Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2576: The encounter between Xiao Hua and Zhuang Bi


"Siu Hua?"

When Gu Junshi heard Xiao Hua's name, he couldn't click the colored pen in his hand!

This is Xiao Hua's nephew!

"Quickly kill him!!"

Dutian Good Fortune pen murmured, "We can run away if we kill him!"

Gu Junshi rolled his eyes and exclaimed in his heart: "He is Jiugongxian, right? How did I kill him?"

"Then what to do?"

The pen is in a hurry, it is afraid of Xiao Hua.

"I have to borrow your power again!"

"it is good!"

The Divine Good Fortune Pen was a little helpless, and could only say, "Hurry up and sacrifice!"

The pen of Heavenly Destiny was originally designed with two hands. On the one hand, it saw Xiao Hua’s kindness, and was not willing to destroy even the red spirit soul. Naturally, it would not hurt Gu Yan, so it let Gu Yan sacrifice and refine himself. Xiao Hua would not take himself away from Gu Yanshi; on the other hand, it also left a little way. He didn't want Gu Yanshi to sacrifice himself. He wanted to wait for Xiao Hua to leave. He escaped from Gu Yanshi's hands.

And Gu Ruoshi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he took advantage of this opportunity to refining the pen for making the best fortune again.

Although Gu Junshi stopped making moves, Li Nianxiao's seven colors had already rushed to his arms. If nothing happened, after a few breaths, he would fall like the third master of the Shen family!


Yinghuo was anxious, Xiao Hua let out a cold snort, the space around Li Nianxiao was imprisoned, and the seven colors condensed on his arms.

"Do you think you have been sacrificed, so I can't do anything about you?"

Xiao Hua slowly walked out of the void, no different from a mortal.


Gu Junshi was dumbfounded, watching Xiao Hua open his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

The memories of previous lives are now like water, but Xiao Hua's appearance is no different from before.

Zhuang Bi didn't have the strength to perceive Xiao Hua's strength, but he could clearly feel the trembling of the Heavenly Creation Pen.

Even the incomparable fortune pen must bow down, isn't Xiao Hua's strength unfathomable.

"This... how long is this?"

Zhuang Bi sighed in his heart, "He has cultivated to such a realm!!"

However, if Zhuang Bi is allowed to embrace friendship as soon as he comes up, it is not Zhuang Bi.

But when Gu Junshi raised his hand to Xiao Hua, he said, "Who are you? Dare to trouble me?"


Xiao Hua frowned and looked at Gu Yanshi, then asked, "You...are you from the emperor?"

"I am the Dragon King!"

Gu Junshi arrogantly said, "Lord Dragon King of the Temple of War!!"


Xiao Hua smiled, looked up at the disciples of the temple of the gods of war, and said, "This is your temple of the gods of war? It's amazing!"

"Since you know it's great, don't hurry... leave?"

Gu Junshi originally wanted to say "Fuck", but he swallowed after the words reached his lips!

"It is natural to let Xiaomou leave~"

Xiao Hua was not contemptuous because Gu Junshi was not a celestial being of the Qing Dynasty, but rather slowly pointed at his handwriting pen and said, "This is something from Xiao, you just need to return it to Xiao!"


Gu Junshi shrank his arms and said bitterly, "The treasures in the world can only be done by the virtuous. If this thing falls into my hands, it is naturally subdued by my virtue!"

"There are things that don't know Taishan~"

Yinghuo cursed next to him, "In front of you is the famous Xiao Wenheng, the colored pen in your hand is his reward for winning Wenheng!"


Gu Junshi was also stunned. He didn't expect this colored pen to come from such a background.

Xiao Hua ignored Gu Junshi, he raised his hand a little on Li Nianxiao's arm, and the seven colors fell into his hands like a low tide, still turning into a little seven colors.

Xiao Hua rubbed the seven colors with his index finger and thumb, and said with a smile: "One stroke of magical power, one stroke of murderousness, these seven colors actually contain Hongyun..."

At this point, Xiao Hua's fingers suddenly flicked, and the inexplicable Hong Yun was drawn from the seven colors and fell onto Gu Yanshi.

Immediately, Xiao Hua's face changed drastically, and he looked at Gu Yanshi's eyes in an incredible way.

In the reincarnation of a person, his appearance often changes, but his eyes remain unchanged.

This was what Xiao Hua had seen in the eyes of Xiao Baicai and Chang Yuan back then, and now he saw the familiar eyes of Gu Yanshi.

These eyes were arrogant, disdainful, and showy.

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and tentatively said: "You..."

But after saying a word, Xiao Hua swallowed the rest.

Even Xiao Hua himself has just seen a hint of the mystery of reincarnation. How can Gu Yanshi know?

Glancing at the supernatural good fortune pen in Gu Zhuanshi's hand, Xiao Hua smiled, raised his hand to pat Gu Zhuanshi and said, "Since you like this pen, then give it to you. I hope you can take this pen for the benefit. "

After that, Xiao Hua looked at the disciples of the Temple of War who were fighting with the Shen family disciples in the surrounding area. He raised his hand to sacrifice the Kunlun Mirror, and said with a smile: "Ruthless, Cui Yingying, Xiang Zhili, wait for the disciples to come out!"


The clear light on the Kunlun mirror surged, ruthlessly waiting for millions of disciples to fly out.


Ruthlessly, seeing no one else next to him, he hurried to bow.

"Uncle Master, foster father~"

Cui Yingying and Xiang Zhili also smiled and bowed.

"Go and help, the so-called Temple of War!"

Xiao Hua smiled, waved and said.

More than a thousand disciples of the Shen family had lost their fighting spirit. Now that they saw millions of warriors, wherever they should do it again, the disciples of the Yu Lei Zong surrounded them, and they were arrested.

Looking at Ruthless, Cui Yingying and Xiang Zhili, Gu Junshi understood that Xiao Hua recognized himself.

There was a warmth in Gu Junshi's heart, but there was inevitably some inferiority in his arrogant heart, so he gritted his teeth and shouted: "My Temple of War disdains others to help!!"

It's a pity that as soon as these words were spoken, there was a movement of escaping from the hand-wrenching pen.

"Damn it!"

Gu Junshi immediately understood that his strength was too weak and he was only using himself as a shield!

So he changed his words: "Of course, if the deceased is helping, I... still welcome!"

"Ren Xiaoyao, long time no see..."


Xiao Hua turned around, looked at Gu Junshi and said with surprise and joy: "You?"


Gu Junshi finally faced Xiao Hua, UU reading nodded and said, "It's me!"

While speaking, Gu Yanshi looked down at the Duotian Lucky Pen, and did not speak.


Xiao Hua smiled, it seems that even after reincarnation, this arrogant temper will not change!

"I'll help you~"

Xiao Hua didn't wait for Gu Yanshi to speak any more, raised his hand and grabbed it, and took both Gu Yanshi and Duotian's good fortune pen.

"I rely on~"

Dutian good luck pen exclaimed, "Do you know?"

It's a pity that it was too late to leave the dazzling good fortune pen at this time. Xiao Hua directly sent it and Gu Yanshi into the space. This is the only way to get out of the tiger's den and enter the wolf's den!

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