Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2618: Invitation to fight, slander


Zhuyin Pavilion is where the immortals of Fuyu City invite fights. There are often people fighting for life and death, so it is always crowded with people, but today is a bit different. Zhuyin Pavilion is deserted and clear, except for the cold sound of the bamboo blowing in the wind. A figure.

Outside the Zhuyin Pavilion, people who like to lively are inevitably puzzled, and whispered to passers-by.

"Don't you know?"

A sneer appeared on the faces of passers-by, "Zhuyin Pavilion was heavily covered by Luoyi Business League three months ago, saying that there will be a ten-thousand-year gambling agreement!"

"Ten thousand years of gambling and fighting?"

The people who heard it were not very curious, they all shouted, "Who is with whom?"

"I don't know~"

Passers-by also shook their heads, "This is a great event after the Queen of Jade Planting in Floating Jade City thousands of years ago. Everyone wants to find out, but no one knows."

"Aren't you a disciple of Qunyulou? Why can't you even inquire about this?"

"That's the Luoyi Business League!"

The passerby's face showed weirdness, and he lowered his voice, "Although the business alliance of the seven worlds of commerce is not as powerful as our group of jade towers, they also have their own unique places, and our group of jade towers are not easy to interfere too much!"

Everyone outside Zhuyin Pavilion talked a lot, eagerly waiting for the start of the Wannian gambling battle.

In the bamboo sound pavilion, Lan Zhan is sitting on a rock with his eyes closed, his body is covered with a layer of sword light, and the sword light gives out a sparkling luster under the sunlight, which is like a picturesque water.

Qinglian Sword Immortal was still as thin as that, but his frowning brows grew deeper and the confusion in his eyes grew thicker.

Qinglian Jianxian looked at Lan Zhan, then looked at another direction, and said in his heart: "It's really weird, that place clearly has the aura of the sky, but you can't wait for a certain house to fly to it and the breath will completely disappear. What's going on? , Could it be that a certain family's perception is wrong?"

"Furthermore, this Lan Zhan should have something to do with the sky. Although this is an unintentional act of a certain family, after giving instructions to Lan Zhan's cultivation, a certain family feels it. ten thousand years, no clue has appeared. , Could it be that a certain family’s perception is wrong again?"

"The gambling battle between Lan Zhan and Jiang Jianming is right in front of him. After the gambling battle, he wants to return to Xuanpu. The fate of a certain family with his master and apprentice should also end. Could it be that the turning point will be the gambling battle?"

Qinglian Sword Immortal was racking his brains, and a figure flew up quietly, isn't it Fu Zhiwen?

"what happened?"

Qinglian Jianxian turned his head and asked.


Fu Zhiwen stopped in the distance and respectfully said, "According to your old instructions, today is already a day for gambling!"

"Where is your master?"

"The disciple has sent a message to Master~"

Fu Zhiwen replied, "His old man is on his way, and the disciples don't know where he is!"

"Where is Jiang Jianming from Qunyulou?"

"The disciple also sent the invitation card to the Qunyu Building according to the instructions of the seniors~"

Fu Zhiwen still respectfully said, "But I haven't received a reply yet~"


Qinglian Jianxian raised his eyes to look at the time and said, "You don't have to wait any longer! Lan Zhan..."


Lan Zhan opened his eyes when he heard the sound and stood up.

"Since Jiang Jianming doesn't invite the battle, you can only initiate the invite!"

Qinglian Sword Immortal said lightly.

"Yes, the junior understands!"

Lan Zhan obeyed the Qinglian sword immortal words, and raised his hand to pat towards the top door.


At this time, Fu Zhiwen spoke, "If Lan Zhan invites the battle, according to the rules of the heavenly court, he will spend his manpower to invite Jiang Jianming from Qunyu City, so he will suffer? This is clearly Jiang Jianming's trick!"

Qinglian Sword Immortal smiled slightly, and asked, "Even if it's a trick, so what?"

"Not bad~"

Lan Zhan also said proudly, "Lan has thought about this a long time ago. Jiang Jianming is not the kind of magnanimous person. Even if he can win dignifiedly, he will inevitably use some small skills before gambling, such as expending Lan's cultural power! "

"How can these little tricks not be compared to the open swordsmanship? Even if Lan has only a trace of art, he will definitely win!"

After speaking, Lan Zhan patted his palm on the top door.


Flowers rose from Lan Zhan's head.

The human flower at this time is essentially different from ten thousand years ago. Not to mention that the color of one piece is already silvery white, but the outline of the half piece is already clear and abnormal.

Lan Zhan is now the fourth rank of Yuqing Renxian!

Lan Zhan can really be called a genius by cultivating from the second rank of Yuqing Renxian to the fourth rank in ten thousand years.


After waiting for half of the invitation note in the flower, Lan Zhan did not hesitate to force a drop of blood to fall on the invitation note.


Immediately afterwards, the invitation screamed, and countless bloodshots poured out from within.

At the same time, Hong Yun rushed into the bloodshot above the Lan Zhan flower, and the innate air in the surrounding space was also crazy!

But in an instant, a big hand was born, and then there was a clear cry of "stab Lala", and the big hand tore the void and disappeared.


After a stick of incense, the sky began to generate violent winds, which tore the clouds to pieces and turned them into a large hand outline with some black and white textures within the outline, which were like flowing water.

When the black and white texture stopped, Jiang Jianming flew out of it with a sneer on his face!


Before Jiang Jianming's figure fell, Fu Zhiwen looked at the outside of Zhuyin Pavilion with some surprise, because several jade carts flew swiftly and stopped at the door of Zhuyin Pavilion.

A few Songxians flew out from the jade cart, shouting proudly: "Get out, get out~"

When the surrounding crowd dispersed, dozens of Yuqing people flew out from several jade carts.

She was a pretty and charming female fairy with apricot eyes and cheeks, she looked very charming.

The female fairy took all the immortals and quickly flew to the first jade car, and respectfully said: "My Myolie, please third grandpa~"


An arrogant voice rang from the jade car, and said, "The Lan family has eaten the bear heart and leopard courage, so I really dare to inspire an invitation!"

"Yes, Grandpa Third~"

The fairy named Myolie said aggrieved, "The children have already passed Grandpa 3's name to the Lan family. They still do this, isn't it slap Grandpa in the face?"


With a cold snort, a light blue flame burst out immediately around the jade car, and a teenager in a light blue suit stepped out of the flame while the flame was burning!

"The disciple waited to see the master~"

Other immortals dare not neglect, UU reading www. hurriedly bowed to salute.

The boy did not speak, looking up at Jiang Jianming flying down with the outline of his big hand, and then looking at Zhuyin Pavilion, with a disdainful smile on his mouth, he walked into Zhuyin Pavilion.

"Grandpa San~"

Myolie hurriedly followed the young man, and whispered, "The Lan family is not only arrogant, but also ungrateful. Back then, Jianming's strength at the second-tier and third-tier Yuqing people was not the same as the second-tier Yuqing people. The disciple's gambling is clearly a win."

"But he was tolerant and didn't kill him. He wanted to be forgiving and forgiving."

"I don't know that they actually took the opportunity to use their swords to force Jianming to death. If it weren't for Jianming to be clever, delaying time with them, I'm afraid they would die under their swords..."

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