Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2563: Red Dust Soul

Xiao Hua gave Li Nianxiao a chance, but the perfect fortune pen didn't give jǐyán (jǐyán) a chance. The chase of jǐyán (jǐyán) actually went after a few months.

Xiao Hua himself did not expect that the Heavenly Destiny Pen could escape so much!

Of course, jǐyán (jǐyán) is also absolutely powerful. This guy flies more and more bravely, and the endless charm of the surroundings falls into its body like waves, and Xiao Hua can feel its aura rising steadily.

As for Yinghuo and Li Nianxiao, even though Yinghuo repeatedly requested, Xiao Hua did not agree to send her into the immortal space.

A joke, although Yinghuo didn't point out, Xiao Hua also knew that she must be a well-known figure in the Heavenly Court behind her. Xiao Hua could not reveal his spatial secrets; and Xiao Hua managed to create a chance for Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo to live alone. , How could Xiao Hua distract Yingluo from others?

Therefore, for several years, Xiao Hua practiced alone, and Li Nianxiao accompanied Yingzhu, chatting, or practicing, and the flames of Li Nianxiao's Qiqiao were finally extinguished by Yingzhu himself.

Li Nianxiao was actually a little anxious. He wanted to cultivate, while Yinghuo rarely practiced. Most of the time, he told stories from the past. Even if it was cultivation, he still tasted nothing. This is not the same as himself!

Fortunately, although Yinghuo didn't practice very much, she had a good vision, and even had some rare secret techniques. For the sake of secret techniques, Li Nianxiao had settled down and called her sister aunt.

Yinghuo also enjoys calling her sister-in-law, so the relationship between the two has been maintained in the past few years.

"I really followed his father!"

Xiao Hua sometimes took a peek at Li Nianxiao and couldn't help but worry about him, but there was no way. People's personality was born and there was no way to change it.


On this day, Xiao Hua was sitting cross-legged, suddenly raised his brows, got up and smiled, "This guy finally..."

However, before Xiao Hua's voice fell, his smile condensed on his face!


Jǐyán (jǐyán) also roared to the sky in anger, his wings converged, and the sound of wind and thunder disappeared.

But seeing a thin layer of cloud and mist in the distance, this cloud and mist looked like smoke and dust under the sun. The smoke and dust vaporized with the light and disappeared in the void, but gave birth to strange strands of pitch black.

"What happened??"

Yinghuo jumped up, looked at the mist in the distance, and shouted in a fuss, "What happened?"

"Duotian good fortune pen hides in this cloud..."

Xiao Hua pointed to Yunwu and explained, "And there is something else in this cloud!"

"haha I know!"

A leaping smile appeared on Yinghuo's face, and laughed, "This is the Red Dust Soul, something similar to the mayfly in the water. It often grows on the edge of the heaven's innate aura. As long as we pass this layer of clouds, we will return to the heaven. ."

"Red Soul Soul?"

Xiao Hua frowned slightly, watching the clouds and mists show their views.

This didn't matter, Xiao Hua's eyes were surprised.

Because he previously thought that this layer of cloud and mist was just a similar little thousand world, with some conscious spirit in it.

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But in fact, it's much more than that.

There are some spirits in this thin cloud, but this cloud is not the Little Thousand World that Xiao Hua had seen before. It seems to have a similar time law, or an existence similar to reincarnation.

On the side of the cloud and mist close to the normal space of the sky, there are strands of bronze-colored air filaments infiltrating, these air filaments condense into flower bones in the cloud and mist; when the flower bones approach the center of the cloud with the surging, the flower bones bloom, and there are spirits inside. The essence is like a flower bud, dancing slowly; within a few breaths, the essence will reach the side of the cloud and mist close to the void; at this time, these bud-like essences will begin to wither and wither, and when they touch the void, they will turn into mottled aura; As for this aura, it evaporates from the clouds and becomes nothingness.

"Red dust spirit, mayfly in the water~"

Xiao Hua sighed, "There are so many things in the world, this thin cloud of mist is actually a reincarnation..."

"Come, come, Xiao Wenheng, I'll help you!"

Yingzhu stayed in the void for long enough, so she raised her hand without waiting for Xiao Hua to answer, and a crimson flame flew out.

The enchanting flames were weird. Just as they flew out, the "Woo" near the void was immediately ignited, especially those clouds and mists, which did not wait for the flames to hit them, and had already given birth to filaments.


A cry of wailing came from within the clouds!


Seeing this, Xiao Hua was shocked and hurriedly raised his hand and pointed, "Swiping" the flames near the area immediately went out, even the flames in the clouds disappeared.

Even so, the thin layer of clouds gave birth to a lot of grayish white like moss!

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Hua turned around and shouted angrily.

"No... what did you do?"

Yinghuo was angry when she saw Xiao Hua for the first time, she was a little afraid and stammered in answer.

Xiao Hua escaped from the view and asked with a green face, "Why use fire?"

"What's wrong with burning with fire?"

Yingluo's neck stiffened, and she retorted, "You have to go from here, how can you expel the Red Dust Soul without burning?"

"Do you not know?"

"Neither the genre nor the literary flower can be contaminated with the red spirit!"

"I do not know!"

Xiao Hua said word by word, "I only know that you burned a lot of lives, and they wailed in your flames, and the pain disappeared!"

"Is that right?"

Yinghuan looked at Xiao Hua disdainfully, and sneered, "Xiao Wenheng, are you too hypocritical? These are the red spirits. To say that they are mayfly in the water is to look at them. In fact, they are like smoke and dust, not life at all. !"

At this time Yinghuo exposed her true side, revealing the respect and strangeness, she was essentially a self-righteous heir to heaven, a arrogant little fairy.

Li Nianxiao frowned first. After more than a year of getting along, he had a very good impression of Yinghuo, but he didn't expect that Yinghuo would ruin this impression before flying out of the void.

Of course, UU Reading www.uukā Yinghuo doesn’t care about Li Nianxiao’s views at all. She urges: “Xiao Hua, although the dazzling good fortune pen falls into it, with your strength, it should be easy to take the red spirit souls around thousands of miles away. Imprisoned, found it out."

"You have taken a pen, let's go quickly, I can't wait to see the majesty of Hongya."

Although Li Nianxiao is an immortal of the Nine Palaces, he has no ability to observe, so he doesn't know what happened. He can only look at Xiao Hua.


There is no need for Xiao Hua to speak, jǐyán (jǐyán) gave a low growl, as if dissatisfied with Yinghua, and even when jǐyán (jǐyán) snarled, he was very careful not to ruin the cloud.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, used to look forward to the present, do not smoke a day, etc. </div>

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