Revival of the Gods

Chapter 262: Have troubles

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Xiao Hua did not have any plans to think about it. He had to close his eyes and urged the practice to adjust the interest rate. However, just after entering the meeting, Xiao Hua suddenly opened his eyes and hurriedly took a shot of his chest. The "brush" armor emerged from Xiao Hua's baby body. ! Xiao Hua took a closer look, but fortunately, the damage was somewhat expanded, but it was still blocked in the baby body, and there was no leak.

Xiao Hua finally let go of his heart, just to be settled, "Damn!" He couldn't help but be a low-health, "my seal of the sea! My Zhenshan Xian!!"

When Xiao Hua feels distressed about the loss of his two pieces of fairy ware, in a slightly smaller temple corresponding to the prince’s house in Lingwu, a fairy dressed in bronze sage will sit in a fire-shaped jade chair. On the other hand, Zou Ming, who looked at her for a long while, was surprised: "You... what do you say? There are immortals who are good at the Holy Spirit Palace, and after they have dropped two pieces of fairy, they are not known? How is this possible? ”

"It’s good to know that the adults in the sky know..." Zou Ming said quickly. "It is true. It is what happened when the squad was on duty."

"But..." The fairy would be crying and laughing, turning to look at the bed of a cold ice jade beside him. On the bed, a scrawny fairy was lying on the bed, and the fairy would ask the fairy. "I have never Haven't heard of a fairy who will be good at the Holy Spirit, the second prince, have you heard of it?"

The immortal lying on the bed turned out to be the Prince of Zhaoyan of Xuanyi.

Prince Zhao Yan’s face turned red, and he barely squeezed a smile. He replied with anger: “Really! The king has never heard of it. Although the Fire Palace is forbidden, it is actually because my royal family worshipped the ancestors. There is nothing to keep secret."

"His Royal Highness, Lord of the Sky..." Zou Ming said again, "In the Holy Spirit Palace..."

Unfortunately, before Zou Ming finished, there was a soft voice outside the hall: "His Royal Highness, can I go in?"

Prince Zhao Yan was lying down. After listening to this voice, he hurriedly sat up and smiled. "Love is coming in, the words of the king and Zhen Zhen have already finished..."

As the voice of Prince Zhao Yan landed, Ying Yu was dressed in a goose-yellow palace and stepped on a lotus-like cloud.

The name of Zhen Zhen’s sky hurriedly got up and respected Shi Lidao: “Zhen Zhen has seen the British goddess...”

"The sky is too polite!" Ying Zhenzhen said with a smile and a courtesy. "You are the pillar of the country, you should see you!"

What Zhen Zhengang had to say, Prince Zhao Yan said at the side and said: "Love, don't be polite with you, this is the palace of the king, and the etiquette on the court can be exempted."

Yingyin smiled and flew to the front of Prince Zhaoyan. He reached out and held the hand of Prince Zhaoyan and said, "How is your Royal Highness?"

"Oh, still, the fairy sent by the sorcerer has no special effect!"

"Well, that's all, I have returned that thing to someone else!" said the British machine.

"Return it!" Prince Zhao Yan waved his hand and smiled. "Listen to what you said, Wuhu Water Condensed Pearl is just what she wants, and the condition of the king is not dry. After you have returned, you must also leave the immortal to leave the capital. !"

"Yes, it’s already bad to tell the immortal!"

After the English idiom finished, he realized that he had lost his words, and spit out his tongue and smiled: "I am arrogant and arrogant, please sin."

"Nothing..." Prince Zhao Yan smiled, just want to wave his hand, "呜" but see his chest, a **** gush, this blood color reveals the fairy body immediately turned into a silver flame, the flame will ignite the void, but also I will ignite the silver light that has been converging in the body of Prince Zhaoyan.

"Oh..." Prince Zhao Yan whispered, apparently extremely painful.

Ying Ying’s eyes flashed through grief and whispered: "His Royal Highness, if it hurts, you may call out..."

"No...nothing!" Prince Zhao Yan said, biting his lip. "This king can't live! come here, can you have other things?"

The British hesitated and said: "The world is back!"

"This... this reversal is finally back!" Although the eyes of Prince Zhao Yan gave birth to a happy color, he still sternly said, "He still dares to come back?"

"His Royal Highness..." Ying Ying whispered, "It is natural that the world can come back. He is now outside the temple, and he must plead guilty to His Highness!"

"Well, let him in!" Prince Zhao Yan nodded slightly.

Ying Ying turned his head and screamed a few words outside. A young fairy wearing a purple crown came in. The young fairy descended to the front of the family of Zhao Yan and said, "The baby has seen the father and asked the father to punish!"

"Hey!" Prince Zhao Yan snorted. "You will leave the capital without the consent of the king. If you don't want to cover up the city, you will be punished in the penalty palace!"

"Yes, the baby knows it wrong!"

"The law of the country is spared, the family law is unavoidable..." Prince Zhao Yan was still chilly and said, "Zou Ming..."

Zou Mingyi hurriedly hurriedly said: "Dereliction of duty!"

"Fucking thirty..."

"This..." Zou Ming is extremely embarrassed, look at Zhen Zhen.

It is a pity that Zhen Zhen’s eyes are slightly closed, as if it had not been heard.

"His Royal Highness..." Yingxi said hurriedly, "The son of the world voluntarily pleaded guilty. This penalty can be reduced by half, and the world is not going to play, not to play, but to find a good way for the temple, to see all the things, the remaining punishment can also be no!"

Prince Zhao Yan thought for a moment and nodded: "Since it is love and pleading, then this time I will spare this counter!"

"Zhu Ding..." Prince Zhao Yan, a prince of the world, yelled, "Don't hurry to thank the British!"

"No!" Zhu Ding's neck was hard, and he glanced at Ying Ying. "You can be beaten to death and never thank her!"

There was a gloom in the eyes of Ying Ying.

"" Prince Zhaoyan was furious, just about to get angry. "Hurricane" counted blood from all over the place, and dozens of silver fires began to burn his fairy.

"His Royal Highness..." Ying Hao hurriedly took out a few pieces of crystal grass like jade, and cried, "You are taking these jade jelly grass!"

"Father Wang..." Watching Prince Zhaoyan catch the fairy grass, Zhu Ding hurriedly shouted, "You must not go to the British! Take these cold grasses to drink and quench your thirst, you only use pure Suzaku blood to clean Can heal..."

"Reverse!" Prince Zhao Yan roared, "Fast roll!! Give the king a long way to go..."

"Hey, roll it!" Zhu Ding snorted, and the look was like that of Prince Zhao Yan. "She was uneasy!"

Looking at Prince Zhaoyan's face turned white, Ying Ying hurriedly comforted: "His Highness is angry, His Royal Highness is angry..."

"This...the king didn't...nothing..." Prince Zhao Yan said with a sigh of relief, "Love... love you, let... let you suffer... aggrieved!"

After that, Prince Zhaoyan’s eyes turned over and passed out. “Boom” was the ignited silver flame, and the Zhaoyan Prince’s fairy was completely wrapped, and there were even some flames running through!

"The sky is an adult..." Zou Ming Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to say something. He could say a few words, and the rest was swallowed.

Zhai Zhen glanced at Zou Ming and comforted Ying Xiaodao: "British niece, according to what I know, the lord is banqueting a five-line singer from the name of Lu, the five elements of the singer, some fear that it can help the prince ......"

"That's good, then it's good!" Ying Ying held back his tears and smiled. "I hope this will work."

After Zhen Zhengang finished, there was already a female fairy whispered outside: "The niece, there is news in the palace, the queen came over after half an hour..."

When Zhen Zhen heard it, he hurriedly handed it to him: "Congratulations to the imperial lady, it must be the queen who brought the five elements of immortality, and the illness of Prince Zhaoyan must be improved. There are some things in the Fire Holy Palace, and you need to deal with it, leave!"

"I sent the sky to the adults..." Yingxi did not particularly rejoice. These things have been a lot lately, and there is no improvement in Prince Zhaoyan. She just got up and said.

"No, don't have to..." Zhen Zhen hurriedly waved his hand. "The maiden can look down on His Royal Highness!"

Out of the Prince's House, Zhen Zhen suddenly asked Zou Ming: "What do you just want to say?"

"The sky is an adult..." Zou Ming bit his lip and said, "I don't dare to say that the adult went to the Holy Spirit Palace."

"What is the relationship between the Fire Holy Palace and Prince Zhao Yan?" Zhen Zhen puzzled. "What do you dare to say?"

Zou Ming asked: "Why is the Holy Spirit Palace called the Holy Spirit Palace?"

"Because it enshrines the ancestors of my country..."

"Yes..." After waiting for Zhen Zhen to finish, Zou Ming interrupted his words and said, "The two pieces of the fairy tales that were reported by the deaf and the adults are now left in the Holy Spirit Palace!"

"What...what? Being...being??" Zhen Zhen suddenly understood, and the fairy body stopped in the air, and the flame that lingered outside the copper armor slammed, and it was incredible. "You... You mean ???"

"Fast..." Not waiting for Zou Ming to answer Zhen Zhen's big hand and grab Zou Ming, the fairy body turned into a fire conflict!

Not to mention that Zhen Zhen followed Zou Mingfei to return to Huo Ling Xian Fu Speaking of Xiao Huajing to repair the number of days, I don’t feel the heart, I will take Dandao Mengdan’s card from Nayin Ring. Sure enough, there was light and shadow on the Dan Shi card. Xiao Hua used the Yan Nian to see and knew that Yuan Lao gave a message to himself.

"This Danshi card is easy to use..." Xiao Hua flew out of Shenxiang Danfu, and Dan was collected, and the side was a dark road. "But there are also drawbacks. If anyone wants to find Xiaomou, it is not easy to pass this thing." Found? Be careful with it later!"

Flying to the air, Xiao Hua released the thoughts and looked around to slightly identify the direction and flew again toward the city of Xuanyi. This time, Xiao Hua had to change his appearance and shape again.

Seeing that there is a flame in front of the head, Xiao Hua knows that he has not admit his direction, and he does not feel secretly lucky.

"Brush" is at this time, Xiao Hua right behind, a leaf flying like an arrow, it is standing on the face of anxious Yan Fei...

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