Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2603: Chibei Suppression

However, before Liu Yanyu's order passed.

"Boom boom boom~"

The Red Cliff Little Sky realm shook around, and countless twisted dragon patterns condensed in mid-air. When the dragon patterns were formed, they shrank toward the center.

The dragon patterns converge, forming huge tadpole texts!

And these tadpole essays are not Xiao Hua's newly realized Qingyun Taoism?

It's just that the tadpole writings at this time condensed, forming eighty-one huge phantoms of stone steles, each of which corresponds to a dragon well!

Eighty-one powers of heaven and earth emerged from the stone tablet, directly suppressing eighty-one dark dragon claws, and... Xiao Hua who was entangled by dragon claws!

The hundreds of thousands of other dragons present were all soft and numb, unable to even fly, and fell to the ground "cracking".


Not only that, there were eighty-one thunderbolts in the sky again, and eighty-one light-red thunderbolts directly hit the eighty-one stone steles. The thunderbolt was like an ink pen all over the stele all at once.

The tadpole writing on the stone stele that was originally outline flashed red, and the eighty-one stone steles "Om" converged in one place, condensing into a long red stele.

There are twenty-four dark golden symbols on this red stele. The big one is like a fight, the small one is like a rise, and if the seal is like a cleric, Xiao Hua's unstoppable force is born.


The smashing of the red monument was precisely to suppress Xiao Hua or the eighty-one pitch-black dragon claws!

Xiao Hua's dragon body didn't turn up any waves at all, and disappeared on the ground with the dark dragon claws!


Xiao Hua wanted to cry without tears, and shouted in her heart, "This is hurting the innocent!!!"

"Husband, husband~"

Liu Yanyu was in a hurry. Seeing the red stele disappear, the power of the surrounding space was swept away, and she immediately rushed to where Xiao Hua disappeared.

It's a pity that there was only one huge totem like rusty spots. The totem slowly dimmed in front of Liu Yanyu's eyes, and finally broke into eighty-one pieces.

The location of these eighty-one pieces is different from the original eighty-one Longjing location.

Liu Yanyu realized that these eighty-one totems were eighty-one dragon wells. The position of Longjing was reset this time, completely different from before.

Liu Yanyu became more and more frightened, she urged her figure to rush to one of them, but unfortunately, before she rushed closer, the totem had disappeared!

"Damn it!"

Liu Yanyu cursed in a low voice, daring not to neglect to return to the room immediately.

Fortunately, the space remains the same as before, and nothing has changed.


Forty-nine fairy babies flew out one after another, looking for the place where the eighty-one totems had disappeared!

Forty-nine fairy infants came out, Liu Yanyu took a sigh of relief temporarily. She looked around and said coldly: "Capture all the dragon races!"

From Xiao Hua flying out and killing Nangong Shiru, to eighty-one dragon claws attacking Xiao Hua, and finally the red stele gave birth to suppress Xiao Hua and the pitch black dragon claw together, it was just a moment's notice.

Not to mention that the disciples of the good luck sect, even the hundreds of Taiqing gods did not react.

Of course, even if they could react, the suppressive force that even Xiao Hua could not resist made them unable to move at all!


Upon hearing this, the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect immediately flew up and rushed towards the dragon clan on the ground.

Most of the dragon qi condensed into a red stele, and now the remaining dragon qi in the Red Cliff Xiaotian realm could no longer stop those Taiqing Tianxians.

Seeing the dense purple Yao Luolong clan above the earth, some Taiqing gods began to move around.


Gu She Long flew straight to the sky, looked around and said faintly, "These dragons are the advantages of my Star Sky team, no one can move!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for waiting!"

Dongfang Jiyu, Min Hong, and Ye Yukeng watched the Xingchentian team’s immortal soldiers have begun to show the rule of thunder. They had known for a long time that Xiao Hua was the Xiao Hua they saw in the Seven Love Nightmare Tower. This Xingchentian team It is the Jie Chong team.


Dongfang Jiyu gave the order without hesitation, "Listen to my command, assist the Star Sky team to capture the dragons, and ensure that all dragons will be handed over to the Star Sky team!"


The fairy soldier of the Jianglong team hurriedly urged his figure to assist the Xingchentian team in an orderly manner.

"Master Ye??"

Suddenly, a star owner of the Xingchentian team saw Ye Yukeng and couldn't help but speak, "Is that you?"

"Oh, it turned out to be Chen Zhi!"

Ye Yukeng was stunned for a moment, and then a daze appeared on his face, and exclaimed, "That's not right, Chen Zhi, are all high-ranked Daluo, this all the sound shooting king?"

Chen Zhi couldn't hide a smile on his face, and bowed to salute: "Master Ye has a good memory, and I still remember Chen justly. Chen is really flattered."

"Are you really Chen Zhi? That long Qiong commander in Jiechong was no more than Jiu Gong?"

Ye Yukeng helped Chen Zhi up, still surprised.


Chen Zhi laughed and said, "Chen just got a chance, following my adult, this will have the opportunity to advance by leaps and bounds!"

"Mr. Xiao!"

Ye Yukeng nodded hurriedly, "I know, I met him in Saint Lin of the Demon League!"

"Oh, it turns out that Lord Ye has already known my Lord!"

Chen Zhi was also a little surprised.

"What strength is yours now?"

Min Hong, who had never spoken much, asked tentatively, "When I met him in Shenglin, he was not as good as he is now!"

"My lord should have the strength of heaven!"

Chen Zhi replied proudly, "It's just that his old man is too low-key, no one knows it!"


Min Hong, Dongfang Jiyu and Ye Yukeng looked at each other, and they all took a breath of air-conditioning, and a strange feeling rose in their hearts.

How can this be?

Even when they met Xiao Hua tens of thousands of years ago, Xiao Hua was already in the element, but from Hun Yuan to Tian Zun, it is not something that can be achieved in tens of thousands of years!

Besides, a Hunyuan...How could it be possible to enter the Seven Love Nightmare Tower? ?

"Master Chen is kidding?"

The eastern monsoon said softly. UU reading

Chen Zhiyi frowned, and said displeased: "It's okay for adults not to believe it, and my adults don't need others to believe it."

After speaking, Chen Zhi did not forget to add: "If his old man does not have the strength of Tianzun, how dare he call the Bannangong family and Chidi?"

Ye Yukeng hurriedly made up the stage and said, "That's true, yes, Master Chen, you are..."


Chen Zhi understood what Ye Yukeng meant, and laughed, "Chen is already a dead man in the Sky Patching Team! Now he is following my family to experience the Seven Realms. He has just come from the Demon League before, and now he is in the Heaven..."

"Li...Experience the Seven Realms?"

Dongfang Jiyu whispered again, "What is the real person Xiao doing?"

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