Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2572: Firefly light


"Haha, haha~"

Gu Junshi laughed and looked at the surrounding undulating mountains and the clouds and mists above the sky. With a wave of his arm, he said, "In my eyes, Lingxu City is nothing but this, Red Cliff is nothing but that. The whole heaven... But that's all! I will definitely take you and the Temple of the God of War on the heavens!!"

Worship appeared in the eyes of the four war generals, looking at Gu Yanshi excitedly, and exclaimed: "Yes, my lord, we know that you are the **** of war above ten thousand people. You are the famous dragon king in the universe, and we must swear allegiance to the dragon king in the universe. !"

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Gu Junshi looked at the four great generals and said, "You are the four great generals of my God of War: Tribulation, Destruction, Attack, and Kill. How could I forget you when I reached the top?"

With that, Gu Junshi pointed to the thin warrior at the moment, and said: "I still remember you, Jie, when I first built the Temple of War, you were the first warrior under my command. , When you wiped out the grass bandits in Wanxie Village, you led people to kill one day and one night, killing more than 350 people! The blood soaked your battle robe!"

The warlord Jie was full of tears, fell on one knee, and said: "Speaking of that battle, the warlord would also like to thank the Dragon King for his life-saving grace. If it weren't for the adult's panacea, the warlord would have died on the battlefield."

"And you~"

Gu Junshi looked at the brown-skinned general and said, "Mie, you follow me to attack Tianxiangzhai in the north of Lingxu City. I remember that Tianxiangzhai is easy to defend and difficult to attack. You took your own brother and ventured in. If it weren't for you Opening their doors in the chaos, my Temple of War does not know how many disciples will be killed or injured!"

"Dragon King~"

The face of the warlord killed incomparable admiration, and he also fell on one knee, and said, "The final general can't compare with the adults. The final general remembers clearly, although the final general opened the door, but the eighteenth hall of Tianxiangzhai Everyone has the strength of Yuqing people, if it weren't for the adults to fight, they would have died long ago!"

Gu Junshi smiled slightly, then looked at the other two black and thin warriors, and said: "There are two of you, attacking and killing two warriors. You have not been with me for long, but you are fighting in the west of Lingxu City. In the south of Zhejiang Province and the Palace of Heavenly Kings, they both made great contributions!"

The generals who attacked and killed the two warriors did not dare to neglect, and they knelt down, Qi Qi said: "I am waiting for the record to compare with the dragon king, but the firefly and the bright moon, the dragon king is famous in the Lingxu City, and the Megatron Quartet, who is disrespectful, who People dissatisfied?"

"Haha, get up, get up~"

Gu Junshi laughed and raised the Four Great Wars, and said, "The reason why I mentioned this is to tell you that I have all your achievements in my heart. I changed my name to Lingxu City for so long. It is to find the things left by the ancestors."

"The reason why I succumbed to the Xu family is also because the old man of the Xu family kept this secret for me. Now I have found this place. I, you, are still my more than ten thousand disciples in the Temple of War, and will be reborn in the future!"

"Thanks for the gift of the Dragon King!"

The Four World Wars will add surprises.

"You wait to retreat~"

Gu Yanshi waved his hand, took out an object, and raised his hand to sacrifice in midair.

This thing seems to be a picture of eight horses, with eight horses on it. The horses are abnormal and have different shapes.

The most surprising thing is that these eight horses look like paintings, but they are actually embroidered with needles and silk threads.

Gu Yanshi bit his finger and raised his hand to spot blood on the eyes of the eight horses!


The eight horses neighed together, galloping out from the eight horses, and rushed towards the crimson rock in front of their heads.

The first one was a white horse, and the white horse rushed into the rock, immediately tore the space into a gap, and then rushed into it like a white horse.

Then the seven horses rushed in, tearing open the gap, and a huge breath rushed out from the gap!

"it is good!"

Gu Zhuoshi was overjoyed and was about to fly in.


Unexpectedly, near the gap, there was a sound of dragon roar.

Gu Junshi's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly rushed to Ji Mie to attack and kill the four generals and shouted: "Four generals under the Temple of War~"

The four war generals looked terrified, and bowed together: "The end is here!!"

"Listen to my War God Order!"

Gu Junshi's resolute face showed a sneer, pointed at the place where the dragon roars, and commanded, "Jijiie attacked and killed the four major divisions, set up the battle of the gods, and confronted the alien race!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The Fourth World War will roar excitedly, "These dragons dare to invade my human domain and offend the Dragon King Tianyan. They will kill!!"

(Ahem~ The above content is purely fictitious, please don't check in!)

About ten days later, the blood-covered Gu Yanshi pushed open the door of a large hall and walked in slowly.

Inside the hall, there was nothing but a portrait hanging above the head.

Gu Junshi walked to the portrait, with an inexplicable expression on his face, looking at the portrait.

The portrait is an old man with a rare face. His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Gu Yanshi. His eyes are as bright as stars, and he is looking at Gu Yanshi.

After a stick of incense, Gu Zhu went to the world to bow and salute: "Old man, I have come to see you!"

"What do you call me?"

On the portrait, a faint voice sounded.

Gu Junshi was not surprised. He said faintly, "What do you want me to be? Grandpa Grandpa, Grandpa Grandpa Grandpa? I don't know how many generations you are the ancestor of my Gu family!"

"What is your attitude?"

On the contrary, the voice of the portrait was surprised, Qi Dao, "I won't say the name, can I even kowtow?"

"Old man~"

Gu Junshi said lazily, "I've been kicked out of Gu's house, do you still want me to kowtow?"

"what happened?"

Gu Yueshi talked about what happened to him in the Gu family, and about being a son-in-law. Finally, he said, "Old man, Gu family has become like this. Do you still think about etiquette?"

"I know that there are things you left for the younger generation here, and you can do it if you don't give it to me, then wait for it to be buried here for ancient times!"

"I believe that it is impossible to find here again with those ineffective Gu family disciples!"

The voice of the portrait has been silent for a long When Gu Yanshi was about to lose patience, he asked, "Why do you have dragon blood on your body?"

"I don't know what's going on these four weeks, some sturdy mad dragons appeared~"

Gu Junshi looked down at himself, and said, "If it weren't for me to be brave and good at fighting, how could it be possible to come in? And your weak junior disciples would never be here."


The voice of the portrait hesitated and said, "I believe you, but I still want to ask, what's the situation with my Gu family now?"

"This one……"

Gu Junshi scratched his head a little and said, "There are so many records in the genealogy. Where do you want me to start? Forget it, let's not talk about the prosperity of the Gu family. After all, your father is not only famous for his secret paintings, but also Proficient in astronomy, geography, worms and tortoises, and strange characters in insects and seals, they know everything. Gu's unique knowledge is the same in Huangcheng.

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