Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2628: The temptation of Ximen Li


   Ximen looked up at the outline of the orchid and said, "This is the end of the matter, no need to say it again, I hope you can eat a bite and grow a wiser~"

   Ximen Rong heard it, and hurriedly got up and followed him respectfully, without daring to say a word.

   The outline of the orchid is like a huge spiral, and arcs are drawn from it, passing the snowy night, and disappearing into the darkness.

   The arc carries the clouds and light, as if drawn out of the water, when it disappears, it carries a large area of ​​darkness and snow around it!

   When the outline of the orchid gradually stopped and the arc disappeared, a seemingly noble orchid was trembling and blooming in the snowy night.

   Xiao Hua stepped out of this orchid!

   "This is Xiao Hua Xiao Wenheng~"

   Ximen glanced over Xiao Hua, and there was no special surprise in his eyes, but he flew over with a smile on his face, and the chief inspector saluted, "Old man Ximen, I have heard of Xiao Wenheng's name a long time ago, and I hope to see his true face today!"

   "The owner of the house is praised,"

   Xiao Hua also said politely, "Under Xiao Hua, I have seen the Patriarch!"

   With a few greetings, Ximen turned his head and told Ximen Rong to hold a banquet to greet him.

   Where would Xiao Hua agree?

   After resigning several times, Ximen took Xiao Hua to the Welcome Hall and offered them fragrant tea and fairy fruit.

   said it was the Yingke Hall, but it was actually a huge hall suspended in the air. There were 49 doors in the hall, and each door was transparent. You can see the scenery outside through the door.

   or day, or night, or continent, or ocean, if nothing happens, it should be a different metadomain, or even a different interface.

   Xiao Hua glanced over and smiled secretly in his heart, knowing that this was Ximen who was showing him the strength of the Ximen family.

   So, Xiao Hua became more and more curious about Simon's search for his own purpose.

   But Xiao Hua was not in a hurry, tasting tea, and talking to Ximen.

   At first, Ximen asked about Xiao Hua's seizure of the small three yuan. Later, he picked up some anecdotes about the heavenly court. At the end of the day, he began to test Dao Xianjie.

   Xiao Hua smiled, and simply asked, "Patriarch Ximen, you let Ximen Fengyun bring Xiao from Hongya here, I'm afraid you are not just talking about love and romance?"

   "Naturally not~"

   Ximen nodded, and still replied calmly, "But before talking about business, the old man has to look at Xiao Wenheng's character, whether it is worthy of cooperation!"


   Xiao Hua was not surprised by Ximen's answer, and asked, "Then Patriarch Ximen thinks Xiao is worthy of cooperation?"

   "From the initial contact point of view, Xiao Wenheng is open-minded and upright, it is the best cooperation~"

   Ximen smiled and groaned, "But this matter is really important to my family of Ximen, the old man still wants to ask a few more secret questions!"

   "Since it is secret~"

   Xiao Hua squeezed his chin and said, "Xiao has the right not to answer."

   "Of course, of course~"

   Ximen nodded and said, "A mortal still emphasizes business and is not affectionate. How can my family of Simon be difficult?"

   After finishing talking, Ximen Fengyun and Ximen Rong who were standing next to Ximen waved their hands to signal them to leave.

When there was no one in the welcoming hall, Ximenli opened the door and said: "Xiao Wenheng, the old man is very curious. When you were in the Red Cliff small world, you were taken away by the dark claws of eighty-one dragon wells. Have you been caught by some dragon in the dragon world? Imprisoned?"


Xiao Hua did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Patriarch Ximen should be aware of this, right? Otherwise, you won't let Ximen Fengyun wait for thousands of years in the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm. And Xiao also knows. If Xiao can't get out of Longjing, I'm afraid... he doesn't have the qualifications to cooperate with the Ximen family, right?"

   "Haha, not bad~"

   Ximen laughed loudly, "Xiao Wenheng said so terribly, the old man is a little stingy to ask!"


   Xiao Hua said, "If the Patriarch really wants to ask, let's just say it!"

   "Does Xiao Wenheng know the Emperor?"

   This time Ximen didn't hesitate anymore and asked directly.


   Xiao Hua was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why does the Patriarch have such a question?"


Ximen smiled slightly and explained, "Maybe Xiao Wenheng doesn't know, right? After you killed Nangong Shiru, Nangong Family Patriarch Nangongxun flew into a rage and sent one hundred thousand Taiqing Tianxian to Hongya, preparing to move the red cliff small world. Longjing rummaged over and captured you and killed you!"


   Xiao Hua frowned and replied, "Xiao didn't know about this. Xiao just heard from Ximen Fengyun that the disciples of the Nangong family had waited in Hongya for thousands of years, and then evacuated under pressure!"

   "This is something later!"

   Ximen said, "Not only the Nangong family, but even His Majesty Crimson is also very angry, ordering his emperor to go to Hongya to bring Yingzhu back..."

   "Oh oh~"

   Xiao Hua understood, and said, "I am afraid that it is because the Emperor did not allow them to make trouble in Hongya, so the Patriarch felt that Xiao knew the Emperor, right?"

   "The key is~"

   Ximen smiled and said, "The Emperor did not make an order, but warned privately! This is intriguing!!"

   "If Xiao Wenheng had not been acquainted with the Emperor, or had anything to do with it, how could your majesty speak for Xiao Wenheng like this?"

  Xiao Hua knew in his heart that if it weren't for the banning of jade inscriptions to be broken, the emperor's distracting message would be sent to him by Emperor Goochen of the four continents.


   But Xiao Hua still sighed: "Does the Patriarch think that Xiao Moujie Daoxian will have a chance to meet the Emperor?"

After speaking, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and thought of a possibility. He had also entered the Nantian Gate of the Immortal Palace for Xinxin in the four continents. UU reading is the Nangong family of the four continents. I should also know, I don't know if they will give the heavenly court an interrogation.

   So, Xiao Hua added: "Moreover, if Xiao had a relationship with the Emperor, with the strength of the Nangong family, I must have found out long ago?"


  Ximen laughed and said, "This is your Majesty's secret. I will be a courtier, so how can I explore it at will?"

   Xiao Hua understood, and shrugged and replied: "If Xiao is related to the Emperor, how could it be possible to live in Xuanpu Lan's house? It is even more impossible to give the image of Wufeng Pavilion to Ximen Fengyun?"

   "That's right~"

   Ximen heard this, as if thinking of something, took out a Xiayun Festival and handed it to Xiao Huadao, "Didn’t Xiao Wenheng look for Sangzigong Mountain? Here is the location of Sangzigong Mountain."


Xiao Hua was overjoyed, but he still pretended to be calm and looked at the Xiayun Festival in front of him. Instead of picking it up immediately, he raised his brows and said, "Unexpectedly, the Patriarch actually found this place in such a short time. what!"

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