Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2638: Yuqing Renxian 3 products

The second thousand six hundred and thirty-eight chapter of the text

"What do you mean?"

Ximenfeng was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What kind of trap!"

"Elder Feng~"

Ximen Rong had a confident way. "The disciples have thought about a lot of possibilities on the way back. There are changes in the dragon qi, and some unchanged in the dragon qi. Now that the dragon qi has not changed, then...the Nangong family wants to make trouble, they Let's set the Simon family!"


When Ximen Rong said this, Ximenfeng also woke up and stomped, "The dragon gas appeared inexplicably back then, but the Hou Nangong family said that their dragon veins had leaked and they had to return it; the fat that was sent to the mouth, let us How is it possible to return it? This falls into the category of listening to their calculations, and they took a bite back and said that we had broken their luck!"

"Yes, Elder Feng is absolutely right!"

Ximen Rong agreed, "Dragon veins are related to air luck, but who can see it? Who can be sure? It can only be said that this is the layout of the Nangong family who wants to declare war!"

"Even if we return the dragon spirit~"

Ximenfeng even said, "Then Nangongxun will definitely find another reason to declare war!"

"Not bad~"

Ximen Rong nodded and said, "My Patriarch sent me to the Nangong Family Family because of the loss. It turns out that they have arranged everything long ago!"

"The old man sends a message to the owner immediately!"

Ximenfeng couldn't wait to pick up the token.

"Wait a minute~"

Ximen Rong knew what Patriarch Ximen's retreat was for, and he hurriedly stopped him, "Elder Feng, can you wait any longer? Since Patriarch is in retreat, naturally there is an important secret technique to practice!"

"Furthermore, Nangongxun's Patriarch's order said that war was to be declared, but he did not really declare war!


Ximenfeng smiled and said, "It is not easy to declare war. It is not ruled out that this is the intimidation of Nangongxun, let's wait and see."

What Ximenfeng didn't know was that after Ximen Rong Shili retired, he immediately urged the messaging device to pass on the ins and outs of the matter to the head of the family, Ximen Li.

About a hundred days later, Ximen's reply came back: "Rong'er, you did a good job, I see!"

The smile on the corner of Ximenrong's mouth is even brighter!

Compared with Simon Rong's successful conspiracy smile, Xiao Hua's smile was too bright.

Xiao Hua knew that he used the red protactinium pillow to extract dragon energy and the movement was too quiet, so he spread the smoke to confuse the audience.

However, Xiao Hua's cultivation of Qingxu Jue was equally powerful, and he still didn't want people to discover it.

After a period of practice, Xiao Hua discovered that Lin Quan Gao Yitu is a heavenly treasure, and it has plenty of Hongyun. Even if Xiao Hua cultivated with all his strength, he even used tens of millions of shadows to extract a huge amount of Hongyun from the Secret Realm of Orchid Pavilion. The engraving did not attract Simon Rong's attention because of Linquan Gaoyi's picture as a buffer.

Xiao Hua smiled and began to practice in a rare retreat.

While Xiao Hua was practising, above the sky of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, Li He, the spirit instrument, flew from a distance a bit drunk. He squinted his eyes and looked around, then stretched out his left hand to manifest the disc and whispered. : "Master, the little one has already visited Hongya for the seventy-first time, but didn't find..."

Before Li He's words were finished, there was a vibrating sound on the "Om" disk, and a layer of pale silvery clouds gushing out, and the phoenix flying in the clouds in the sky condensed a line of writing!

When Li He saw this, he immediately went out to drink. He looked at the handwriting incredibly and whispered: "What? You... have you found the reincarnation of the mistress?"

" Dao Xianjie?"

"Your son is already waiting for the younger one before Jie Chong?"

"Yes, the little one will go to Daoxianjie!!!"

After speaking, Li He didn't stay anymore. He waved his big sleeve with his right hand, "buzzing" and "buzzing" the innate air around him surged like a sea tide, and it quickly condensed like a mountain around him.

When the mountain peak took shape, Li He raised his left hand and moved a little on the mountain peak.


Strips of emerald green, celery-like celery trails were born on the mountain peaks.

Li He's figure flickered and stepped towards one of them. As his figure got smaller and smaller, the mountain peaks began to roll and vibrate, and Qin Jing gradually extended towards the distance of the void.

When Li He turned into mung beans and disappeared at the end of Qinjing, Qinjing was as bleak as ink, and the mountain peaks rolled into Qinjing and disappeared.

Li He left, but Wen Zhong came.

He sat on the jade cart, looked at the surrounding red cliffs, and whispered: "Mr. Xiao, no, no, the old man should call you Xiao Xian, the old man is really unexpected, you can cultivate to this level."

"It's a pity, even if you practice so fast, what then? The old man has already checked. This is where the Ge Tian clan casts the spell. With your strength, unless you take a step forward and truly become Saint Xiao, you have absolutely nothing to do. Leave here!"

"Of course, don't worry, the old man will find a way to save you, and I hope you can cooperate with the old man by then!"


Before Yuche, a disciple asked in a low voice, "We are so easy to get here, shall we leave now?"


Wen Zhong smiled, "What else can I do if I don't leave?"

"Xiao Xian's strength is beyond your imagination!"

"Furthermore, the legend of the war circulated from here, UU Reading does not have the strength of the second stage of Taiqing Tianxian, and there is no way to explore the handwriting of the saint."

"My strength is superficial. Instead of doing useless work here, I should look for a helper or find a way to save Xian Xiao!"

Speaking of this, Wen Zhong glanced at the vast and indifferent land and said meaningfully: "Xiao Xian is a man of great fortune. This time he has offended the Nangong family, but he has gained more, and he will probably not be suppressed. For a long time."

Xiao Hua certainly didn’t know that Wen Zhong was going to rescue him, nor did he know that Li He was looking for him, nor did he know who Li He was going to the Heavenly Court and Taoist Immortal Realm to find. He quietly practiced in Linquan Gaoyitu. Nearly 20 million years.

In this way, 133,200 petals Xiao Huaning painted nearly 70%. The Qingxu Chiqi and Qingxu Huangqi in the Qingxu Jue were also completed, and he officially entered the practice of Qingxu Ziqi. .

If Xiao Hua were to make a big effort, he should be able to finish the painting in three million years and set foot on the land of Shangqing.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua stopped reconciled at this time, and didn't dare to condense the human flower anymore, because in the end, Xiao Hua felt that the human flower was no longer under his own control, and this loss of control would spread. trend.

After more than 20 million years of training, Xiao Hua cultivated Tai Chi Gui Yuan Lu to the eighth level. After he sensed the signs of the human flower blooming out of control, he immediately stopped practicing in the Five Tai Lu and returned to his body to explore.

During this investigation, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that his own soul could not control this 133,200 petal flower!

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