Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2609: Dragon God! ! !

Looking at the light and shadow of the two stone steles of Zhuangruo Taiji, Xiao Hua frowned and said, "Although Xiao can't see the full picture of the entire seal, he can roughly infer the shape from the previous information."

"The red stele where Xiao is located must have suppressed Lin Quan Gao Yitu at this time!"

"The other stele will be suppressed!"

"There are eighty-one circumnavigation power elephants on the red stele, so there should also be 81 pitch-black circumnavigation power elephants on the stone tablet, otherwise the eighty-one dragon claws will be impossible to talk about.”

With that, Xiao Hua made a little picture of Lin Quan Gao Yi, the picture disappeared, and a cloud of celebration appeared.

"When Xiao reappears, he must show Qingyun first, and he must not be suppressed again, otherwise Xiao has no chance to inspire Chibei!"

"If Xiao's expectations are good, Qingyun will trigger the runes of the red stele. In this way, the power of suppression will be greatly reduced. What Xiao needs to do is to urge the light escape technique to rush towards the power of the vortex. What kind of emptiness did the Ba Xia say!"

"Endless emptiness may be a dead end for others, but for Xiao it is hope of escape!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua raised his hand and grasped all the light and shadow in his hand, and said word by word: "As for other things, Xiao can't think about it anymore, but can only adapt to circumstances."

"Success or failure depends on this, otherwise it may really be suppressed for billions of years!"

Xiao Hua took a deep breath and read Qingyun's Taoism silently in his heart, then raised his hand and patted the door, "Boom" Qingyun appeared!

Xiao Hua flew out from Lin Quan Gao Yi's map.

Outside the picture of Lin Quan Gao Yi, it was originally a suppression that closed the world, but the clouds were gushing out, and the force of suppression was immediately reduced!

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and immediately squeezed out, raising his hand to put Lin Quan Gao Yitu in his sleeve.

"Boom boom boom~"

When De Qingyun was completely revealed, the dark space suddenly shook.

The red stele above Xiao Hua's head gave out a dazzling gleam, and the twenty-four inscriptions that resembled a clerk suddenly came alive in the glory, protruding from the red stele and turned into twenty-four huge outlines!

Looking at the place under Xiao Hua's body, another stone stele also emits light, but this light is weird, and it turns black. Within the light, twenty-four insect patterns and tadpole writings also emerge from the stele, turning into twenty twists. The outline of Xiao Hua stretched toward the twenty-four huge outlines on Xiao Hua's side!


Tyrant was sleeping and was awakened all of a sudden. He looked at the surrounding changes in an incredible manner and exclaimed, "You...what are you doing?"

"Right, yes~"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly woke up and shouted, "What's the matter with you, you haven't spoken for such a long time, I thought you were dead!"


Forty-eight different words touched together and screamed again, the words shattered and turned into branches or line strokes.

And this stroke reveals something more mysterious than the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm!

"This...what is this?"

Although Xiao Hua said with emotion that the Confucianists and Immortals in the Heavenly Court have complicated methods, how could he care more at this time?

He is always aware of the changes in the power of suppression, ready to get out of trouble!

"What are you doing?"

He shouted.


Xiao Hua was going to say "for a while" to tell you, but when the words reached his lips, he suddenly realized that he was now in a human form and couldn't speak the dragon language, so he swallowed the words back in a hurry.


Just as the Ba Xia was about to get angry, at the end of the darkness that seemed to be far away, eighty-one pitch-black circling power elephants rushed out, directly across Xiao Hua's vision and fell into the sky full of strokes.

"Boom boom boom~"

At the same time, within the strokes, the eighty-one circumflex quaternary elephants that had disappeared were also revealed. Eighty-one pitch-black circumferential quaternary elephants smashed into the eighty-one circumstantial quaternary elephants, blooming strangely. Light flame and Xia Cai.

Then these eighty-one radiance and Xia Cai changed again.

Eighteen flashing golden lights, like the sun;

Twenty-seven flashing silver lights, like the moon;

Thirty-six flashing copper colors, like stars.

In the twinkling of golden light, silver light and copper light, eighty-one vortex images really condense into the sun, moon, and stars!

And the moment the sun, moon and stars took shape, the suppressive power of the red stele vanished!


Xiao Hua didn't dare to hesitate, and urged his figure to rush to the sky.

The sun, moon and stars dotted the dark space, and Xiao Hua disappeared like lightning under the support of Qingyun.


Ba Xia was in another place in the dark, and shouted frantically, "You are talking!"

"what are you doing??"

"Did you find a way out of trouble?"

"Tell me quickly!!!"

Xiao Hua's figure disappeared, and when the sun, moon and stars passed by Qingyun, they also disappeared strangely.

Darkness appeared again in the roar of the tyrant!

However, just after the tyrant stopped roaring, after half a cup of tea, a faint voice sounded: "Mr. Xiao Huaxiao, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"I know you are a human race who keeps your promises. I believe that we will meet again soon!"

Listening to the voice, Xiao Hua is very familiar, isn't it... the Dragon God of Yilin Continent? ?

This is something Xiao Hua never dreamed of. When he himself was playing with the so-called hegemony, others were going to follow the water. No wonder Xiao Hua's flaws were not noticed!

It’s just that, when the Dragon God child fell into the demon, Xiao Hua was admitted to the Space Demon Ze, and then the Demon Dragon child worshiped the Demon Zun and killed him as a teacher. Unfortunately, the Demon Lord killed the Demon and soared to the Demon Ze. When I got to the Blue Rain Realm, I also saw some of the previous layouts of the Dragon God Child.

Xiao Hua knew nothing about the layout of the Dragon God Child and where the Dragon God was in the Moze.

Then why did the voice of the Dragon God appear in the mouth of this mysterious dragon who was suppressed by the saint Ge Tian?

Everything is a mystery, UU reading may wait for Xiao Hua to meet Dragon God again before they may reveal the strangeness!

Besides Xiao Hua, with Qingyun's support, he went straight to Jiuxiao.

However, just as he rushed past the sun, moon and stars, he suddenly felt that Qingyun sank, as if he was heavy and thick.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua didn't have time to investigate, he concentrated on flying high, wanting to get out of trouble as soon as possible.

This flight took several months, and it was also at the expense of Xiao Hua's intermediate strength of Hunyuan. His physical body was 133,200 Xiaoqian, and within Sanhua there were 133,200 Red Dust Souls. , So it can still be supported in this seemingly boundless space.

However, on that day, Xiao Hua Zhengfei suddenly felt cold all over, and there was an unspeakable darkness in front of him. Xiao Hua stopped in a violent figure, and carefully looked into the distance.

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