Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2626: Drunk in laughing songs, don’t in sad songs


   It didn't take long for the purple and blue swords to fly, and on top of it stood an ordinary-looking female fairy.

   The female fairy fell down and did not make a sound. She looked at Qinglian Jianxian with a slight worry, and then slightly nodded at Xiao Hua and Yu Ju Weng.


  Qinglian Sword Fairy looked at the female fairy, his smiling eyebrows were suddenly overwhelmed by grief, he asked faintly, "But... there is information."

   The fairy shook her head slightly, but still did not speak.


   Qinglian Sword Fairy sighed for a long time, then pointed to the fairy and introduced, "This is my fairy companion Lu Qingping!"

   Then they introduced Xiao Hua and said: "This is Yu Ju Weng, Xiao Hua Xiao Wenheng!"

   Lu Qingping's eyes were indifferent, and she saluted the two of them and said: "I have seen two uncles~"

   Xiao Hua and Yu Ju Weng did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly returned the gift.

   The heavenly court is generally commensurate with literary friends. Lu Qingping calls it "uncle". Naturally, he understands Qinglian Jianxian's mind and regards the two as close friends, even family members.

   Green Qingping looks normal, but her voice is absolutely natural. She looked at Qinglian Jianxian and whispered: "You are tired during this period. We still have time. You might as well..."

   Without waiting for Lu Qingping to finish, Qinglian Sword Immortal waved his hand and said: "No, since you are here, it is time rush!"

   Then, Qinglian Jianxian looked at Xiao Hua and Yu Juweng, and said: "A certain family hasn't been like this for a long time. Since we have the fate to meet both of them, we are now making "A Trip to Tragedy".

   After speaking, Qinglian Jianxian sang:

   "Sorrow comes, sorrow comes. The master has wine and does not pour, listen to me a song of sorrow. If sorrow comes, or laugh, no one in the world knows my heart..."

   "...The sword is used by one husband, and the book can tell the name. Hui Shi is not willing to do a lot of multiplication, and the divination style may not be poor. The black head must be taken from the Fang Bo, and the white head is a scholar."

   The green lotus sword fairy sang while walking, and Lu Qingping stepped on the flying sword to accompany her behind her. When their husband and wife disappeared, the voice also turned into a misty voice!

   Looking into the distance, Xiao Hua was sighed and praised: "What a strange person!"


   Jade Bureau Weng also praised, "There is only one person in the ages, even on the twelfth floor of the five heavenly cities, no one can compare!"


   Xiao Hua thought for a while, and finally said, "Sword Immortal Qinglian is elegant, but in his bones, he is ultimately responsible and responsible!"


   Yuju Weng also sighed and said, "Yes! It is his responsibility that makes his sword-making skills far surpass me!"

   "It's a pity that a sword immortal from the mortal world has to work hard for the so-called pill of mud when he arrives in the heavens, and he can't take a moment!"


   Xiao Hua exclaimed and exclaimed, "What did you say? A pill of mud? Dome soil!!"


   Looking at Xiao Hua's surprise, Yu Ju Weng Qi said, "Isn't that what Qinglian Sword Fairy is looking for? You... don't you know??"

   "You guys~"

   Xiao Hua was in a hurry, he couldn't explain it, and hurriedly used his light to chase the direction where Qinglian Sword Immortal and Lu Qingping disappeared, and shouted, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   " do I know!"

   Jade Bureau Weng couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't expect Xiao Hua to know the whereabouts of the dome.

   It's a pity that if you miss it, you are missed. Even if Xiao Hua showed his light, he could not catch up with Qinglian Sword Immortal.

   Seeing Xiao Hua slumped back, Yu Ju Weng was surprised by Xiao Hua's light escape technique, because he could not perceive Xiao Hua's coming and going with his strength.

   Xiao Hua said urgently: "Do you know why Qinglian Sword Fairy wanted to find a pill of mud?"

   "I don't know~"

   Yuju Weng shook his head and said, "He saw that I didn't know, so he didn't say more!"

   "Did he leave the messenger?"

  Jade Bureau Weng asked, "Did he give it to you?"

   Xiao Hua himself didn't like to leave a messaging tool for others, so naturally he would not ask Qinglian Sword Fairy for it!

   "Then... where is the Qinglian Sword Fairy's family?"

   Xiao Hua could only ask last.

   Jade Bureau Weng smiled bitterly, and shook his head, "Who knows the origin of these strange people in the heavens..."

   At this point, Xiao Hua and Yu Ju Weng suddenly brightened their eyes and said in unison: "Yao Kun Yuye! Sang Zixuan Mountain!!!"

   "Not bad, not bad~"

   Jade Bureau Weng said excitedly, "Since the Yaokun jade liquid is brewed from the unique biscuits of Sangziqiang Mountain, this Sangziqiang Mountain must be not far from the hometown of Qinglian Jianxian, and even Sangziqiang Mountain may be his hometown!"


   Xiao Hua took out a Chuan Xi and solemnly said, "Xiao has a pill of mud, but this thing can only be used by Xiao himself and cannot be given to others."

   "This is Xiao's communication fairy. If a fellow Taoist finds news about the Qinglian Sword Immortal, or there is news about Sangzi Hengshan, he can send it to Xiao."

"it is good!"

   Jade Bureau Weng also solemnly collected the rhinoceros, and then asked Xiao Hua, "Where is Xiao Xian going to travel next?"

   "Xiao should go to find news about Sangziqi Mountain and Qinglian Jianxian~"

   Xiao Hua looked at the direction Qinglian Sword Immortal was flying away, and said, "The things that make Qinglian Sword Immortal have a headache must be a big problem, Xiao is very curious!"


   Jade Bureau Weng looked at Xiao Hua and couldn’t help but praised, “No wonder Six Idlers are so complimented to Xiao Xian! Xiao Xian can’t drink enough, and has limited poetry talents, but I can’t wait for this eagerness and justice alone!"

   Xiao Hua rubbed his nose and smiled: "Xiao is no more than an idler, so you shouldn't praise him."

After that, the two did not say much. The Yu Ju Weng still sent out the nine-headed pegasus and the jade cart. After Xiao Hua got on the jade cart, he informed the Luoyi Shangmeng disciples to find the whereabouts of the Qinglian Sword Immortal, and the other to search for Sang Zigu. Where the mountain is!

  Wait to go back to Floating Jade City, the trail of Qinglian Jianxian was never found, Chang Yuan and You Zhongquan asked for orders to return to the space.

   Xiao Hua thought for a while, and asked, "Where are Fu Zhiwen and Mingqi?"


   Chang Yuan replied, "Brother is running a business alliance and cannot go back temporarily!"


   Xiao Hua nodded and said, UU read www.uukānshu. com "You come back! But before you come back, tell them that Hong Chen is easy to get drunk and powerful, let them not squint their eyes."

   Xiao Hua has actually seen Fu Zhiwen and Ming Qian in Zhuyin Pavilion. The two can come to accompany Qinglian Jianxian and Lan Zhan in person, which also shows that they are not greedy and powerful, but Xiao Hua thinks he should remind them!

   Don't look at their great achievements in the Heavenly Court, but if you really look at it, it's really no different from those in the world of the Red Dust Soul!

Then Xiao Hua sat cross-legged on the jade cart and looked at the surrounding clouds like flowers, blooming and passing, and suddenly thought of Li Yi and Zhang Ying. The two of them were lost from the gap in the fairyland space. If there is no accident, they should have fallen into the road. Fairyland.

   Previously, the Luoyi Business League was declining, and they may not be able to return. Now the Luoyi Business League has become famous in the fairy world. If they are interested, they should be able to easily contact the Luoyi Business League.

   There has been no news from them, so naturally they deliberately avoided it!

   Is it true self-exile or escape?

   Xiao Hua didn't know either!

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