Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2559: Great fortune pen


Xiao Hua shrugged and replied.

"If you only talk about the Gu family, you may not agree to it, because the Gu family is too small compared to Qunyulou~"

Yinghuo said again, "He will definitely use the sign of Wenqu Shenggong to make you feel that you have a bright future in Qunyulou instead of in Xianfu."

"Of course, you must have mentioned Huangcheng Academy to him, and he must also say that you are nothing more than a tribute to the immortal, and you may not be taken seriously when you arrive at Huangcheng Academy. In this way, he will naturally mention the Tianshu Academy and let him You transition to the Tianshu Academy, and wait until you have cultivated to Yuqing Renxian, and then send you to Huangcheng Academy..."

"Xiao Wenheng, you were deceived by Gu Wei!!!"

Yinghuo suddenly said loudly, as if she was about to wake up the person in her dream.

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "You know a lot!"

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"Of course~"

Ying confused triumphantly said, "I came to Qunyu City to do a lot of homework! Otherwise, how dare to come over?"

After that, Yinghuo hurriedly reminded Xiao Hua: "Xiao Wenheng, what I said is true. In fact, whether you choose the twelfth floor or even any Five-City Academy, you just can't choose Gu's family!!"

"Gu's family has come to an end! You will find your own way if you go!!"

"While we haven't reached the Xuhuangcheng yet, um, or maybe we have reached the Xuhuangcheng, let's run away if we take the time, ok?

Seeing Yinghuo's appearance doesn't seem to be false, Xiao Hua asked, "Although Xiaomou doesn't know if you are right or not, do you think Xiaomou is afraid?"

"If Xiao Mou doesn't want to go, Gu Wei, and can these Yuqing immortals force Xiao Mou?"


Yinghuo was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of Xiao Hua's strengths that do not match his chanting realm, then opened her mouth and laughed, and said, "Look at you, you said you didn't go to Hongya for me! You! You are not afraid of Gu Wei, and you know the decline of the Tianshu Academy, so you still choose to listen to Gu Wei's words, don't you just want to protect me to Red Cliff?"

"There are too many people in this world who look forward to narcissism!"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Not one more of you!"


Yinghuo smiled, leaning over and asking, "Also, have you known my identity a long time ago, and came to Qunyu City deliberately before me?"


Xiao Hua waved his hand, and said in disgust, "Who knows who you are!"

"You don't know who I am, why are you stealing my Wenheng!"

Ying confused her little mouth and said, "You have broken my plan by smashing it in."

Yinghuo's thoughts were very jumpy, but Xiao Hua said nothing but a word: "What? Do you think you can escape his arrangement??"

Although Xiao Hua didn't say who "he" was, Yinghuo did not speak anymore, her expression dimmed.


After a long while, Ying Zhuo rolled her eyes and asked, "You won the only Wenheng in the Heavenly Court, what pen did you get?"


Xiao Hua raised his brows and said, "How did you know Wen Heng got the colored pen?"


Yingluo curled his lips and said, "For those who have won the first prize in the Sixth Apocalypse Selection, there are visions in the Wufeng Pavilion. It is a pen, meaning that the pen is shocked by the wind and rain..."

Speaking of this, Yinghuo even said sourly: "You, Wenheng, the only one in the heavenly court, took the Apocalypse's Choice Xiaosanyuan. How could Gu Wei, an immortal official in the sacred palace of Wenqu, not give you a little bargain?"

"Even if I give you a real ink brush, Wenqu Shenggong won't say anything!"

Xiao Hua didn't expect that there were so many joints in it. He smiled and took out the colored pen.


Seeing the colored pens, Yinghuo exclaimed first, "This...this is a magical pen? How is it possible?"


Xiao Hua was also surprised. He thought it was just a symbol of Wen Heng, but he didn't expect it to be an amazing pen!

Only then did Xiao Hua take a closer look.

Sure enough, the rich rhyme of the great number of weeks and days within the colored pen condense into an independent world, and there are not only inexplicable sounds, but also various anomalies such as flowers, birds, insects and fish.

"Xiao Wenheng~"

Yinghuo said jealously, "This amazing pen is amazing. I heard that it comes with Dao Lun Yin, with one magical power and one murderous every stroke!"

"So amazing!"

With emotion, Xiao Hua suddenly moved in his heart and realized something clearly. What is the meaning of Gu Wei in this amazing good luck pen? It is clearly Zhaoming Qitian recording bribes himself, not allowing himself to tell the truth about Junxuan, and avoid Zhaoming. Qitianlu loses his ugliness!

It's just that Xiao Hua doesn't major in Confucianism, and he already has Yabi, which is somewhat tasteless.

"Xiao Wenheng~"

Ying was confused and looked at the Heavenly Creation Pen and said, "Can I try your Heavenly Creation Pen?"

"You are afraid that you have no strength to use it!"

Xiao Hua hit Yingluo mercilessly.

"I just look at it~"

Yinghuo actually said coquettishly, "Don't forget, if it weren't for you, this amazing pen is mine!"

"All right, all right!"

Xiao Hua had no choice but to throw the Divine Good Fortune Pen to Yinghua.

I don’t know, Yinghuo just got the dazzling good fortune pen, a "hum" burst of noise came out of the colored pen, and then "hum", a rather unruly cold snort sounded, and the nib of the colored pen suddenly came out A crack, the magic pen disappeared within the crack instantly!


Xiao Hua smiled, raised his hand and grabbed it, and said, "It's a colorful pen with personality!"

However, where Xiao Hua's big hand was, his smile really condensed on his face.

Because there are countless rhymes in the space cracks, the colored pens are actually integrated into the rhymes, even Xiao Hua can't fully explore!

Even where Xiao Hua was imprisoned, there was no trace of the crayons at all.


Xiao Hua didn't even think about it, raised his hand to catch Yinghuo, and his figure turned into a cloud of Xia Yun and then chased into the void.

"what happened??"

Xiao Hua didn't particularly cover up, so as soon as he left, the Yuqing people on the jade cart immediately found they immediately flew over.

"Xiao has something suddenly~"

Xiao Hua's voice came slowly, "You wait and go to the academy first, Xiao will come afterwards!"

"How can this work?"

Several Yuqing people were in a hurry, but Gu Wei had been instigated by a thousand warnings, and must not let Xiao Hua leave halfway, must be sent to the Xuhuangcheng, to the Tianshu Academy!

However, just as they were about to fly into the Void Crack, they were suddenly stunned. The text in the Void Crack was like a sea, like a stormy sea, they did not have the strength to fly into it!

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, once looked forward to the present and so on.

That's it for today's update.

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