Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2588: 81 Longjing


Xiao Hua's hand disappeared into the scroll!


Xiao Hua rolled his eyes, raised his foot and stepped into the scroll, and his whole figure disappeared suddenly!

Just when Xiao Hua disappeared from the scroll, at the edge of the Red Cliff Little Heaven, on a red mountain, Nangong Shiru was standing in front of a huge totem that looked like rust, and his eyes flashed crazy!

Behind him, Nangong Zixu held a **** scroll in his hand, with a complex expression on his face.


Nangong Shiru suddenly turned his head, looked at Nangong Zixu like electricity, and asked every word, "Is the location of the eighty-one dragon wells determined?"

"My lord~"

Nangong Zixu hurriedly replied, "Sixty-four have been identified, and the rest are still under investigation..."

Speaking of this, Nangong Zixu subconsciously glanced at the book in his hand, gritted his teeth, and said, "My lord, you...really decided?"

"This is... something that will alarm the Emperor Wufang!"

"Eighty-one dragon wells are opened, and it is very likely that the Zi Yao Luo dragon clan will be released. This... but it is comparable to the Taiqing Taiqing second-grade dragon clan!"

"It's okay to say if it's one. Once two appear, my lord... I'm afraid that there will be no way to surrender, it will definitely appear..."

Nangong Shiru frowned, and before Nangong Zixu said, waved his hand and said, "I have decided, no need to say it."

Nangong Zixu shut up immediately and stopped persuading.

"This is the legendary secret of dragon descending?"

Nangong Shiru looked at the blood-colored book in Nangong Zixu's hand, and asked with interest.


Nangong Zixu hesitated again, and replied, "This secret method is more terrifying than the little one had thought before. It's not just Jianglong..."

Still, before Nangong Zixu finished speaking, Nangong Shiru raised his brows, raised his hand and grabbed the booklet, and said faintly: "Let me see how terrifying this secret method is!"

"My lord~"

Nangong Zixu raised his hand and scratched it, worrying appeared on his face, and said anxiously, "This secret method should be understood from the young!"

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Nangong Shiru opened the scroll, looked at Nangong Zixu disdainfully, and said coldly: "It's not that I underestimated you. With your strength, what kind of dragon can you subdue?"


Nangong Zixu laughed and said, "With the strength of an adult, after opening the Longjing, it is possible to summon a dragon that is more powerful than Zi Yao Luo!"


Nangong Shiru looked down at the scroll and laughed, "Do you know the name of a dragon that is more powerful than Zi Yao Luo?"

"No... I don't know~"

Nangong Zixu shook his head and said, "But the younger one knows that the Red Cliff Small World Realm is built by Longjing Dragon Qi, and the eighty-one Longjing communicating dragon domains are a bit weird. Previously, many Taiqing gods strayed into Longjing and disappeared. If the adults use this secret method, it is very likely to attract dragons whose strength exceeds Zi Yaoluo."


Nangong Shiru sighed, and said, "Zixu, you think too much, Zi Yao Luo dragon clan is powerful, comparable to my Heavenly Court Taiqing Second Grade, if you add a dragon body that is not afraid of Hongyun, and even restrains my heavenly literary power, I'm afraid that even the third rank of Taiqing might not be its opponent. It is good for me to summon these dragons!"

"As for Zi Yao, that is the domain master and dragon ancestors of the various regions of the Dragon Region, how can they be opened in Longjing?"

Nangong Zixu knew in his heart that Nangong Shiru was arrogant, but he still had a spectrum in his heart. He just wanted to use the Dragon Clan of Longjing to kill Yuanya and Li Nianxiao, and he did not dare to cause a catastrophe in the heavens. In that case, even if it is It is impossible for the Nangong family to protect him.


With that said, Nangong Shiru looked at the Scarlet Scroll and whispered, "This is indeed the secret method of descending the dragon. I can't imagine that there is such a wonderful secret technique in this remote Red Cliff! Zi Xu, your contribution is not small!"

"The little ones dare not take credit~"

Nangong Zixu hurriedly said with a smile, "As long as I can help the adults, that's good!"


Nangong Shiru waved his hand and said, "Go and urge them to find out the remaining Longjing as soon as possible. Don't wait for those people to leave Hongya!!!"

"Yes, my lord~"

Nangong Zixu didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly urged her figure to go.

Looking at Nangong Zixu's back, Nangong Shiru smiled coldly, raised his hand and took out another Xiayun Festival, his eyes showed madness again, and said to himself: "Since this Red Cliff Little Heaven can be traced back to Saint Ge Tianshi, is that the place of goodness?"

"If these dragon wells are not accidental, they should be the source of dragon qi that supports the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, and the suppressed dragons within must be of extraordinary origin!"

"Yinghuo, if you are obedient, then just go back with me obediently. I killed Li Nianxiao, so I can forget about the past; if you have two hearts, don't think that you are the Scarlet Emperor, I will not dare to move you!"

"If you don't follow women's way, I will kill you, and even your majesty won't say anything!"

After speaking, Nangong Shiru squinted at the Xiayun Festival for a long while, then closed her eyes tightly, her body was surging, and her whole body began to surging with heavy Xia Cai.

Xia Cai looked like Tianhe rolled upside down, rushing from Nangong Shiru's lower body to the center of the eyebrows, where it condensed into colorful lines.

After more than ten days, this colorful pattern has gradually emerged, and it is exactly a ferocious dragon.

Seeing the shape of the dragon, Nangong Shiru abandoned the Xiayun Festival and began to look at the Scarlet Scrolls.

After a few more days, Nangong Shiru began to cast the spell, but he saw that the blood oozes out of his blood, and the blood turned into a gossamer and rushed to the center of the eyebrow, like an invisible paintbrush. The dragon head of the colorful dragon. Gradually become bloody!

After seven or forty-nine days, Nangong Shiru finished her work, raised her hand and patted the center of her eyebrows, a trace of blood rippled, and the appearance of the center of the eyebrows disappeared.

Nangong Shiru opened her eyes, and the outlines of two blood dragons in her eyes flashed away!

"How's it going?"

Nangong Shiru flew up into the air, looking at the guarded fairy soldiers around, and then at Nangong Zixu who was waiting not far away and asked.


Nangong Zixu hurriedly flew over and said respectfully, "All eighty-one dragon wells have been found, and 19 of them have dragon breath, the others have no breath."


Nangong Shiru asked calmly, "Are you in line in front of the eighty-one dragon wells according to my instructions!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Nangong Zixu nodded and said, "The young man sent eighty-one generals and led eighty-one teams to surround eighty-one dragon wells in accordance with the orders of the adults."

"it is good!"

Nangong Shiru was overjoyed and nodded, "Take me to see!"

"My lord please~"

Nangong Zixu respectfully invited Nangong Shiru onto the chariot and flew towards one place!

The chariot flew over the sky, and the fire dragon was extremely active, and it seemed that there was a smell they liked.

And about 100,000 miles in front of the front of the chariot, tens of thousands of warriors were forming a formation to surround a place.

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