Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2607: The singing method of Qingyun Taoist songs


Xiao Hua sneered inwardly, "It is absolutely impossible for billions of years! You don't even know the changes in the Dragon Region, this world will never be short!"

It's a pity that Xiao Hua couldn't click it. He tentatively said: "I just thought about it, I might have other ways~"

"Say it!"

Ba Xia was more anxious than Xiao Hua, and shouted, "What can be done?"

"I can't tell you~"

Xiao Hua said slowly, "You help me first, I'll try!"

"How to help?"

He couldn't wait any longer, he didn't ask Xiao Hua what exactly he could do.

"I can't move now, I can't even try~"

Xiao Hua said, "Can you make me move?"

"It's a bit difficult~"

Ba Xia thought for a while and said, "I can move myself, but I can only move once in a million years, but I can't guarantee you can move too!"

When Xiao Hua heard this, his heart sank again. He felt that this was the most difficult moment since his cultivation.

Although it will not fall, loneliness will swallow yourself!

If you can't practice, it's better to fall!

"Try it~"

Although Xiao Hua didn't report any hope, it was better than nothing. He had to try it anyway.


He gave a long roar, not so much Long Xiao, as it was a yawn!

Then, Xiao Hua heard the sound of "rumbling", from far to near, like thunder.

However, when Lei Zhen arrived not far from Xiao Hua, he was already small, and Xiao Hua could hardly perceive it.


Xiao Hua sighed, knowing that the space where he was suppressed should be different from Ba Xia. Ba Xia could provoke the stele, but could not shake the red stele that suppressed him!

However, just as Xiao Hua sighed, he suddenly felt the surrounding space sway, as if a branch was shaken by someone.

The time was too short, Xiao Hua didn't have time to sing some Qingyun Taoist songs, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity, he also screamed in a hurry, and the dragon body did his best to expand!

Sure enough, Xiao Hua's force of repression was suddenly overcome.

"At this moment~"

Xiao Hua felt that the force of suppression was about to increase, and he quickly recovered.

Xiao Hua recovered his body normally, but with a click.

But in this repressive force, Xiao Hua felt extremely difficult, as if trekking in a quagmire.

Fighting against the suppression of the Red Tablet, Xiao Hua's thoughts changed sharply: "Even if Xiao regains his human form, he will still be unable to cultivate. Don't you have to wait millions of years, or even billions of years??"

Thinking of time, Xiao Huatai gave an initiation, and he hurriedly took out Linquan Gao Yitu from his sleeve.

It was also weird. As soon as Lin Quan Gao Yitu came out, Xiao Hua felt that his fingers had literary power, and the suppression of the red tablet slowed down.


Xiao Hua almost had the urge to burst into tears, and he hurriedly used his only cultural power to urge Lin Quan Gao Yitu.

The light and shadow of Lin Quan Gao Yitu fell on the person who had just recovered from Xiao Hua, and the long-lost power was born, Xiao Hua struggling to pounce on Lin Quan Gao Yitu.


Xiao Hua's figure had just disappeared, and the suppression of the red stele increased again, directly smashing Lin Quan Gao Yitu into the darkness!

"what happened?"

Ba Xia shouted over there, "What happened?"

It's a pity that Xiao Hua at this time couldn't hear the voice of Ba Xia at all. He had already entered Lin Quan Gao Yitu with lingering fears.

"My God~"

Xiao Hua looked at the familiar illusion, and he had never felt that illusion was so kind. He couldn't help but shouted, "Xiao finally escaped!"

After a short break, Xiao Hua flew up to the sky to investigate.

Not to Xiao Hua's expectation, the clouds above the sky were distorted and the light and shadow scattered, which should have been caused by the suppression of the red monument.

Xiao Hua looked at it for a moment, and understood in her heart that the power of suppression was slowly infiltrating. If she did not figure out a way before the power of suppression would destroy Lin Quan Gao Yitu's illusion, she would still be suppressed as before!

Then Xiao Hua moved from the first level to the second level, while observing and sorting out his thoughts.

"Xiao is now in Linquan Gaoyitu, and Linquan Gaoyitu is suppressed by the red stele. He has no way to absorb the innate aura, even the fairy light, so Xiao can only rely on the innate aura in Linquan Gaoyitu. Or practice Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu, a technique that can't wait for innate energy!"

"And it is the 80-character Qingyun Dao Song that is most likely to provoke Chibei, or escape the suppression!"

"This song is derived from the red stele and stone stele, and it can be practiced with innate energy..."

When Xiao Hua reached the third level of the Green Willow Forest, he had already decided to immediately use his physical body to practice Qingyun Dao Ge. As for the mind, he would practice Tai Chi and return to Yuan Lu after his physical body was on the right track.

Although Xiao Hua had comprehended the complete Qingyun Daoge in the third stage of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, that is, in his own Jue Zhentian image, it was still extremely difficult to truly cultivate Qingyun Daoge.

Even if Xiao Hua repeatedly sings "Qing Yun is rotten~", "Qing Yun is rotten~"...

There was also no previous vision of Qingyun in Juezhen Day.

Xiao Hua didn't worry, and released all the shadows, letting them sing with him.

Although shadow singing has no effect at all, who knows where there is a chance?

As a result, the entire Green Willow Forest was filled with the sounds of "Qing Yun rotten~" "Qing Yun rotten~"!

"It's a bit big!"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and temporarily stopped singing.

He also tried to transform the witch body, but in fact, the effect of "Qing Yun Rotten Xi~" in the green seal script is not the same as that of Qing Yun Dao Song.

Xiao Hua believes that even if he sings the Qingyundao song in green seal script, the red stele will not be moved!

Xiao Hua stopped the practice of Qingyun Daoge, ready to start the blooming of the three flowers again.

Xiao Hua’s blooming of the three flowers has actually gone beyond the art of planting jade, but Xiao Hua’s recent enlightenment and practice of Qi Tian Zhaoshi tactics are not complete. How to make the flower bones that condense past, present and future bloom , Xiao Hua has no practice for the time being, he can only wait for the maturity of the world of the Red Dust Soul.

However, when Xiao Hua looked at the world of the Red Dust Soul within Huagu Duo again, UU Reading Xiao Hua suddenly felt a blessing to the heart.

Because with the singing of the shadows outside of the flesh, the world of the Red Dust Soul seems to have changed. This change is very weak, but Xiao Hua clearly perceives it.

"I... my goodness!"

Xiao Hua whispered, "Xiao understands, Qingyun Dao song...may not be sung by a certain person in Xiao, it may be the result of all the red spirits singing in Xiao's flower bone!"

"After all, they are the Red Dust Souls, they are born with the power of the Divine Soul, and in this world, there is the power of faith that belongs to Xiao Mou, this power of faith can concentrate the Divine Power of the Red Dust Soul..."

"Furthermore, Xiao Mou enlightened the vision of Qingyun Daoge, within Qingyun... isn't it the world of the heavens?"

"And... Besides Qingyun, aren't all the golden lanterns, golden lotus, Yingluo, weeping beads, etc., just flowers?"

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