Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2578: Nangong Shiru is here

"There will be a period later~"

Gu Junshi returned the courtesy, but there was an inexplicable emotion in his words. He didn't know when and where he would see Xiao Hua next time, but he believed that he would definitely see Xiao Hua again. As for Xiao Hua's strength at that time, and more He can't measure it.

Seeing jǐyán (jǐyán) fly away, the temple of the **** of war silenced, destroyed, attacked, and killed the four generals. The flying general cautiously came over and whispered: "Dragon King, he...who are they?"


Looking at Xiao Hua's back, Gu Junshi said meaningfully, "They are the real God of War!"

"The real God of War~"

The warlord was a little envious and said, "Yes, only they can be called the real God of War. Each of them is so powerful."

"Don't worry~"

Gu Junshi smiled and said, "You will also become them in the future! Because I clearly know that they were not as good as you before!!!"

"As long as you follow me, I will definitely make you more powerful than them, and my God of War Temple is... more deterrent than them!"

Afterwards, Gu Ruishi looked at the Shen family disciple who had been captured for more than a thousand, with a grin on his face, and said, "Bring them here, I have to cross-examine them!"

Gu Junshi knew that the Shen family would definitely send someone over again, but he had no chance of avoiding it, so he had to make arrangements in advance.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, pay cash and coins when you follow!

But when he didn't know, at the moment when the white jade ornaments of Major General Shen's family were inspiring, someone had received a message in an extremely hidden place in Heavenly Court that the Shen family's revenge came faster and more fierce than he thought!

Not to mention that Gu Junshi didn’t know, even Xiao Hua couldn’t think of it. In this magnificent hall, Nangong Shiru was sitting on the head, beside him, an old man was standing there respectfully and respectfully. At the bottom, there were hundreds of tall, short, fat and thin immortals standing with a panic expression.

Nangong Shiru looked at these immortals arrogantly, and didn't even bother to speak, while the old man who was with him cried out to the people with interest: "This is the cause of the matter. There are people who dare to rob me, Wenheng, the only one in the heaven. Who the **** is it, stand up now and make things clear, Lord Nangong will let him go!"

It's a pity that more than a hundred people trembled like quails, and no one dared to speak.

Nangong Shiru frowned a little, after all, these forces are too trivial, how can they have the courage to rob the jade cart of the Immortal Mansion? ?

"Could there be something weird?"

Nangong Shiru felt bad.

At this time, among more than a hundred people, an old man with a short stature suddenly raised his eyebrows, and hurriedly looked down at the messenger he was carrying with him, and shut it down extremely unhappy.

However, after only a few breaths, the old man's eyes were shocked again. He looked up at Nangong Shiru uneasy, and touched his chest and abdomen with his right hand.

"Shen Zhong~"

The senior old man said displeased, "Young Master Nangong is here, why are you sneaking up?"

The old man named Shen Zhong changed his face first, then his eyes turned sharply, and then strode out respectfully: "Congratulations, Young Master Nangong, here is news!"

Nangong Shiru looked at Shen Zhong incredulously, and exclaimed, "Really??"


Shen Zhong solemnly said, "My disciple from the Shen family just sent an urgent message, and the content contains the Xiao Wenheng that Nangong Lord is looking for!"

"Say it!"

Nangong Shiru jumped up and said, "As long as the news is accurate, I have a reward!"


The anxiety on Shen Zhong's face changed into a smile, and he looked around and stopped talking.

"Go away, go away~"

Nangong Shiru waved at the others, screaming like a fly, "This little thing can't be handled well, it's a bunch of useless things!"

When everyone was gone, before Nangong Shiru could speak, Shen Zhong hurriedly said, "Master, Xiao Wenheng is in Lingxu City!"

"Lingxu City?"

Nangong Shiru was stunned, he obviously didn't know this remote small town.

The old man beside him hurriedly waved his hand, and a fairy picture was born out of thin air. As he raised his hand, the location and scenery of Lingxu City appeared on it.

Shen Zhong said: "It was the Temple of War in Lingxu City that robbed Xiao Wenheng!!"

"Temple of War?"

Not to mention Nangong Shiru, even the old man next to him changed his expression and whispered, "What is the Temple of War?"

"Small, I don't know too much~"

Shen Zhong explained, "A disciple in the small clan was killed in Lingxu City, and the small clan guard went to Lingxu City..."


Nangong Shiru was anxious. He didn't wait for Shen Zhong to finish. He raised his hand to grab Shen Zhong in his hand and said, "Tell me more on the road!"

"Respectfully send off to Lord Nangong~"

The old man next to him hurriedly bowed to see him off, his face bowed hard to hide his jealousy.

Nangong Shiru flew out of the main hall, and there was the sound of dragon roar in midair. He couldn't wait to ask: "Shen Zhong, can you confirm?"


Shen Zhong followed Nangong Shiru into the dragon cart, gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Then I will ask you~"

Nangong Shiru urged the dragon cart to move, and still asked uneasy, "Only Xiao Wenheng was robbed in the Temple of War?"

"one person??"

When Shen Zhong heard Nangong Shiru's words, he immediately understood that Nangong Shiru didn't care about Xiao Wenheng at all, but someone else.

As for the others, Shen Zhong also knows who it is!

So Shen Zhong's mind turned sharply, thinking about the urgent subpoena he had just received, and said without hesitation: "No! It's three people!"


Standing on the dragon cart, Nangong Shiru murmured, "Why are you returning the three?"

"Except for Xiao Wenheng~"

Shen Zhong squinted his eyes and carefully observed Nangong Shiru's expression, saying every word, "There is also a pair of children and men and women!"


Although Shen Zhong didn't say anything about couples and lovers, just "a couple" was enough to provoke Nangong Shiru's jealousy. He cursed, "What's the matter?"

Seeing this, Shen Zhong became more and more sure that Nangong Shiru was looking for the woman. UU read and he took the opportunity to say: "My son, things don’t seem to be as simple as what you said. The dragon king in the temple of war seems to know Xiao Wenheng. They might be in harmony with the outside... escaped from the jade cart..."

"Do they know?"

Nangong Shiru was stunned, "How is this possible?"

"Small think~"

Shen Zhong added fuel and jealousy, and said, "The master may be the man of the pair of men and women, because during the transmission, the man protected the woman everywhere, and Xiao Wenheng obeyed the man's words..."

"This...Is it worth it?"

Nangong Shiru was so angry that Qiqiao burst into flames, and shouted, "Quick, quickly..."

The dragon cart flew to the Lingxu City in a gallop, flames all over the sky...

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