Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2592: Zi Yao Luo Dragon


Everyone was an accident. Yao Yu watched the arc disappear and exclaimed, "This is the scripture of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm!!!"


Gu Chi glanced at Shuyi, who was a little frightened, and sighed, "Yao Wenyou is right. This is the scripture of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm. Oh, to be precise, it should be the defense of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm!"

"This defense was meant to prevent problems in Longjing and restrain the dragon clan, but... I didn't expect to be used by others and trap me here!"

"Thank you Gu Wenyou~"

Shuyi thanked her carefully, but she had just realized the Guangtianhua Sun Art and she knew how powerful the arc of the heavens was.

Since this arc of light belongs to the trapped dragon clan, once the body is drawn, even if he does not fall, he is afraid that he will be seriously injured!

"What about then?"

Everyone is equally shocked!

"Naturally is the center of imprisonment~"

Gu Chi raised his head and looked up to the sky, taking out the golden color that became brighter and brighter, and it had gradually become the sun!


At this moment, the red cliff behind everyone roared again, and the pages of the book were turned, and all the Taiqing Heavenly Immortals who had comprehended the Guangtianhua Sun Art all flew out.

More low-level immortals also followed under the protection of these people, Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo flew at the end.

Li Nianxiao is no longer nervous, because behind him, a figure of Xiao Hua is following, but Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo are not in danger, and there is no order from Xiao Hua. No special moves.


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Yao Yu naturally couldn't see Xiao Hua's figure, but he was overjoyed when he saw so many Taiqing gods, and said, "Everyone collects firewood and the flames are high. I wait for so many Taiqing gods to rush out!"

Xiao Hua met dozens of immortals along the way, but in fact, there were more than 200 Taiqing immortals who came to the Red Cliff Small Heaven Realm to comprehend the so-called "Tai Shang Sun Moon Hun Yuan Jing".

At this time, they were all driven out, unable to practice quietly, naturally one by one aggressively looking for the instigator to settle accounts.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that their every move was seen by Nangong Shiru.

In fact, as early as when Shuyi knife cleaved the dragon, Nangong Shiru’s heart had already mentioned his throat, and he knew in his heart that he and his team would definitely not be able to resist these dozens of Taiqing Immortals. He needed someone from the Dragon Well. Dragons.

However, it is certainly not easy to surrender the dragon clan, and Nangong Shiru takes time.

Fortunately, the dragon gas in the Longjing stimulated the defense of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm. This defense was against the Longjing Dragon Clan, but it was unexpectedly a confinement to the Confucian immortal besieging the heaven.


Nangong Shiru laughed loudly, and said, "This is how people are not as good as the sky. Even I didn't expect that there is such a powerful literary prohibition in the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm!"

"It seems that this Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm was passed from the saint Ge Tian to no reason!"

Just laughed here, "Aoao~" Where the dragon energy gathered, there was a loud dragon howl.

And Nangong Shiru's body also trembled violently!


Nangong Shiru's eyes lighted up, and she raised her hand to pat the center of her eyebrows, and between the center of her eyebrows a colorful dragon with a **** dragon head appeared.

It's just that, at this moment, the dragon flies out with the palm of Nangong Shiru's lift, directly rushing into the dragon vortex and falling into the condensed dragon image!


That Longxiang roared again and rushed directly out of the whirlpool, circling in front of the Nangong Shiru chariot.

Facing this dragon, the fire dragons in front of the chariot were crawling in the air, and they were afraid to move!


Nangong Shiru glanced at the colorful dragon face proudly, then raised his hand and patted on his head again.


Three flowers revealed, one bronze, one silver, and one golden!

Nangong Shiru's **** flicked, and petals fell on the three flowers, no more than 80 petals.


As Nangong Shiru spoke softly, 80 petals fell towards the 80 Longjing!

When these petals fell into the flower bones, a "boom boom" flame emerged from the petals, igniting the flower bones that were interlocking with each other!


Seeing that there is a flame, the dragons in the Longjing are even more violent, violently impacting Huaguduo!

Within the flames of Nangong Shiru, there are stars, red birds and other phantoms madly impacting the flower bone, and the flower bone is gradually blooming! !

Just before the buds of the flower bones were about to release, "Roar!" Above the sky, the colorful dragon roared, and the dragon horns on the head of the blood-colored dragon burst, turning into 80 phantoms and rushing towards the 80 dragon wells!

"Boom boom boom~"

When the phantom of the Scarlet Dragon's Horn fell on the Flower Bone, the Flower Bone finally bloomed!

At the moment when the flowers bloom, the literary prohibition that suppressed the Longjing dragons completely collapsed, and the sturdy dragons ripped through the flowers and rushed high!

For a time, the dragons around the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm roared, and a group of dragons resembled it!


The heavenly Confucian sages, including Gu Chi, just flew to the vicinity of the huge dragon vortex, they were shocked by the madness of the dragons flying, and they couldn't help taking a breath.

"not good!!"

Gu Chi understands the consequences of opening Longjing better than others. He paled and exclaimed, "Quickly, find a way to close Longjing! Otherwise, this small red cliff world will become a part of the Dragon Realm, and there will be no way out for me! !"

With that said, Gu Chi didn't care about others, and hurriedly urged his figure to pounce on the nearest Longjing.

Unfortunately, the Dragon Well at this time is like a fountain. Not only is there a huge amount of dragon gas gushing out, but within that dragon gas, there are countless dragon shapes flying out like shadows, not to mention that Gu Chi and the others didn’t get close at all, even if they were close. There is no way to imprison these dragon spirits!

As for those dragons who looked like shadows, they just flew out of the Longjing, immediately rose up and turned into giant dragons.

It's just that these giant dragons didn't notice at all in their madness, the petals that were torn by them were already attached to their dragon bodies!

"How to do??"

Gu Chi and others lost their color in shock, and they retreated in a panic, discussing something with each other through voice transmission.

At this time, they didn't want to seal Longjing anymore, but thought of escaping from here.


Just when Gu Chi and the others were unable to do anything, a loud dragon roar came from within Longjing again. UU reading

"Not good~"

Although Gu Chi was numb with horror, he couldn't help but whispered when he heard these dragons that could make him fascinate. He looked incredible at the waves of thunder that appeared around the Longjing, and shouted, "Zi Yao Luo Long Clan?"

The lowest strength of the Zi Yao Luo dragon clan in the Dragon Region is also comparable to Taiyi Immortal, while the highest level of the Taiqing Celestial Immortals like Gu Chi is no more than the second rank, which is equivalent to the Taiyi intermediate.

But in the face of the powerful Zi Yao Luo dragon clan, Gu Chi dare not say that he has the power to fight!

Not to mention that at this time, the surrounding dragons were surging, and the strength of Gu Chi and the others was weakened again.


A golden dragon flew out first, and there were no other dragons in front of it, and obviously no dragons dared to appear around it!

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