Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2640: Mountains and Seas of "Xuanqiong Quanxiang Chapter"

[网] In the sound of singing, the ripples of the world within the previous human flower gradually became clear, and some fine lines of the time law familiar to Xiao Hua began to appear!

"My God~"

Xiao Hua couldn't help being ecstatic again, and whispered, "Where is the technique for cutting three flowers? This is the technique for human flowers in the past, earth flowers in the present, and smallpox in the future!"

"This is a three-flower cultivation method tailor-made for Xiao!"

"If the "Hunyuan Qixu Zhang" is the method of cultivating the three flowers in the heavens, this "Xuanqiang Quanxiang Pian" is the method of cultivating the three flowers of the heavens in time!"

"Thank God, thank Saint Ge Tian~"

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and hurriedly got up to respectfully salute him, "Xiao is not talented, he is blessed, and he will give back to the world in the future."

When Xiao Hua sat down cross-legged again, he unexpectedly discovered that even though he had just stopped singing, the Red Dust Soul still chanted a dozen words that he had realized, and the light and time of the whole world were still mature in the united city.

Xiao Hua understood that this was the effect of his unique power of faith in the world of the Red Dust Soul Spirit. This saved Xiao Hua's usual training pains. He only needed to understand the words of his experience.

It's just that Xiao Hua's human flower is not stable now, and the space is unstable. Where does the time come to mature?

So Xiao Hua could only stop practicing again, regretting to look at the thriving world and prepare to leave.


When Xiao Hua glanced across the world of the Red Dust Spirits and found that there were mountains and oceans looming on the earth, he unconsciously whispered, "What is this?"

"Could it be that in addition to the sun, the moon and the stars, there are mountains and seas in "The Power of the Vortex"

Of course, Xiao Hua woke up again after a moment, and patted his forehead and said, "Damn it, naturally there are mountains and seas, otherwise, why should Ximenli want Xiao to go to the holy ruins? There is the second part of "Xuanqiong Quanxiang Pian"! !"

Xiao Hua now understood Ximen Li's purpose completely.

"Xuanqiongquanxiangpian" in Xiao Hua's eyes is the cultivation method of three flowers, but in the eyes of Ximen Li, and even all the heavenly Taiqing Tianxians, it is the technique of cutting three flowers. Ximen Li wants to go further. , It is necessary to get the complete "Xuanqiong Quanxiang Pian", the next chapter of the Ruins of the Holy Land is not only what Ximen wants, but also what Xiao Hua thinks!

After sorting out the harvest, Xiao Hua collected Lin Quan Gao Yitu and Dutian Star Array from the secret realm.

Xiao Hua took out the Goose Book that Simon Rong had given earlier, and waited after urging him.

Sure enough, Simon Rong hurried over half a cup of tea after Yan Shu disappeared.


Simon Rong hurriedly bowed to see the courtesy, "What's your order?"

"Xiao is ready to go out!"

Xiao Hua helped Ximen Rong and said, "Go and inform your Patriarch and see what arrangements he has!"


Ximen Rong hurriedly glanced at Xiao Hua, a faint golden light flashed in his eyes, and then a little surprised, "You are about to leave the customs now? are only the second rank of Yuqing Renxian, no, you just set foot on the third rank of Yuqing Renxian. !"

"Is it necessary to participate in Junxuan for the third grade of Yuqing Immortal Great Perfection?"

Xiao Hua asked back.

"Naturally not need~"

Simon Rong smiled and said, "But if Dzogchen is complete, it will be easier to get the Six Jade Tokens!"


Xiao Hua laughed, and said, "Does Xiao rely on the third rank of Yuqing Immortal for getting six jade tokens?"

"Yes, yes~"

What can Simon Rong say? He can only nod his head.

However, he still persuaded: "Senior, Grandpa Grandpa is also in retreat. Would you like to wait in the secret?"

"No need!"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Xiao's cultivation has reached a bottleneck, there is no way to practice any more, you can quickly send a message to your Patriarch!"

Seeing that Xiao Hua's heart was set, Ximen Rong didn't dare to reluctantly reluctantly. He laughed and said with a smile: "Now that's the case, seniors wait a moment, juniors, please come out to accompany seniors, juniors go to see grandpa!"

Afterwards, Ximen Rong accompanied Xiao Hua to a large hall, where he was offered incense tea, and he notified Ximen Fengyun to come, and he left.

Before Ximen Li was in retreat, it was actually arranged. Ximen Rong didn’t have to tell him. The reason Ximen Rong said this was that he wanted to delay a few days and then look for opportunities to persuade Xiao Hua. After all, Xiao Hua’s current Confucian power is nowhere near Yuqing. How can you get all the six jade tokens of Yingxuan?

As a result, a few days later, Ximen Fengyun came to look for Ximen Rong: "Master Rong, Senior Xiao urged!"

Simon Rong is also the first and two big, he stomped and said: "What does this senior think? Even though he is a Dao Xian Hun Yuan, but the Sixth Selection of Apocalypse was conducted in Zhaoming Qi Tianlu. Whenever he reveals Daoxian's methods, he is immediately caught Zhaoming Qitianlu discovered the expulsion, how could he get the Six Jade Token?"

"Master Rong~"

Ximen Fengyun tentatively said, "Since the selection of the British, isn't there an armillary sphere of the same realm? Even if Senior Xiao only has the first rank of Yuqing Renxian, but..."

Before Ximen Fengyun finished speaking, Ximen Rong interrupted his words and sneered: "Although in some places in the British election, all the candidates are suppressed to the lowest level of the selection under the blessing of the same state of the armillary sphere. There are many places where you need to fight for strength, such as the Secret Realm of A-Inscription Illusion before the selection. Without the strength of the third rank of Yuqing Renxian, it is difficult to experience more secret realms..."

"Furthermore, our goal is to have all six jade tokens, not the one that the ordinary choosers think. If Senior Xiao can't cultivate to the ninth rank of Yuqing Immortal, how can it be achieved?"

"Five yuan and six jade tokens are already Dzogchen, right?"

Ximen Fengyun reminded.


Simon Rong said, "The sixth token is pure luck. You can't even get five dollars. What about the sixth one? By the way, did you give all the information about the Sixth Apocalypse Selection to Senior Xiao?"

"Give it!"

Ximen Fengyun smiled bitterly, "But it seems Senior Xiao is not interested, I don't know if he has taken a closer look!"


Simon Rong nodded and said, UU reading, "Senior Xiao is a Taoist immortal after all. It is normal that he is not interested in our Tianting Yingxuan. You will remind me when you go back. I will go in in due course!"

Xiao Hua also wanted to cultivate to the third rank and ninth rank of Yuqing Renxian, and he even wanted to directly cultivate to Taiqing Tianxian. After all, although the time rules of the Lanting secret realm of the Ximen family were not good, Hong Yun had enough control!

It's a pity that Xiao Hua can't practice any more, he won't be able to practice the Qingxu Secret Art if he doesn't participate in the British election to get the secret of the spirit.

So no matter how Ximen Fengyun hits sideways, Xiao Hua doesn't confide the truth, only says that his heart is determined.

Ximen Rong couldn’t, so he could only fly in with a smile, and respectfully said: “I’ll tell Senior Xiao, grandfather grandfather cannot come out in person because of retreat and practice. Give your full assistance. If you leave now, the junior will send senior to the virtual imperial city..."

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