal realm blends in!"

"Do you not know your own strength?"

"It's just a middle-aged queen, don't think too much!"

In fact, Xiao Hua is still a bit arrogant. Although his physical body only has the strength of the middle and late stages of the Hunyuan, but with the realm of the Confucian Mind and the Quasi-sage, as long as there is enough time and enough accumulation, it is easy to reach the strength of Tianzun.

Thinking of the Primordial Golden Immortal, Xiao Hua naturally thought of the three flowers of the twelve golden immortals within the immortal mark.

Since leaving the realm of Taoist immortals, Xiao Hua has not been willing to use these three flowers. After all, he used Qi Yun to practice in the Demon League. When he arrived in the Heavenly Court, he mainly regained his strength, focusing on the type of literature and cultural flowers, and even the current practice of the fifth master, twelve gold The fairy Sanhua was placed aside.

Xiao Hua was accustomed to living in poverty and was prepared for danger in times of peace, and wanted to save these three flowers for use when he was exhausted.

But by this time, Xiao Hua is already close to the strength of the Primordial Golden Immortal, if these three flowers are not used anymore, I am afraid they will not be used!

"Why don't you re-use Sanhua and start practicing Tread God Que!"

Xiao Hua secretly decided, after all, in the heavenly court, he was really embarrassed to use other people's luck to practice.

While thinking about it, Xiao Hua raised his brows, looked outside the picture of Lin Quan Gao Yi, and smiled: "Gu Li is here, it looks like Xiao is about to start the apocalypse choice again!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua accepted the sapphire case and flew out from the tree hole, causing the body to begin to use the twelve golden immortals and three flowers for cultivation, and he still showed Lin Quan Gao Yitu like a Confucian spirit.

After leaving Linquan Gao Yitu, Xiao Hua was stunned, but saw the entire Luxiang Garden's scenery changed drastically!

If the Luxiang Garden was full of spring when Xiao Hua came in earlier, it would have been cold wind at this time!

All fairy grasses, without exception, are withered, and the stars above the fairy grass are equally dim!

Look at Luxiang Pond again, it is completely a small dry pond!


Xiao Hua laughed. UU read and laughed at himself, "It's all Xiao's fault!"

Think about it, for more than 600 years, Xiao Hua used Lin Quan Gao Yitu to grab the needs for more than 1.2 million years of cultivation, how can Lu Xiangyuan be spared? ?

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The third day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

Oh, it's Valentine's Day, happy lovers!

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