Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2630: "Xuanqiong Quanxiang Chapter"


   Xiao Hua interrupted Ximen's words and said, "There are only five jade in the five forbidden places. What about the Cangbi token?"

   "Some people say that if you get five jade, there will be clues to Cangbi~"

Ximen shrugged, looking helpless, and said, "Some people say that Cangbi is hidden in the five forbidden places and can only be obtained by people who are predestined. No one knows where it is, because...I don't know how many years there has been no one. I've got all six jade tokens!"

   Xiao Hua was worried, and said with a wry smile: "Does it mean that Xiao must participate in the British election if he wants to obtain the Secret Art of Spiritual Relief?"

   "Participate in the British election?"

  Ximian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Xiao Wenheng's participation in the British election may not be a good thing!"


   Xiao Hua puzzled.

  "The six selections of the apocalypse are in the heaven and earth tower~"

  Ximen Mian explained, "Wise Selection may be in the Holy Relics. Xiao Wenheng can participate in the Sixth Apocalypse Selection Step by Step, but he can also enter the Holy Relics smoothly, saving the arrangement of my family of Simon!"

   "This is how people are not as good as heaven, and no one will see the traces of man-made actions again!"


   Xiao Hua smiled and said, "How long is that! Patriarch can afford to wait?"


   Ximen laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if the old man can't afford to wait. The question is, does Xiao Wenheng need the old man to wait so long?"

   "Furthermore, the old man said earlier that my family of Simons will fully support Xiao Wenheng, including Xiao Wenheng's cultivation, and even participate in the Sixth Apocalypse Selection!"


   Xiao Hua nodded slightly, "Xiao has to think about this. After all, Xiao has no plan to participate in the Apocalypse election again, nor does he want to practice too much Confucianism!"

   While talking, under Ximen's expectation, Xiao Hua wrote down Sun Zhongguang, Moon Zhonglun, and Xing Chonghui. He didn't listen carefully, and he didn't write much.

   But that's all, it was enough for Simon's excited hands to tremble.

   Then, Xi Men Rong sent the bamboo path Tongyou technique over, Xi Men Li took Xi Men Rong and left the Welcome Hall.

   Xiao Hua was not as excited as Ximen Li, but he first took out the Xiayun Festival that records Sangzigu Mountain. In his opinion, the Qinglian Sword Fairy matter is ten million times more important than the Ximen family.

   However, Xiao Hua frowned slightly when he saw the location of Sangzig Mountain.

  Because the Sangzi Gully Mountain is too far away from Qiyun City, and the distance is not a big problem, the problem is that the Qinglian sword immortal couple is definitely not in Sangzi Gully Mountain. They are looking for the dome within the heaven. Who knows when they will return?

   There is no Qinglian Sword Fairy, and it doesn’t make sense to go to Sangziqi Mountain by yourself!


Xiao Hua thought, his eyes lighted up again, and he smiled, "The location of the Sangzi Trench Mountain is actually west of the holy ruins. Although it is not on the way to find Wenqu, it is not far away. If so, Xiao A certain way goes west, but it kills two birds with one stone."

   "Of course, if you get news from the Qinglian Sword Immortal, Xiao can go to Sangzig Mountain first, and then return to the holy ruins."

   Then Xiao Hua hesitated for a while before he picked up the so-called Bamboo Path Tongyou.

  Because he knew in his heart that although the bamboo path through the quiet method belonged to the Nangong family, and it was obtained before he agreed to cooperate with the Ximen family, this thing is fundamentally different from the news of Sangzigushan.

   Xiao Hua, as long as he saw this secret technique of making bamboo paths, he would cooperate with the family of Simon, and there would be no way out.

   Just now, Xiao Hua and Ximen Xiao met. Although they were friendly, but they did not test each other less.

   Xiao Hua couldn't see the strength of Ximen Miao, which meant that Xi Men Miao had at least the high-level strength of Hun Yuan, and even the power of Tianzun, and Xiao Hua also believed that Xi Men Miao could see his own strength.

   But Xiao Hua also wanted to understand that he was a Hun Yuan, although his strength was not as good as Ximen's strength, Xiao Hua was not afraid of fleeing, so for this cooperation, if the Ximen family was not bad-hearted, Xiao Hua was willing.

   So after Xiao Hua thought about it a little bit, he used the technique of clear eyes to explore the bamboo path through the quiet method.

In fact, Xiao Hua himself is already proficient in light escape, and occasionally uses Ruyi to escape. The reason why he uses jade belt speed car in the heaven is just to explore the mystery of the heavenly charm, and the jade belt speed wheel does make Xiao Hua have a good understanding of the interface structure A deep understanding.

   Xiao Hua now wants the bamboo path to pass the secluded method entirely for the purpose of contacting the business alliance.

  Only the Luoyi Business League, which controls its own space channel, can gain a firm foothold in the heaven.

   Xiao Hua has actually successfully practiced the Zhou Wheel of the Teshan Fudo Jue, which can initially touch the law of time, but what is missing is the specific application of the law of space and time.

   When he watched it for a while, he was already overjoyed.


   Xiao Hua couldn't help but caress his palm, "The four great families are really good, they can actually use the law of time like this in a unique way, this is something Xiao has never thought of!"


Xiao Hua's claim to praise never landed, and another doubt arose in his heart, "If so, Xiao Mou, this...... Sanhua based on the world of the Red Dust Soul Spirit, can it also be integrated into the Heavenly Charm? Just like Xiao Mo urged the light. During the escape technique, one's body is melted into light, even if the law of time is not used, the effect of the bamboo path leading to the quiet can be achieved?"

   Of course, this is just Xiao Hua's guess. If you want to achieve it, you have to comprehend cultivation.

   When Xiao Hua was excited, Ximen Mian also took Xiao Hua's "Sunlight, Moon Wheel, and Stars" written by Xiao Hua, and there was a dazzling blue light in his eyes, as if he was extremely excited.

   Simon Rong next to him looked at Xi Men's expression, and then looked at the forty-nine characters, really puzzled.

   But Ximen Rong gains his wisdom after eating, he dare not ask more.

   After a stick of incense, Ximen closed the scroll, glanced at Ximen Rong lightly and said: "Rong Er, UU reading is full of doubts?"

   "Yes, grandpa~"

   Ximen Rong hurriedly said respectfully, "My boy just watched it, but he couldn't see anything. I really don't understand why grandfather grandfather is excited about such plain dozens of words!"

   "Haha, haha~"

   Simon laughed, and couldn't help but said triumphantly, "Rong'er, you have to remember, you will cooperate with others in the future, and never show your true purpose and real trump cards to the other party..."

   "What do you mean?"

   Ximen Rong's face was shocked, and he whispered, "Grandpa Grandpa..."

   At this point, Simon Rong suddenly woke up. He looked at Ximen Lian incredulously, lowered his voice, and asked, "Grandpa Grandpa, could it be that your purpose is these dozens of words!"

   "Haha, haha~"

  Ximian laughed again and nodded, "You are right. The reason why I let Ximen Fengyun wait for thousands of years in Red Cliff is for the "Swivel Sky Power Elephant Pian" written by Saint Ge Tian!"

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