Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2567: Dao Lunyin's counterattack with Duotianzaohua pen

Unfortunately, for thousands of years, things are different, even if there are mountains and forests, where are the previous trees?

Even the wasteland that Yinghuo burned back then has now grown grass.


Looking at the gloomy grassland, Yinghuo let out a long sigh, and said, "I'm finally relieved!"

Seeing Yinghuo's relief, Li Nianxiao showed a smile on his face and said, "People are wrong, as long as they are corrected."


Yinghuo glared at Li Nianxiao, and said, "Is there you talking to auntie like this?"

Li Nianxiao backed away embarrassed.

"Excuse me~"

Just as he said, a young man in Jinyi walked out from behind the rocks in the distance. The young man looked at Xiao Hua and the other three, and said respectfully, "May I ask the descendants of the predecessor Yinghui?"


Yinghuo was stunned, and said, "I...I am Yinghuo? Where did the descendants come from?"

After that, Yinghuo glanced at Li Nianxiao naturally.

This look seemed casual, but when it fell into Li Nianxiao's eyes, it was like thunder. With a "buzz," he was immediately stunned.

"She... what is she looking at me?"

"Why would she look at me when talking about posterity?"


The young man in Jinyi looked at Yinghuo in surprise, and after a while, he muttered: "No...yes, the portrait left by the ancestor is like that of the predecessor, but...but this has been more than a thousand years, you... Any changes?"

"what does it mean?"

Ying looked at the young man in confusion.


The young man in Jinyi took out a yellowed paper and said respectfully, "This is left by the ancestor of Xiaosheng, saying that he wants to return the copper plate of the senior at this gifted grassland. Xiaosheng, no, even the ancestors of the previous generations of Xiaosheng have come to look for seniors. But I have never encountered it."


Yinghuo was also excited. She looked at the Jinyi boy inconceivably and lost her voice, "It has been a thousand years, it's just a copper plate..."

"Senior is wrong!"

The Jinyi boy laughed and said, "Although a copper plate is small, it did save the great grace of the ancestors of the Xiaosheng. Even though it has been thousands of years, the Xiaosheng family dare not forget it!"

After speaking, the young man in Jin Yi asked, "Senior, can I take a look at the IOU of the year?"

"Of course," Jinyi boy added, "If it doesn't, it's okay. After all, it's not a senior, it's impossible to know this."


Yinghuo took out the loan receipt and handed it to the young man in Jin Yi. The young man in Jin Yi looked at it and said, "It really is a senior, that's right."

The young man in Jinyi immediately took out a copper plate and said: "The one hundred and twenty-three benefactors who rescued the ancestors of the Xiaosheng, the Xiaosheng family has found and returned the copper plate, and the senior is the last one. After the copper plate is returned, the Xiaosheng can finally grow longer. Excited!"

Yinghuo did not expect such an ending. She solemnly took the copper plate and said, "Okay!"

Then, she looked at the IOU in Jinyi Youth's hand and tentatively said, "This IOU...Can I keep it?"

"Senior, what do you mean?"

The Jinyi boy was a little puzzled.

"I want to be a memorial~"

Yinghuo explained, "This...this is the first good thing I have done in my life!"

"no problem!"

The young man in Jinyi thought about it a little, and handed both the IOUs to Yinghuo, and said, "Senior, please take it away!"

"I only need this one~"

Yinghuo picked up what she had just given, and said, "Keep this for yourself!"

"I... I keep it for myself??"

The young man in Jinyi was satisfied.

At this time, Li Nianxiao ghostly stretched out his hand, took the other one, and said, "I want this one!"

Seeing Li Nianxiao taking the IOU, Ying puzzled and said, "What do you mean?"

Just as Li Nianxiao was about to speak, Xiao Hua, who had been watching quietly next to him, suddenly poke his hand, grabbed the Jinyi boy’s wrist, and said with a smile: “I’ve been a poor Dao for thousands of years, but I never thought that you came to this world. It’s really interesting to be transformed into a pen, but reborn as a human being."

"You... what do you mean??"

The young man in Jin Yi looked at Xiao Hua in surprise, not knowing what Xiao Hua was talking about.


Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, and you can receive them as long as you pay attention. Please seize the opportunity for the last benefit at the end of the year. Public Account [Book Friends Base Camp]

Yinghuo and Li Nianxiao exclaimed, they immediately retreated, surrounded the young man in Jinyi, and exclaimed, "He is the perfect pen?"

"Not bad!"

Xiao Hua's fingers moved slightly with blue light, and the figure of the young man in Jinyi melted like water, gradually revealing the body of the Heavenly Creation Pen. Xiao Hua's eyes were like electricity and said lightly, "He is the Heavenly Creation Pen, no wonder I Can't find its trace, it turns out it has such a good fortune!"

"It's just that cleverness is wronged by cleverness. You are self-catching!"

The young man in Jin Yi struggled as hard as he could, but couldn't get rid of it anyway.


The body of the Jinyi boy exploded and turned into a colorful cloud, and the body of the heavenly good fortune pen was revealed.

It's just that the voice of the young man in Jinyi came out from the dazzling good fortune pen: "Do you think I am clever but was mistaken by cleverness? As everyone knows, you have fallen into my trap!"

"What do you mean?"

Even Xiao Hua did not understand.

However, just at this moment, a little ink appeared on the tip of the Duotian Good Fortune Pen. With a light touch, it fell on Xiao Hua's wrist holding the Duty Good Fortune Pen!


When the ink fell, weird rumblings appeared all around, and cracks spread to all parts of the world with the sound!

"Damn it!"

"This is Dao Lunyin!"

Xiao Hua exclaimed, and just under this great road, the ink finally landed on Xiao Hua's wrist!

Although Xiao Hua is a Confucian figure of mind and spirit, he is self-contained. In fact, he is not afraid of being contaminated by the soul of the red dust.

As for the ink spot, the colorful flowers emerged immediately, spreading rapidly toward Xiao Hua's body surface.

"Xiao Wenheng~"

Yinghuo exclaimed, " are contaminated with the Red Dust Soul!!"


Looking at Xiao Hua's hand with a heavy mist growing out of her hand, with a little bit of soul in her hand, she laughed wildly, "You still want to catch me? Have you dreamed!!"

Along with the wild laugh, the dazzling good fortune pen looked around again.

"not good!"

Li Nianxiao was in a hurry, he didn't even want to rush to Yinghuo to block her, and said anxiously, "Don't move!"


Somewhat unruly, UU reading looked at Li Nianxiao in front of her with some willful fascination. She wanted to curse at first, but when the words came to her lips, she was suddenly moved in her heart, and she swallowed the words for life.

Seeing Li Nianxiao's back like a wall, a trace of rare tenderness flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Hua couldn't care about the tenderness of Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo's children. He was slightly angry, and there was a thunder light between his fingers, and he pointed it on the pen.

In the "Kachacha" pen, the great rhyme of the great Zhoutian is broken.

However, while Xiao Hua was using his magical powers, the world that had been destroyed by the Heaven-Sweeping Creation Pen collapsed with a hum.

That's it for today's story. I hope everyone can learn something from the story of the Red Dust Soul, and we will resume two more changes tomorrow.

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