Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2664: ready


Jiu Xia smiled and said nothing, then Xiao Hua showed Jiu Xia the Qingyu case.

Even Jiu Xia frowned, looking at Gao Qiuyu who was struggling in the reincarnation and said in distress, "This is not a solution!"

"It looks like we can only rely on external forces~"

Xiao Hua said, "But there is no good way for her husband now!"

"Gao Qiuyu is hurt by love. If you want a radical cure, you must be symptomatic~"

Jiuxia also said, "But who can know about feelings?"


Xiao Hua immediately thought of Yinghuo and Li Nianxiao. Although the two had made it by themselves, it was they themselves who really kept them together. Gao Qiuyu was like this... He really didn't match up with each other.

"Let’s talk about Qiu Yu~"

Looking at Gao Ruli, Jiu Xia smiled, "Gao Ruli is going smoothly!"

"He is worthy of the name~"

Xiao Hua smiled, and told her own arrangement, Jiu Xia naturally had no objections.

Then Xiao Hua sent Gao Ruli from the Qingyu case.

When Gao Ruli saw Xiao Hua, he felt overjoyed, and grabbed Xiao Hua and shouted, "Cousin, you are finally back!"


Looking at her younger generation who is really blood related, Jiu Xia coldly snorted, pretending to be angry, "Hold when you see your thigh, don't my aunt take it seriously?"

Gao Ruli hurriedly laughed with him, and said, "My aunt is his own family, and my uncle is an outsider. The child must be close to the outsider first?"

After that, Gao Ruli respectfully said: "My boy has seen my aunt!"

"Okay, don't pretend~"

Jiu Xia smiled and said, "Your uncle is discussing with me, and give you some good luck!"

"Where is Aunt Qiu Yu?"

Gao Ruli didn't follow the words of Jiu Xia and asked about good luck, but instead asked Gao Qiuyu.

Xiao Hua was very pleased, and he asked, "What do you think?"

"Baby go looking for six idlers~"

Gao Ruli hurriedly explained, "I told Liu Xianren about my own affairs, and his old man asked Haier to call Aunt Qiuyu and said that he could help Aunt Qiuyu. As for how to help, Haier didn't know."

Jiu Xia glanced at Xiao Hua, and said, "This matter is that the six idlers have reached out for your uncle's sake. Now it has been entrusted to your uncle again. You don't need to pay attention to it, just know that she is very good now!"


Xiao Hua understood what Jiu Xia meant, and nodded, "You don't have to worry about Gao Qiuyu's affairs. With me and your aunt, she will never be wronged, but you..."

Gao Ruli is not stupid. He already knew what problem Gao Qiuyu must have encountered when he heard here. He was anxious and said, "Uncle, aunt, everything is ready for my child, but I don’t worry about it. Aunt Qiuyu’s matter is the big deal. , Boy, boy..."

"You kid~"

Jiu Xia became a little unhappy, "I have said it, your uncle has arranged it himself."

Xiao Hua was not surprised by Gao Ruli's reaction. After all, when Qingyueyan was brought into the space, he repeatedly asked Xiao Hua to keep his adoptive parents who had been transformed by the secret technique of finger painting. Gao Ruli valued love and justice.

"No, no~"

Gao Ruli hurriedly waved his hand. "It's not that the child doesn't believe in his uncle and aunt, but that the child is worried about Aunt Qiuyu. She was very nervous when she accompanied her to Qunyu City. separate……"


Xiao Hua knew that he was absolutely uneasy not to let Gao Ruli look at Gao Qiuyu's appearance, so he said, and raised his hand to point to the Qingyu case.

The blue light appeared in the Qingyu case, and the experience of Gao Qiuyu in the inner middle revealed.

"Oh, poor aunt~"

Gao Ruli took a look, and sighed, how similar this situation is to his earlier years!

"Baby got it~"

Gao Ruli whispered to Xiao Hua, "I also ask my uncle to help Aunt Qiuyu at the right time!"

"Gao Ruli~"

Jiu Xia said solemnly, "Before there is no other better way, you are the pillar to support Gao Qiuyu's survival. Perhaps your improved strength can also stimulate her to rise."

"Yes, I understand~"

Gao Ruli nodded immediately, "Baby obeyed the arrangements of uncle and aunt!"

"That's it~"

Xiao Hua looked around and said, "This is the Tianshu Academy, and Xiao has built a morning light secret realm for them here to practice the secret technique of containing light. You know how to grow jade and how to make swords. Now you can use Cultivating literary species with light secret technique..."

Saying that Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, sending all the secret methods to Gao Ruli's forehead.

These insights were the result of Xiao Hua's incorporation of the sword-forging secret technique to ambush Wu Danqing in the Secret Realm of Morning Light, and it was just right for Gao Ruli to realize it at this time.

Not to mention planting jade, casting swords and Hanguang books can cultivate literary species.

Gao Ruli's eyes were incredibly bright and said: "Uncle, the method of planting jade... can it still be used like this?"

"Why not?"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Take jade as the foundation, sword-making as the key link, and light-bearing as usual. Try it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua sent Gao Ruli into the Secret Realm of Morning Light.


Xiao Hua looked at Jiu Xia Dao, "Gao Ruli and Gao Qiuyu have arranged this way, and they are going to set up a battle for their husband."

"Thank you Xiao Lang~"

Jiu Xia pursed her lips and smiled, "Let's set up the battle with you!"

"You go back first~"

Xiao Hua thought for a while, and said, "I will find you again when I need it for my husband."

Jiu Xia had always been obedient to Xiao Hua, and naturally went back obediently.

Luxiang Garden is at the core of the Tianshu Academy, and every page space can be reached. Xiao Hua flew to the end of the page and saw the outline of a garden like a garden, with a Gu family student guarding in front of the moon gate.

"Xiao Wenheng~"

Seeing Xiao Hua coming, the Gu family student hurriedly greeted him, raised his hand to sacrifice a drop of essence and blood, and painted a text on the moon gate with his hand.

The text is very simple, it looks like it can be drawn in dozens of strokes. Watching the text fall on the moon gate, a faint space passage opens, Xiao Hua smiled and nodded: "Thank you!"

"Xiao Wenheng is polite~"

The disciple of the Gu family was very flattered and hurriedly said respectfully, "The students are far less than Wen Heng in case!"

"Come on!"

Xiao Hua walked past the Gu family disciple, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled and encouraged.

Except for the space passage, there is a garden on the front. Above the garden, there are radiant colors that change from time to time, or starry sky projections, or prehistoric totems. The inexplicable mysterious aura surges, which are different from ordinary heavenly secret realms.

Over the garden, three hundred and sixty Gu family disciples sit cross-legged everywhere, looking like a simple star formation.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The second day of the new year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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